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Compare a recent Donald Trump rally to a Kamala Harris rally

 by Edward Ulrich, October 30, 2024

This article compares Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden in New York with a Kamala Harris rally, explaining issues with each.

Trump’s speech at Madison Square Garden, October 27, 2024

In Donald Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden in New York he detailed many of his agendas, where essentially all of them are in the favor of the well-being of the United States.

Trump does have issues though such as the needlessly strange and divisive ways that he often communicates, however he is certainly preferable to a Harris administration nonetheless.

The Harris campaign and leftist media outlets claimed that it was literally a Nazi rally, where MSNBC actually even showed footage of a Nazi rally that happened at that location in 1939 in an attempt to make a comparison. (link)  Many Jewish people who attended the rally are now speaking out about those ridiculous claims. (link, link, and link)

It is true that a comedian spoke at the rally who made bigoted jokes, however. (link)  The Trump campaign has since distanced itself from the speaker, (link) but nonetheless it doesn’t explain why he was chosen to speak in the first place.  Presumably he was chosen by the political Establishment to be presented later in sound bites that are intended to aid the opposition.

Ultimately Trump should be considered to be controlled by the same global elite that controls all presidents, however he would not implement nearly as many of their harmful agendas as Harris would since he at least advocates for many of the most appropriate actions to be taken.  It will be up to Trump’s supporters to criticize him more appropriately and hold him to his word this time if they want to achieve better results.

Kamala Harris’ full speech at a campaign event in Philadelphia, PA, October 27, 2024

Now watch Harris’ recent speech in Philadelphia where she hyped phony optimism for her dishonest and intentionally harmful potential Presidency.  She mostly didn’t speak about what she plans to do other than saying “we’re not going back” (to how things were before her and Biden’s administration), and whatever agendas she did mention were deceitful.

I don’t think Harris actually even really wants to win the presidency, which she often seems to communicate through behavior such as making miserable and even frightened-seeming facial expressions as if she is trying to say, “My God, do NOT vote for me!”
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