Canadians would benefit from their country becoming part of the United States
by Edward Ulrich, December 15, 2024

Canadians would gain many freedoms if their country would become states of the U.S.
(Also note the Great Lakes would become a distinctive feature of the country on maps. Perhaps the areas along its shorelines would become more populated as a result. Image from Wikipedia.)
It is interesting to see the Hollywood celebrities who “threaten to move to Canada” for whatever reason, yet they never do.
Canada, like all British Commonwealth countries, is not nearly as free of a country as the United States is, where technically it is a “Constitutional Monarchy” while the United States is a “Constitutional Republic.”
The difference between the two types of governments becomes very pronounced when it matters the most— such as during the Covid lockdown and with Canada’s recent gun confiscation agendas for example.
The U.S. has a lot of problems too, but its system of government was designed to prevent tyrannical rule, where it had to fight a war to free itself from many of the problems that the British Commonwealth countries and also the European Union countries currently have.
It can be argued that the problems in the U.S. are due to the laziness of its citizens who haven’t been bothering to become better informed and improve their situations, whereas in other countries it is exponentially more difficult for their citizens to make changes due to the roadblocks that exist in the configurations of their governments.
Donald Trump has recently been in the media due to making a joke about making Canada a part of the U.S., and Establishment communicators such as late night talk show hosts have been ridiculing him for the comments, attempting to create an impression that Trump’s hubris was outrageous since Canada is “a place of enlightenment” as opposed to “the ignorant and backward U.S.,” etc..
Trump also strangely “played along” with the Establishment’s narrative in some sort of weird gaslighting where he posted a Tweet of himself with a Canadian flag looking out over the Matterhorn mountain, which is actually located in Switzerland:
Thats the Matterhorn.
— Roshan Rinaldi (@Roshan_Rinaldi) December 4, 2024
It's in Switzerland, Einstein.
Despite the political Establishment constantly attempting to make the rest of the world think that the U.S. is “backward,” Canadians would find that they would benefit very much from becoming states of the U.S., and there would be benefits for the U.S. as well. Such an acquisition could also be done in a way where conservative and liberal parts of the country could be made their own states in order to maintain a balance between the two.
Canada and the other British Commonwealth countries have tyrannical governments
The European Union countries have many of the same problems as the British Commonwealth countries
The United States is the only truly free country
Canada becoming U.S. states would be beneficial for everyone, but North America degrading more into the totalitarian NAU would be a terrible situation
I happened to see this article that I think is rightly frightened of Trump’s recent rhetoric and other occurrences, where it speculates that an agenda of Quebec attempting to secede from Canada is a trick to create a pretext to dissolve the country into sub-states in order to drag the entire continent more into the totalitarian North American Union (NAU)— where each of the newly formed fragments of Canada would be subservient to the central banks operating behind the front of the Communist UN, just as the situation currently is within the EU.
See this video and this video that explain what the North American Union is. Also see this video that explains why the configuration of the European Union is so harmful.
However, if Canada were instead to simply become states of the United States, its people would become much more free than they ever have been, due to the structure of the U.S. being a “Constitutional Republic” rather than a “Constitutional Monarchy” as Canada is.
While both systems of governments may seem similar on the surface, there are actually significant differences between them.
For example, Canadians would once again be allowed to own guns to protect themselves that are currently being confiscated, they wouldn’t be forced to take harmful vaccines, and they would be allowed to have free speech, along with many other freedoms.
Of course the Global Elite have their entrenched themselves firmly in the U.S. just like with all of the other countries, but the difference is that people in the U.S. are more able to improve their situations if they would become informed and organized enough, whereas people in Canada and other countries are for all intents and purposes stuck in their situations, or at least it would be much more difficult for them to make any significant changes to their situations. (See the section in this article entitled “The United States is the only truly free country.”)
Canada and the other British Commonwealth countries have tyrannical governments
Those who think the British Commonwealth countries are not tyrannical need only to remember their harmful behavior during the Covid lockdown
While on the surface countries such as Canada, the UK, and Australia may appear to allow the same types of freedoms that people have in the U.S., it is actually not the case. The people in those countries always get the worst of the Elite’s malicious agendas when compared to the U.S.
During the Covid lockdown the Canadian government grossly exaggerated the danger of the virus as most other governments also did, however its response to it was among the most tyrannical of Western countries, where it forced vaccinations on most Canadians including young children, despite the fact that the government must have known that the shots were useless as well as harmful and even deadly. (link)
Due to the draconian rules that Canada imposed, it is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, where it is reported that more than 85% of its citizens above the age of five had been fully vaccinated by 2022. (link)
The government also imposed tyrannical prohibitions on gatherings of people, even within their own homes, and travelers arriving in Canada were required to quarantine themselves at an “approved hotel” at their own expense for a mandatory 14-day period while they awaited test results and were subject to “increased surveillance.” (link)
The UK, Australia, and many other Western counties also implemented similar policies requiring incoming travelers to quarantine themselves at their own expense. (link)
This is footage recorded Quebec that shows police raiding a man’s home after a neighbor reported that he was hosting six people in his house, which was one more person than the mandated limit of five. Note the video contains profanity. (link)
Then in January 2022 it was mandated that international truckers entering the country were required to be fully vaccinated, which inspired a “protest convoy” by hundreds of truckers in downtown Ottawa, that evolved into a general protest against all of Canada’s tyrannical vaccine mandates. Justin Trudeau responded to the protest by freezing the bank accounts of the truckers and freezing the bank accounts of people who donated to them, even people who donated only $50. (link and link)
These FreedomToons videos depict the situation with the trucker convoy:
The British Commonwealth and other Western countries have been importing Islamism
The Global Elite have been importing and entrenching Jihadist Islam into the British Commonwealth countries as well as most of the other Western countries over the past decades, to the point where Islam and its oppressive culture are projected to overtake native Europeans in countries such as the U.K., Germany, and France. (link)
Muslims are not being brought into such countries to help them “escape” their situations of being oppressed by Islam, but rather they are encouraged to bring their oppressive system with them, which the Western countries go out of their way to accommodate. (link)
Essentially all of Islam, including even the most extreme Islamic groups, is covertly controlled by the Global Elite via Freemasonry. The Elite find Islam to be an ideal system for controlling populations and for other nefarious reasons, so they had taken control of almost all of it starting in the 1800’s. (link)
Westerners are intentionally kept uninformed about the aspects of Islam that make the ideology incompatible with other cultures, as is explained in this article and this video.
This is video of Islamic women recently marching through a Jewish neighborhood in Toronto carrying pictures of swastikas.
Also see this recent article that explains nearly 90% of terror suspects that are entering the U.S. through land borders came through Canada.
Canada has just banned its law-abiding citizens from owning many types of guns, and it will be confiscating such guns from those who already own them
Despite Canadians having a reputation for being “polite, friendly, and peaceful,” its government has just decreed that all law abiding citizens will have many types of their guns confiscated— where this was apparently done in order to render Canadians not able to defend themselves against non-law abiding people who do have guns.
Alex Jones explains that Canada implementing national gun registrations a few years ago was a run-up to the guns now being confiscated.
This AP article explains the situation, where it also explains that the Canadian government is “working with the government of Ukraine to see how the guns can be donated to support the fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”!
Also in Australia most people are not allowed to carry any type of guns, and people are not even allowed to carry a knife!
The British Commonwealth countries ban the entry of peaceful activists who criticize the harmful policies of those countries
This BBC article explains that activists such as Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone had been denied entry into the UK for criticizing its harmful Islamic immigration policies, where the UK labeled them as “racists” whose planned activities posed “a serious threat to the fundamental interests of society and are likely to incite tensions between local communities in the United Kingdom.”
This article explains more details of Lauren Southern being denied entry into the UK.
Meanwhile the UK allows any and all Muslims without any identification to come across its borders to live no matter how extreme they may be, where many are even militants who fought in wars against the West.
Canada has been at the forefront of imposing harmful “LGBTQ+” agendas on their populations
Canada has among the most extreme “LGBTQ+” agendas in the world, where it bans conversion therapy nationwide for both minors and adults, and it promotes the full range of gay marriage, gay adoption, and transvestite agendas.
This website explains Canada’s federal “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan.”
This article explains that the Toronto police failed to arrest naked men at a Gay Sex pride parade because “it wasn’t in the public’s interest.”
This article explains that Canadian government lawyers are requesting jail time for a pastor who protested a “drag queen story hour” at a library.
This article explains that an Ontario city councillor is facing tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees after opposing “pride” flags and drag shows, where she could be liable for over $20,000 in legal fees, and possibly $50,000 more if she loses her legal battle.
The European Union countries have many of the same problems as the British Commonwealth countries
Most Europeans are kept naive about how harmful the European Union organization is
Most Europeans do not understand much about the European Union other than the fact that it seems to give them a bit more convenience in some ways, where they are constantly told by their media that the organization is a “good thing” while they aren’t told that it strips of them of being able to have any real say about what their government does.
This is a documentary that explains a lot the corruption of the configuration the European Union. It makes some good points, but it doesn’t really address the terrible problems that are happening in Europe because of the out of control immigration that is happening, and surprisingly it even portrays the positive anti-EU politician Marine Le Pen as a hostile and dangerous extremist.
See the article page for the video at this link.
This SNL skit of two girls from Manchester, UK is what the Establishment media wants people to think of the Brexit movement.
Europe is having serious problems due the out-of-control immigration that is happening on that continent
Immigration that has been happening into Europe over the past few decades has been so extreme that the native culture of the continent is projected to disappear soon, due to the high birth rates of the mostly Muslim migrants while the birth rates of native Europeans has been falling.
Additionally, conflicts have often been occurring on the continent due to cultural differences between the incoming migrants and the native Europeans.
The video “Muslim Demographics” has been popular since 2009 talking about the situation of the native populations of Europe being increasingly replaced by the incoming populations of mostly Muslim immigrants.
The video supplies a lot of statistics, and debunkers have found minor issues with a few of its facts, yet the premise of the video is sound nonetheless. See its video page for an examination of issues that a BBC video claims to have found with it.

This video shows the shocking situation outside of the large Calais refugee camp in France in 2015. The camp was located close to the entry of the Channel Tunnel into England.
I have re-edited this from the original video that I found on the internet. See its video page at this link.
See this article and this article that explain many of those issues, and see this article that contains much information about issues with Islam.
(Also see this recent article that explains half of the first graders in Vienna, Austria are not able to speak German.)
Europe is also being destroyed by supposedly “progressive” values being imposed on its people
This video explains the Global Elite’s agenda of emasculating the people in Europe out of existence through trying to turn them into homosexuals.
The United States is the only truly free country
Most of the agendas that the global elite have been imposing on the British Commonwealth and EU countries are also being attempted to be implemented in the U.S. as well, however people in the U.S. have an easier time pushing back on that those agendas since its system of government has been designed to guard against tyrannical rule.
The United States is a form of government called a “Constitutional Republic,” while Canada is a “Constitutional Monarchy.”
See the following documentary video that explains why the configuration of the United States is much better than any other country in the world. (Also see its article page for written descriptions of the videos.)
The documentary also explains the true meaning of the terms “left wing” and “right wing.” (Note that the political Establishment has had an agenda of making Europeans confused about those terms in order to ensure that they are tricked into remaining as leftists. See this article about that issue.)
Overview of America: Video 1 of 2
Overview of America: Video 2 of 2
(Note that it is true that Americans are sometimes not necessarily well-educated, however. For example this video is another one showing people on the street in California not being able to point to any countries on a map. But of course the U.S. has a very broad spectrum of types of people living in it.)