The book “The Globalists and the Islamists” details how Islam has been controlled by the Global Elite since the 1800’s
by Edward Ulrich, February 25, 2025

The book “The Globalists and the Islamists” by Peter Goodgame explains the history of how most of Islam has become controlled by the Global Elite behind the scenes starting in the 1800’s. This well-sourced book details the situation very specifically, including explaining the role of the Muslim Brotherhood as a key mechanism for the elite’s control.
The book explains how the West has employed strategies such as using Islam to prop up puppet dictators, exploiting radical Islam to topple secular leaders of countries, and installing radical anti-Western movements as political leadership in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The book also goes into much detail about the influential Muslim Brotherhood organization, which is a secret society that is associated with Freemasonry which the Global Elite exploits in order to covertly propagate radical Islamism throughout the world.
This book is a great source of information. In this article I have summarized some chapters in more detail than others. Note that this article is not a substitute for the book. Also see the book for its full list of citations.
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From the back cover:
The following study will take a look at the history of the region that America has become entangled in, a region that used to be, and to some degree still is, almost entirely controlled by Britain. Is this current “War On Terror” truly a war to bring freedom to the region and to promote traditional American ideals, or is it a power-play to solidify global American hegemony? And what does Britain have to gain?
Britain appears to be our greatest ally but it must be understood that British geo-strategists are the masters of political manipulation and subversion. Even as the physical British colonial empire was declining in the first half of this century they were already building the framework for a completely global empire based on the legacy of Cecil Rhodes utilizing the resources of the super-capitalists and financiers of New York and London. These elites may be predominantly British and American in nationality, but they reject democracy and the American Constitution and work against the best interests of British, American and international citizens. By studying the history of the Middle East, and the elitist manipulation of it, we can perhaps predict what is to come after this last final push of the American Empire.
Also see the article A Summary of the Article “Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the West’s Terror Arm”.
Part One: “The British, the Middle East, and Radical Islam”
Britain takes the Middle East
Britain and Egypt
The Overthrow of Iran’s First Democracy
The British War Against Nassar
Islam Turns Against the West
Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI, and the BCCI
Part Two: “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon”
The Roots of Islamic Terrorism
Creating the “Arc of Crisis”
The Muslim Brotherhood Branches Out
Osama Bin Laden: The Early Years
Bin Laden In Exile
World Trade Center 1993
Bin Laden’s Money Problems
The Brotherhood Revolution Continues
Britain takes the Middle East
Britain and Egypt
The Overthrow of Iran’s First Democracy
The British War Against Nassar
Islam Turns Against the West
Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI, and the BCCI
Part Two: “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon”
The Roots of Islamic Terrorism
Creating the “Arc of Crisis”
The Muslim Brotherhood Branches Out
Osama Bin Laden: The Early Years
Bin Laden In Exile
World Trade Center 1993
Bin Laden’s Money Problems
The Brotherhood Revolution Continues
Part One: “The British, the Middle East, and Radical Islam”
I. Introduction
The book’s introduction which was written in the fall of 2002 mentions the situation at the time when the Bush Administration’s “War on Terror” was about to invade Iraq, with the British government’s Tony Blair being a key ally in the agenda.
From the book:
[This book] will look at the history of the region that America has become entangled in, a region that used to be, and to some degree still is, almost entirely controlled by Britain.
Britain appears to be our greatest ally but it must be understood that British geo-strategists are the masters of political manipulation and subversion.
The [global elite] may be predominantly British and American in nationality, but they reject democracy and the American Constitution and work against the best interests of British, American, and international citizens.
II. Britain takes the Middle East
This chapter explains how Britain became interested in the oil of the Middle East at around the year 1900 and sought to take control of the region, which was one of the primary reasons for World War I being fomented.
Following are many key points from the chapter:
— As documented in a book by F. William Engdahl entitled “A Century of War— Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order”, Britain’s interest in the Middle East was greatly heightened when they realized that oil was going to replace coal as the primary energy source of the future, where at around the year 1900 Britain had no access to oil and was dependent on America, Russia, and Mexico for its supplies.
— Therefore, the British spy Sidney Reilly and the Australian geologist and engineer William Knox D’Arcy were sent on a mission to secure drilling rights for Persian oil from the Persian monarch Reza Khan, where D’Arcy paid what amounted to $20,000 in cash for rights to extract Persian oil until 1961, along with a 16% royalty from all sales going to the Shah. The British company that was set up became known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which was the forerunner to the massive British Petroleum (BP) company.
— However, even with the supply of Persian oil, Britain was far behind Germany in securing Middle Eastern oil, where prior to World War I Germany had been undergoing an enormous economic expansion which was helped by their alliance with the Ottoman Empire which allowed them access to its oil reserves.
— Germany was working on a railway from Constantinople to Anatolia (in modern day Turkey), but the British made sure the project was never completed through the use of their ally Serbia in order to foment World War I, where a primary motivation for the war was actually so Britain could increase and consolidate their control over the oil in the Middle East.
— At the height of World War I in 1916, the British worked out an agreement with France, Italy, and Russia to carve the Ottoman Empire into Western colonies, which was known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This secret agreement created the boundaries for the present-day countries of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Kuwait. Britain controlled Iraq, Kuwait, Palestine, and Jordan; France controlled Syria and Lebanon; Italy was promised parts of Anatolia and some Mediterranean Islands; and Russia controlled parts of Armenia and Kurdistan.
— During the war Britain diverted over 1.4 million troops to fight the Ottomans, where they achieved an enormous amount of victories in the Middle East, while back in Europe the French lost 1.5 million soldiers and 2.6 million were wounded in the fighting. By 1918 the British general Allenby had become a military dictator over almost the entire Middle East.
— T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was directing an Arab revolt against the Ottomans while promising them that Britain would honor their independence, but those promises were not kept after the war. During the war the Balfour Declaration was also written, which was an endorsement by Britain of the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.
— While fighting the Ottomans the British had the support of two important Arab leaders. The first was Hussein I who ruled the area of Mecca and Medina, and the second was Ibn Saud who was the leader of the tribal Wahhabi sect of central Arabia. Saud benefited from British financing to enhance his position as a religious figure and to gain his power.
— Hussein I was soon betrayed by the British where he was forced to abdicate his throne, and by 1925 Ibn Saud took over his area, where the Saudis have ruled Arabia ever since. Britain made a mistake of losing interest in the Saudis however, which allowed the U.S. Standard Oil company to purchase the rights to search for oil in Saudi Arabia for only $250,000 in 1933, and since that time the Saudi royal family has had a special relationship with the United States.
— A son of Hussein I named Prince Abdullah was given the land of Trans-Jordan to govern and he maintained a strong pro-British stance despite what happened to his father, where the British used him to check the fury of his population when the agenda of the British to establish a Jewish state became known. The Abdullah family still rules the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
— The British are masters at exploiting Islam in order to further their political goals.
— In a book by a Arab historian Said Aburish called “A Brutal Friendship— The West and the Arab Elite”, he identified three phases of the West’s takeover of Islam during the 20th century; where the first phase was immediately after World War I when the Arab leaders had been cheated and betrayed but were still dependent on the British in order for them to rule over their masses.
— Despite being strong, the Abdullah family was thrown out of Mecca and Medina by Ibn Saud, where they were then relocated by the British out of “pity” to rule over Joran and Iraq. The British played the religion card in installing the Abdullahs in their new positions due to the fact that the lineage of the Abdullahs could be traced back to Muhammad.
— The British also installed another descendant of Muhammad named Haj Amin Husseini in Palestine in 1921, where in that country almost all of the elite Arab families found it to be very profitable to be pro-British.
Said Aburish wrote in his book:
All political leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of the Arab leaders. To the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used.
— However the British domination of the Arab peoples using Islam could not last forever, where secular Arab nationalism rose to counter it, being centered around Gamal Abd-al Nassar of Egypt, where his movement wanted to free the Middle East from Western domination while it was also cynical of Islam being used to prop up the elitist’s rule.
III. Britain and Egypt
This chapter explains the history of the West’s control of Egypt until 1958, which started with Napoleon invading the country in 1798 and then the British eventually taking control. Also explained is how the Muslim Brotherhood organization was formed in 1928, initially with a focus on Islamic education and charitable activities.
Following are many key points from the chapter:
— Egypt had been controlled by Britain for more than thirty years before World War I, however at the time the British did not find it as easy to exploit Islam against the population as it was for them in the Ottoman Empire.
— Western influence over Egypt started in 1798 when Napoleon invaded the country to take control of Britain’s trade routes to India, where it was the first time that an Arab Muslim nation was conquered by the West. In response, the British temporarily allied with the Ottomans to take the area for themselves a few years later.
— The British were soon driven out of Egypt by the Ottomans, who then started to modernize the country and start the construction of the Suez Canal, which was finished in 1869. The canal was initially financed by the French, but by the time it was finished France had become controlled by Britain.
— British influence in Egypt slowly increased and their control of the region was eventually accomplished economically rather than militarily, where a British “free-trade” ideology was adopted that caused Egyptian industries to suffer and it plunged Egypt deep into debt. Due to the debt, in 1882 the ruling family of Egypt were required to cede control of the Egyptian economy to Britain, where the British then occupied Egypt until 1956.
— During World War I, nationalist forces within Egypt attempted to rid the country of the British occupiers and they lobbied for international recognition to establish independence, but nothing came of their efforts due to the U.S. siding with Britain.
— In 1928 the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by an Egyptian schoolteacher Hasan al-Banna, being a secret society that was publicly known for its emphasis on Islamic education and for its charitable activities.
— Prior to World War II, British intelligence established ties with the Muslim Brotherhood through an agent named Freya Stark, who was a British adventurer and writer, where the covert associations were initially used to keep track of Germany’s growing presence in North Africa and keep track of the various political movements that were springing up in the Middle East.
— The Muslim brotherhood has since spread throughout the Muslim world, where it is entirely similar in structure as the West’s Masonic brotherhood. [Note that later information in this book details the specific connections between the two.]
— The Muslim Brotherhood eventually became one of the first Islamist fundamentalist terror groups, as explained in detail later in this book.
— When World War II broke out, the British-aligned Wafd party in Egypt supported the allies due to being promised that independence from Britain would be granted following the war, however King Farouk of Egypt actually had sympathies with the axis powers, as did many key members of the Muslim Brotherhood who also favored Germany. They hoped Germany would free them from the British, but it did not happen due to the axis army being defeated in North Africa in 1942.
— After the war, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Waft party agitated against King Farouk and against the British who were not pulling out from Egypt as they promised. Hasan al-Banna was then assassinated by the Egyptian government in 1949, which enraged his supporters even more.
— The Egyptian government reneged on its promise to retain control of the Suez canal from Britain, which caused violent anti-British riots to occur and a group of high-level Egyptian army officers calling themselves the Free Officers engaged in a coup, taking over the country, with a man named Abd-al Nasser taking control of the country as a firm dictator in 1954, where he banned the Muslim Brotherhood and the Wafd Party.
— Nasser began a process of modernizing and industrializing Egypt to assert its independence, and he reached out to the United States and the World Bank to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam, but it was denied, which forced him to turn to the Soviets for help instead.
— Nassar wanted to improve his army and he was offered Western armaments, but only under the condition that he committed his country to British-controlled military alliances. He declined that offer and instead entered into an arms deal with Czechoslovakia in 1955.
— In 1956, Nasser evicted the British from the Suez Canal Zone, and returned the area to total Egyptian control for the first time since 1882.
— Three months later the Suez War began, where Israel took over Gaza in five days, and British and French troops took over the Egyptian Canal Zone. Due to the United Nations condemning the action of the British and French, the Canal was returned to Egypt, which caused Nassar to become a hero to the Arab people and it inspired secular nationalist movements throughout the Middle East.
[Note that the UN also condemned Israel for its actions of taking Gaza, (link and link) but nothing came of that.]
— In 1958 Egypt merged with Syria and formed a movement called the United Arab Republic, and North Yemen aligned with them as well, where the pan-Arab movement was loved by the masses.
— This point in time was the start of the second phase of Western-Islamic relations according to Said Aburish, where the West exploited Islamic fundamentalism as a tool to destabilize and topple regimes that were not controlled by the West.
IV. The Overthrow of Iran’s First Democracy
This chapter details the close relationship between the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and British intelligence in covertly overthrowing the government of Iran to remove its popular leader Dr. Muhammad Mossadegh in 1953, by tricking the population into turning against him.
Mohammad Reza Shah was then installed as the new leader of Iran, and twenty-five years later he was overthrown by the West in the same manner as Mossadegh was in order to install the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini. (link)
Among many other issues, the chapter explains that once Mossadegh came into power, he nationalized Iranian oil which took it from the British owned Anglo-Persian Oil Company that had owned it for 60 years, which was a significant factor in his being overthrown despite him promising to pay 25% of oil profits to Britain as compensation.
V. The British War Against Nassar
This chapter explains how starting in 1955 the CIA and the British MI6 began to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood in order to attempt to overthrow the popular secular president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, where they implemented strategies that the British previously used in exploiting Islam to further their goals.
It explains that the British were frustrated with Nassar’s secular government being one of the toughest enemies of Islamic terrorism which they use as a tool for exploitation, and additionally they became enraged after Nassar retook control of the Suez Canal. Therefore they took actions to attempt to have him removed in a coup, where they took control of radio broadcasts and planted false stories in the BBC claiming that he was planning to take over the entire Middle Eastern oil trade, and they tried to claim that he was sending Egyptian dissidents to concentration camps run by Nazis, for example.
In the end the British attempts at subversion failed however, since Nassar was too popular, which led to the West engaging in a direct military confrontation in Suez in 1956. The international community then sided with Nassar against the British, which forced them to return the Suez Canal to Egypt.
The book explains that low-level British covert wars against Egyptian governments then continued after that point, such as against Nassar until his death, against Anwar Sadat who then took over, and against Hosni Mubarak who took over after him, up until the present day.
VI. Islam Turns Against the West
This chapter explains the third phase of Western-Islamic relations that Said Aburish defined in his book “A Brutal Friendship”— where factions of anti-Western Islamic movements started to assume the political leadership of the masses of the Arab Middle East.
This started after the 1967 Six Day War where Israel captured the Sinai, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, which caused much resentment and animosity towards the West by Muslims.
Issues spoken about include the following:
— After Egypt’s Nassar died in 1970, he was replaced by Anwar al-Sadat who tried to appease the threat of militant Islam by releasing the members of the Muslim Brotherhood from prison despite the fact that they had been involved in at least four separate assassination attempts on Nassar’s life over the previous sixteen years. Additionally Sadat joined forces with other extreme Islamist movements in an effort to appear to support their mentality, but nonetheless he was assassinated in 1981 by members of the Islamic Jihad movement (an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood) in response to his signing the Camp David Accords with Israel in 1978.
— Issues with world events that occurred due to Egypt and Syria launching a surprise attack on the Israeli Army in the Sinai are explained, where OPEC raised the price of oil by 70% and OPEC leaders announced that they would enforce a progressive embargo against Europe and the United States until Israel withdrew to their previous 1967 borders. It is shown that the entire situation was planned at a Bilderberg conference in May, 1973, where the planned outcome was to encourage investment in risky North Sea oil production and to curtail third world industrialization.
— A major conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and Syria in 1982 resulted in 20,000 casualties, where Syria’s president Asad said that the Muslim Brotherhood forces were armed with U.S.-made equipment.
Said Aburish said the following in his book:
Hamas, the assassination of Sadat and Faisal and less portentous acts didn’t interrupt Western and Arab clients regimes’ support for Islamic movements, and Saudi Arabia and Egypt allowed pro-Islamic use of their state propaganda apparatus… And Israel, forever inclined to to back divisive movements, surfaced as another supporter of Islam and began to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas.
— Explained is the overthrow of the Shah of Iran for the installation of the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini as its Islamic dictator, where British Intelligence exploited their previous associations with the mullahs in the country along with engaging in a massive propaganda campaign in the media in order to overthrow the Shah once he started to implement too many healthy pro-Western and pro-nationalist agendas.
— Also explained is that the Muslim Brotherhood figured prominently in the attack on the Shah. The British ex-MI6 agent Dr. John Coleman explained that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by “the great names of British Middle East Intelligence, T.E. Lawrence, E.G. Browne, Arnold Toynbee, St John Philby and Bertrand Russel,” where their agenda was to “keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted…”
— Before 1977 the Middle East was on the verge of achieving stability through nationalist policies and high oil prices, but by the early 1980’s the entire region was in flames due to the massive increase in conflicts that were occurring, all of which coincide with the de-population and de-industrialization agendas of the British and the U.S.
VII. Afghanistan, Pakistan, the ISI, and the BCCI
This chapter explains issues with the West’s involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Pakistani intelligence service ISI, and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) which was used by the West to finance terrorist and criminal activity.
On July 3, 1979, President Carter signed a directive that authorized sending covert aid to the fundamentalist Islamic opponents of the ruling Communist regime of Afghanistan, which caused the Russian Military to increase their presence in the country to protect their assets from rebel attacks. The CIA funded mujahedin fighters against the Soviets, and when the Soviets retreated in 1989 it left the territory with tens of thousands of unemployed Islamic mercenaries who then turned their hostile attention to the West.
It is explained that the history of Afghanistan has always been closely connected with Pakistan, which was formerly colonized by Britain going back to the early 17th century. The regions that are today India and Pakistan were both ruled by the British until Britain withdrew and created the two nations in 1947, leaving behind officers and agents to help shepherd and control the emerging Pakistani army. In this time the ISI became Pakistan’s version of the CIA, and it has maintained close ties with British Intelligence since then.
The ISI’s power increased until the election of Pakistan’s first popularly elected leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1971, where he behaved in similar healthy nationalistic ways as Nasser, Mossadegh, and the Shah of Iran did, which led to the West executing him in 1978 after they subjected him to a sham trial, despite the objections of heads of state around the globe.
A Muslim Brotherhood spokesman said about the situation with Bhutto a few years later:
The Brotherhood has taken over in Iran and in Pakistan. Bhutto stood for intrusion of the West into Islam. Bhutto was everything that Pakistan was not. That is why we killed him. And we will use his death as a warning to others.
The chapter then goes into detail about how the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was used by the West (Britain and the CIA) to finance criminal activities around the world. It was used to finance all sorts of illegal transactions including Middle East terrorism, drug money laundering, weapons dealing, bribery, and fraud. The main purpose of the BCCI was to supply funding to the mujahedin fighting in Afghanistan, where up to $5 billion of American taxpayer money was supplied during the war, and 83,000 Muslim mujahedin fighters were trained.
Also explained is another British creation called Afghan Aid, which was granted substantial funding by the British government and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
It is explained how once Britain and the CIA became involved in Afghanistan the production of opium skyrocketed.
Explained is the extreme anti-American Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who was a primary recipient of American aid money, and the fact that he became Afghanistan’s biggest opium producer. Over the years his followers became known for their strict Muslim fanaticism, including throwing acid on the faces of women who refuse to wear a veil.
When the Afghanistan war was over many mujahedin veterans who applied for asylum were then welcomed into Britain, one of them being Osama Bin Laden, where he lived in an estate for a short time in the London suburb of Wembley where he solidified his propaganda links to the Western world. [Note that some people in the media attempted to dispute this but it has been shown to be true, as explained in an upcoming chapter.]
Part Two: “The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon”
I. The Roots of Islamic Terrorism
This chapter explains the popularity of Freemasonry in Egypt starting in the 1800’s, and how the Muslim Brotherhood is a Masonic organization that the global elite exploits in order to ensure that Islamic movements in the Middle East are as extreme as possible.
Following are many key points from the chapter:
— Over the past half-century religion has been in decline around the world, except for Islam, which is not an accident.
— During much of the 20th century many of the Arab populace looked upon Islam with suspicion due to it being a tool that was exploited against them by the global elite, where the most legitimate and popular anti-colonial nationalist movements were secular (non-religious), such as the ones led by Nassar, Mossadegh, and Bhutto. Therefore the British took control of the Muslim Brotherhood as a counter-revolutionary strategy to ensure that Islamic movements would be as extreme as possible.
— The Muslim Brotherhood emerged out of Egypt and it evolved into the largest and most influential Sunni organization of the 20th Century.
— The Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hasan al-Banna, who was born in 1906 as the son of a respected sheik, and he was raised being immersed in Islam, where he memorized the Quran at age twelve. He was a devout Muslim and enrolled in an Islamic school in Cairo to train to become a teacher.
— The British ex-MI6 agent Dr. John Coleman said that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by “the great names of British Middle East intelligence,” and Stephen Dorril wrote that the Brotherhood was linked to British Intelligence through Dame Freya Stark, and the Shah’s regime in Iran had said that it considers it to be a tool of British Freemasonry.
Goodgame says in the book:
Freemasonry appeared in Egypt soon after Napoleon’s conquest in 1798 when General Kleber, a French Mason and top commander in Napoleon’s army established the Lodge of Isis. French Masonry dominated Egypt until British lodges began to appear after the British occupation in 1882. Freemasonry was very popular in the first half of the twentieth century, and many important Egyptians were Masons, along with the British Rulers and aristocrats who occupied the country. In fact the Egyptian monarchs, from Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, were made honorary Grand Masters at the start of their reigns. From 1940 to 1957 there were close to seventy Masonic lodges chartered throughout Egypt. At one time the leaders of the Nationalist and Wafd parties were Freemasons, and many members of the Egyptian parliament were Masons as well, where they mingled with the military commanders and aristocrats of the ruling British occupation. [Note the citation for this information is from a March 1, 1999 Insight Magazine article entitled “Freemasonry in Egypt.”]
— Explained are two important Islamic leaders of Egypt who were Freemasons, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Mohammad Abdou. Al-Afghani was considered the founder of the political pan-Islamic movement, which was known as “Salafiyya,” and his disciple Abdou was eventually appointed the Grand Muffi of Egypt (the “Pope of Islam”) along with being the Masonic Grand Master of the United Lodge of Egypt in 1899. The British were behind Abdou being put in place as Grand Muffi because at the time banking was considered “harem” (illegal under Islamic law), and they needed him to change that policy.
— After Abdou died in 1905, two students were important in continuing his work, the first being Sheikh Ahmad Abd al-Rahman al-Banna, who was Hasan al-Banna’s father, and the second was Mohammad Rashid Rida, who was a Freemason who became Abdou’s good friend and was the publisher of a monthly magazine of the Salafiyya Movement called “The Lighthouse.”
— The chapter then goes into detail about the Freemason Hasan Al-Banna, explaining how he founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1927 in the British-occupied Canal Zone, where the organization then expanded with leaps and bounds to have 500,000 active members a decade later, where its success was achieved with the approval of the British ruling establishment, with it being “Masonry for Muslims only.” It is devoted to secrecy and structured the same as Freemasonry, where the foot soldiers at the bottom have no idea of the goals of the leaders at the top.
— Despite the Muslim Brotherhood being established with the approval and support of the British establishment, it became difficult for them to control due to strong anti-British attitudes of the Egyptian people, which also then became the attitude of many of the people in the organization. In 1930 the group became political and it supported the Palestinian Arab uprising against the British and the influx of Jewish immigrants in Israel, and al-Banna was briefly imprisoned by the pro-British regime for allowing his organization to get out of hand.
— After World War II al-Banna was one of the most powerful leaders of Egypt, where his organization was seen as the most militant, radical and dangerous, where the Egyptian Prime Minister Nuqrashi Pasha outlawed it in 1948 after members were implicated in the assassination of the police chief of Cairo. Al-Banna was then assassinated in 1949 by Egypt’s secret police.
— In 1950 the Egyptian government removed the ban on the Muslim Brotherhood and released its captured members from prison in order to appease the populace due to their opposition to the British. This led to the Muslim Brotherhood and another group represented by the Egyptian army and headed by Gamal Nassar called the Free Officers vying for power behind the scenes, where the Free Officers gained the upper hand and in 1954 they imprisoned thousands of Brotherhood members including the leaders, and they executed six members. It was at this point when the Muslim Brotherhood rekindled their relationship with Britain and America due to their shared hatred of Nassar. Many Brotherhood members fled to London at this time, where they set up a presence that remains to this day, and others relocated to Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
— Arab historians call al-Banna’s organization the Muslim Brotherhood the greatest Islamic movement. He was known to say, “We need three generations for our plans — one to listen, one to fight, and one to win.”
— After al-Banna’s assassination at age 43, a man named Sayed Qutb became the chief ideologist of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he wrote a large amount of books that radical Islamists still read today. Qutb was also a Freemason, joining the organization after al-Banna’s death. He was arrested for being a part of an assassination attempt of Egypt’s Nassar and sentenced to fifteen years in prison, where he developed a doctrine and wrote about a concept of “Jahiliyyah,” which means “barbarity” or the corrupting influence of Western culture and political systems on Islam. He wrote that any Arab state that was governed by anything other than Sharia law was Jahiliyyah, and he advocated for the use of violent force to overthrow them, especially Nassar’s regime.
— Qutb was pardoned in 1964 and released at the insistence of the President of Iraq, and he then published his most well known book “Milestones,” whose militant language gave Nassar an excuse to incarcerate him once again along with 20,000 other suspected Brotherhood Members, and he was executed by hanging in 1966, were he has since become a martyr for Islamic extremists. He published over 24 books during his life.
— Mustafa al-Sibai is another of the Muslim Brotherhood “speakers” of the first generation, where he was imprisoned by the British and French for his revolutionary activities. After serving his sentences in 1946 he formed the Society of Muslim Brotherhood of Syria, which is a subordinate branch to its Egyptian base. He received a doctorate in Islamic law and lived and taught in Damascus, Syria, also marrying into a powerful Damascus family. He was an articulate spokesman for the organization, where he published books, gave lectures, and directed the Muslim Brotherhood until his death 1964.
— The father of Pakistan’s Islamic movement is Abul Ala Maududi, who became director of the Islamic Institute of Research in Lahore in 1937. When Pakistan was made a country in 1948 he rejected the secular nature of it that was sponsored by the British, where his activities led to him serving time in Jail in 1948 and 1952. He published 80 books and brochures, and he and his organization Jamaat-e Islami maintained close links with the Muslim Brotherhood, where his organization was considered to be a branch of it and he was even thought of as being a legal successor to al-Banna. He is known for his articulation of the ideal extremist Islamic state, which is accepted by the majority of the Muslims within the militant Islamic movement, where he explains that while Western democracies are laws made by men, an “Islamic Democracy” is laws made by God. [Note that the government of the United States is not “laws made by men” however, but rather laws that guarantee people their “god-given rights,” as this video explains.]
— The chapter also goes into detail explaining the Freemason Ali Shariati, who was a Western educated Iranian advocate for overthrowing the Shah. His father Muhammad Taqi Shariati was also a Mason, as well as an agent for the far eastern division of British Intelligence.
— Shariati’s father led a revolutionary Islamic center in Iran called Center for the Propagation of Islamic Truth, and Ali was a member of the National Resistance Movement. In 1957 he was arrested with his father and spent six months in prison.
— Ali Shariati studied at the prestigious Sorbonne University in France starting in 1960, where he was captivated by a group of pro-Marxist “elite intellectuals” known as the “Existentialists” that included writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Frantz Fanon, Albert Camus, Jacques Berque, Louis Massignon, and Jean Cocteau.
— When Shariati returned to Iran he was arrested due to being known to associate with groups who wanted to overthrow the Shah while he was in France and helping to create the Iranian National Front for Europe, but he was soon released and took up a teaching job near Mashad while increasing his associations with the Muslim Brotherhood and other resistance groups.
— In the early 1970s Dr. Shariati began to give lectures on politics and religion, being entirely opposed to the Shah and his pro-reformist policies of developing industrialization, advancing economic development, and advancing modern secular education. For example he wrote, “Come friends, lets abandon Europe, let us cease this nauseating, apish imitation of Europe. Let us leave behind this Europe that always speaks of humanity but destroys human beings wherever it finds them.”
— For a time Shariati was considered the most influential speaker in Tehran’s forums, where as many as 5,000 listeners attended his public lectures. After he had given more than 100 lectures, he was arrested by the SAVAK secret police and tortured in prison.
— The Ayatollah Khomeini was only successful due to Shariati’s constant “intellectual” agitations against the Shah, which show how the The Iranian Revolution depended on much more than just the old mullahs and ayatollahs in the country.
II. Creating the “Arc of Crisis”
This chapter explains the elite’s agenda of destroying population growth and industrial development throughout the world, and how they exploit the Muslim Brotherhood to promote only the most repressive anti-Western version of Islam in the Middle East, where it claims science and technology are contrary to the ideology of Islam.
— By the 1970’s the global elite were focusing on claiming that population growth and industrial development were the two biggest enemies of humanity, where they considered the Earth’s resources to be their possessions which they did not want to share with the developing world.
Following are some of the individuals explained in the chapter:
— The anti-Human “Humanist” Lord Bertrand Russell advocated for world government and returning the world to the Dark Ages, where he advocated for the elimination of Asian and African populations “by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary.”
— Sir Frank MacFarlane Burnet suggested in 1947 in a secret report for the Australian Defense Department that the crops of Asians should be destroyed with chemicals, and infectious diseases should be disseminated among the populace. He was knighted the British crown in 1951 and received the Nobel prize in 1960.
— Paul Ehrlich wrote a best selling book “The Population Bomb” where he compared human populations to cancer, and he said “brutal and heartless decisions” will need to be made to correct the problem, including placing birth control into the food supply of third world countries.
— The British scientist and “intellectual” Sir Julian Huxley had a leading role in creating the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and he saw scientific advancement such as penicillin, DDT, and water purification as a double-edged sword where he advocated for a “furious and concerted attack” on the problem of population. Huxley’s views were showcased in the world’s first Earth Summit in 1972.
— In 1972 the Club of Rome published “The Limits of Growth” in affiliation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which concluded that industrialization of the planet had to be halted to save the Earth from ecological catastrophe. The Club of Rome has been one of the most influential groups advocating for a one world government.
— The Aspen Institute is an influential globalist think tank which was founded with Rockefeller money, where it held a conference called "Technology: Social Goals and Cultural Options” in 1970 that paved the way for the UN’s Earth Summit in 1972.
— The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an elitist racist institution created by Prince Phillip of England which masquerades as being a humanitarian environmentalist organization. Phillip is on record as saying that if he was reincarnated he would like to return as a killer virus to help solve the population problem, and other WWF executives have made similar statements advocating for population reduction.
— The managers of Global Financial in institutions such as Fritz Lutweiler of the Bank of International Settlements and the president of the World Bank Robert McNamara had made statements advocating for extreme population reduction.
— In 1974 the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger submitted the National Security Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) which concluded that world population growth is a “current danger of the highest magnitude calling for urgent measures…”
— The WorldWatch Institute that was created in 1974 with a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund creates an annual “State of the World” publication that is always highlighted by the media, and it publishes hundreds of alarmist pseudo-scientific reports that are used by leftists and elitists in their wars against industrialization ever since.
Following are topics explained in the rest of the chapter:
— The global elite attacked the third world through massively increasing the prices of oil in connection with the Yom Kippur war of 1973, which set back countries such as India, Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Mexico. But due to this the Arab nations became enriched, which the globalists saw as necessitating implementing Islamists to attack the industrialization and modernization that was happening there by claiming that it was un-Islamic and “a Western plot against Islam.”
— Explained are British Islamic organizations such as the Islamic Foundation, the Islamic Council of Europe, the Cambridge “Islam and the West” project, and the International Federation of Advanced Study. In these groups, science and technology were claimed to be contrary to Islam, where the Globalists were determined to promote only the most repressive anti-Western version of Islam, with the Muslim Brotherhood being the key strategy to sell that view.
— Information is explained about the Aspen Institute and the Club of Rome linking up with political opponents of the Shah’s regime in Iran, which is also explained in the book Hostage to Khomeini.
— Information is explained about the Iranian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood known as the Fedayeen-e Islam which was crucial in the overthrow of the Shah. The Ayatollah Khomeini was a long time member of the group, and the students who took over the American Embassy were also members of it. It also controlled Iran’s opium production and drug smuggling network which was increasingly threatened by the Shah’s successful anti-drug campaign, and after the Shah was overthrown its leader Ayatollah Khalkali was cynically made the head of the Iran’s national drug program while opium production skyrocketed.
— In Pakistan the Muslim Brotherhood group Jamaat-e Islami supported the overthrow of the Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who was hated by the British for withdrawing Pakistan from the British Commonwealth and implementing nationalist policies. After a sham trial Bhutto was sentenced to death despite an international outcry, and in the years that followed Jamaat-e Islami became the biggest backer of the brutal General Zia ul-Haq who forced the nation into the most extreme Islamization.
— In Afghanistan the CIA in affiliation with British Intelligence began to fund the pro-Soviet regime even prior to the Soviet invasion, and Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinski intentionally provoked the Soviets to invade in 1979, where a Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was the primary recipient of massive amounts of military aid despite his well-known anti-Western views and radical views of Islam.
— In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood experienced a resurgence after restrictions against it were loosened in the 1970’s, where they attempted to portray themselves as being a “moderate” Islamic organization while behind the scenes they spawned many violent extremist groups, such as Islamic Jihad, the Islam Group and Takfir wal Hejra who all openly agitated against President Sadat when he signed the Camp David Accords in 1978. Militants associated with those groups assassinated Sadat in 1971, after which the new leader President Mubarak launched a crackdown on the Islamists.
— In 1982 in Syria the Muslim Brotherhood revolted against the Assad Regime and took over the city of Hama for three weeks, where 6,000 soldiers and 24,000 civilians were killed in the fighting, and afterwards 10,000 residents were arrested and placed into internment camps. Afterwards the Syrian government had shown that the Muslim Brotherhood forces were armed by the West.
— Zbigniew Brzezinski referred to the explosion of violence throughout the Middle East in the late 70’s and early 80’s as the “Arc of Crisis,” which was orchestrated to occur by globalist strategists in cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood such as Brzezinski, Dr. Alexander King, Henry Kissinger, and Dr. Bernard Lewis.
II. The Muslim Brotherhood Branches Out
This chapter explains how the Muslim Brotherhood moved its base of operations to London and Geneva and rapidly expanded once the Egyptian government started to crack down on it in 1955.
Following are many key points from the chapter:
— At the beginning of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood gained much prestige when it was joined by members of the influential Azzam family of Egypt, where Abdel-Rahman Azzam spent his entire life in the service of the British Empire, including working for British Intelligence to organize Libya’s Senussi Brotherhood, of which the head of the organization was proclaimed the king of Libya in 1951. After World War II Azzam became the first Secretary-General of the British-sponsored League of Arab States, and his daughter married the eldest son of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
— In 1955 after General Nasser cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood, the base of operations for the organization relocated to London and Geneva, where the extremist Institute for Islamic Studies was moved to Geneva as well, under the direction of Said Ramadan. A freedom fighter against the Ayatollah regime named Ali Akbar Tabatabai who set up the Iranian Freedom Foundation in Washington D.C. was murdered by a Muslim named David Belfield, who two hours later placed a person-to-person call to Said Ramadan in Geneva, and then fled the United States for Switzerland.
— The London base for the Muslim Brotherhood is the most important, where the man in charge is Salem Azzam, the head of the Islamic Council of Europe that was formed in London in 1973, where it directs the Ikhwan (Brotherhood) from Morocco to Pakistan and India, controlling hundreds of religious centers across Western Europe, which then control thousands of fundamentalist students and clergy.
— In 1978 the Islamic Institute for Defense Technology was created to support the Islamic unrest that was occurring throughout the Middle East at that time, where it was led by Salem Azzam and it worked with NATO to help coordinate arms shipments that were supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s struggles.
— Outside of Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood created a variety of respectable front organizations in order to be perceived as being a moderate institution that has renounced violence, however inside Egypt it remained committed to overthrowing the regime for the installation of a “pure” Islamic state, where they implemented terrorism to achieve it.
— Throughout the history of the Muslim Brotherhood there have been six Supreme Guides, who are mostly figureheads while the covert operations are actually directed from London and Geneva.
— The following Muslim Brotherhood connected violent extremist groups are then explained in the chapter: Takfir wal Hejra, Organization for Islamic Liberation, Islamic Liberation Party, Jamaat al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group), Egyptian Islamic Jihad (known simply as Jihad or al-Jihad.) (See the chapter for details about the groups.)
— A commando squad from the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group Jihad shot and killed Egypt’s President Anwar el-Sadat in 1981, and they “condemned to death” Sadat’s successor Mubarak. In the years previous Sadat had been continuing to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood where he started to allow their publications to be distributed again, only to be assassinated once he re-instituted the ban.
— The “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdul Rahman was among those arrested for the assassination of Sadat but he was later acquitted. He had encouraged the assassination by decreeing that the government was ruled by atheists and heretics, and he preached that he permitted potential assassins to steal in order to finance their endeavor, and he promised they would be allowed to have their way with the wives of the government officials if they overthrew them. Rahman was later implicated in the World Trade Center bombing. [Also see this article which explains that Joe Biden took Rahman’s group off of the terrorist watchlist in 2022 for ulterior motives.] His two sons are Al Qaeda members and close followers of Osama Bin Laden, and he is still the recognized leader of the Jihad group.
— Another member of the group Jihad named Ayman al-Zawahiri was arrested in connection to the assassination and spent three years in prison, after which he rose to the top of the group and linked up with Osama Bin Laden in Sudan. After fleeing Egypt he worked with the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Islamic Center in Geneva, Switzerland, and he has emerged as the “number two man” in the Al Qaeda organization. Ayman had publicly criticized the Muslim Brotherhood for its lack of support for the revolution in Egypt, but his ties to the organization shows that his criticism is intended as cover to maintain its “moderate” facade.
— The most recent terrorist organization that is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood is the Palestinian group Hamas, where in 1988 Sheikh Ahmed Yassin released its “Islamic Covenant.” The covenant itself describes the group as “The Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Yassin had been the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza for years and it can be traced back to 1978 when it was registered as an Islamic association called Al-Mujamma Al-Ismlami.
— Robert Dreyfuss wrote the following that summarizes the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood:
The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical following, nor is it even the top mullahs and ayatollahs who lead entire movements of such madmen; Khomeini, Qaddafi, General Zia are exquisitely fashioned puppets. The real Muslim Brothers are those whose hands are never dirtied with the business of killing and burning.
They are the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchical elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially the British oligarchy. And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood probably controls tens of billions of dollars in immediately liquid assets, and controls billions more in day-to-day business operations in everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorist-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire that extends from numbered Swiss Bank accounts to offshore havens in Dubai, Kuwait, and Hong Kong.
III. Osama Bin Laden: The Early Years
This chapter explains that Osama Bin Laden was the wealthy son a of Yemenite construction magnate who was initiated into the Muslim Brotherhood in school where he was radicalized, where he then traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan to establish a militant jihad training compound as well as branches of militant groups all over the world using his family’s money. Also explained are various jihadist associates of Bin Laden during this time.
Following are topics spoken about in this chapter:
Osama Bin Laden is the youngest of 54 children of a wealthy Yemenite construction magnate Sheik Mohammad bin Oud bin Laden who was close friends with the Saudi royal family; Osama’s London-educated brother Mahrous was arrested as a part of a group that took Mecca’s Grand Mosque hostage for over a week, and he was then declared innocent due to his family connections; Osama was initiated into the Muslim Brotherhood at King Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; When Osama was 22 he went to Afghanistan and established the group Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) with a Muslim Brotherhood mentor Dr. Abdullah Yussuf Azzam, which was aligned with Pakistan’s Muslim Brotherhood organization Jamaat-e Islami; Osama and Azzam worked to recruit jihad fighters, where by 1980 there were branches of MAK in 50 countries around the world with the help of Bin Laden family money; Osama established a training compound called Masar Al-Ansar which trained thousands of Jihadists; Osama was primarily a fundraiser and an organizer for the cause; MAK had close relations with a Pashtun warlord and Muslim Brother Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who had anti-American views, whose group Hezb-e-Islami received up to 40% of the American aid channeled to the mujahedin through the CIA and ISI; Azzam traveled throughout the United States raising funds and recruiting fighters, also setting up Al Kifah centers in many cities such as Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Pittsburgh, Tucson, and in thirty other cities; The CIA escalated the Afghan war in 1986 by providing the mujahedin with weapons, having them launch gorilla attacks in Soviet territory, and endorsing recruiting jihad warriors from around the world; Pakistan embassies around the world were instructed to give visas to anyone who was willing to come and fight with the mujahedin; The Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan in 1988; Afghanistan then started to introduce policies that threatened the fundamentalist warlords including their drug smuggling, so the mujahedin attacked the city of Jalalabad but lost thousands of jihadists in doing so, where Osama said he blamed the defeat on an American plot; Osama’s friend and father figure Azzam who helped to create Hamas was assassinated with a bomb in 1988; In 1989 Osama returned to Saudi Arabia as a celebrity and a hero, and he briefly took a job with his family’s construction firm working in road construction.
IV. Bin Laden In Exile
This chapter explains what happened starting at the time of Operation Desert Storm in 1990, where Osama Bin Laden moved to Sudan which became a center of Islamic radical fundamentalism at the time, and he came to be relied on for establishing a new financial network for Islamic terrorist activity.
Following are topics spoken about in this chapter:
When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, Osama Bin Laden sent an offer to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to raise an army of 10,000 battle-hardened mujahedin veterans to rebuff the attack and drive out Saddam Hussein’s army, but his offer was snubbed and instead a coalition of American forces were brought in, which angered Bin Laden where he along with much other Islamic leadership around the world considered it to be a foreign occupation and an abomination; After Operation Desert Storm ended in 1991, the foreign occupation continued as well as Osama’s criticism of the Saudi regime; Osama moved to Pakistan and Afghanistan after receiving threats in Saudi Arabia; At this time many of the most fanatical Islamists were moving to London where they were always accepted, or they moved to the newly established Republic of Sudan where Osama was invited; In 1989, Sudan became an official bastion of Islamic fundamentalism when the British-educated leader of the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood named Hassan al-Turabi became the intellectual leader and spokesman for the Islamist movement, becoming known as “the Black Pope of Africa”; The Muslim Brotherhood set up the International Legion of Islam in Khartoum, Sudan under al-Turabi, which was an unofficial loose-knit military organization that helped to coordinate global jihad; The Islamist movement suffered a setback in 1991 when the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was shut down by the Bank of England, where it was used for laundering drug money and a broker for illegal arms deals, which empowered Osama due to the need for a new financial network to be set up, which he could offer; Osama was not actually the leader of the international Islamist movement which was directed by the Muslim Brotherhood, but rather he was only used as a figurehead to take responsibility for its atrocities; The Muslim Brotherhood is used as a tool by the British-based globalists in order to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global government; Osama worked with what he called “the Brotherhood Group” of 134 wealthy Arab businessmen that routinely shifted billions of dollars around as a part of their legitimate businesses, which was a perfect front for him; Osama invigorated Sudan’s failing bank when he invested $50 million in it, and he also engaged in construction projects in Sudan such as developing sea ports, airports, highways, railways, and dams; The book explains the situation of the fall of the Somalian government in 1992 and the American intervention that occurred, including Osama’s role in the matter where he considered American pulling out in 1994 being a great victory for Islam.
V. World Trade Center 1993
This chapter explains the situation of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, where the jihadists associated with the attack were allowed Visas into the United States, and one was given a green card with the help of Muslim Brotherhood aligned individuals, despite his being on a terrorist watch list.
Following are topics spoken about in the chapter:
On February 26, 1993 the World Trade Center bombing occurred which killed six people and injured thousands, where the intention of the terrorists was to make the building topple over and distribute a cloud of cyanide gas over New York City; The mainstream media focused on the “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdul Rahman, who was arrested, tried, and was convicted for being involved in the attack; [Also see this article which explains that Joe Biden took Rahman’s group off of the terrorist watchlist in 2022 for ulterior motives.]; Rahman was previously imprisoned in Egypt for his moral support for the murderers of Anwar Sadat, and in 1985 he moved to Pakistan where be became a famous cleric within Islamic circles who was known for his militant preaching and his hatred of President Mubarak of Egypt; Throughout the 80’s he traveled preaching in Islamic centers throughout Saudi Arabia, Britain, Germany, and the United States; In 1990 he acquired a visa to enter the U.S. despite being on the State Department terrorism watchlist, and he settled in New Jersey where he preached his militant messages; In November of 1990 the State Department revoked his visa and advised the INS to be looking for him, however five months later the INS issued him a green card instead; Rahman’s move to the U.S. was sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood through at least two individuals, Mahmud Abouhalima who worked with the CIA and networked with radical Muslims in the U.S., and Mustafa Shalabi who was the director of the Al Kifah Center in Brooklyn; The Al Kifah Center in Brooklyn came under the control of Rahman’s network which brought the British-educated Ramzi Yousef into the United States, who is recognized as the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; Some conservative pundits in the U.S. at the time incorrectly attempted to link the bombing to Saddam Hussein in order to conceal the involvement of the CIA and Britain; Yousef fled the U.S. to Pakistan after the bombing and joined with a Muslim Brotherhood cell in the Philippines, which was later implicated in the September 11th attacks; Operation Bojinka is spoken about, which was a plot to bomb eleven airliners at the same time; Yousef then made his way to Pakistan, where he was turned in by an associate for $2 million in reward money, and he is now serving a life sentence of 240 years in prison in the U.S.; Issues are spoken about with Yousef’s uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammad who was involved in the September 11th attacks, where information about him is being concealed by the U.S. government due to his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Brotherhood’s ties to the intelligence organizations of the West; Osama bin Laden was only loosely connected to the events of 9/11, where he played little if any part in planning and executing the operation.
VI. Bin Laden’s Money Problems
This chapter explains how Osama Bin Laden moved to London in order to raise funds after the Saudi government blocked his assets, and how after he went back to Sudan his money problems caused a falling out with some of his Al Qaeda operatives. Also explained is how Sudan offered to give up Bin Laden to the Clinton administration but the offer was ignored.
Following are topics spoken about in the chapter:
By the end of 1993 Osama Bin Laden started to have financial difficulties due to the Saudi Government blocking his assets, so he moved to London and established an organization to publicize his group and accept donations from millions of affluent Muslims living in Britain, where he bought a house in the Wembley area of London; His moving to London was denied by some in the mainstream media, however it has since been confirmed by a Saudi-based journalist Adam Robinson in his book “Bin Laden— Behind the Mask of the Terrorist”; Bin Laden did sightseeing while in the country including attending soccer matches which he was impressed with, where he bought memorabilia including a jersey for his fifteen year old son; Saudi Arabia then denounced his citizenship and demanded that Britain turn him over, however he was quietly allowed to return to Sudan instead; In Sudan he continued to have money problems, which caused some of his Al Qaeda operatives to leave in disgust; On a few occasions Sudan offered to hand Bin Laden over to the U.S. in return for the lifting of economic sanctions, but its offer was ignored by the Clinton administration despite his State Department calling him “one of the most significant financial sponsors of Islamic extremist activity in the world today.”
VII. The Brotherhood Revolution Continues
This chapter explains that after Saudi Arabia arrested a dissident in 1994 it caused an Islamist outcry against the Saudi royal family which resulted in terrorist attacks as a response, and it also explains other terrorist attacks and the elaborate plans that were made to assassinate Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak in a convoy of his vehicles in Ethiopia.
Following are topics from the chapter:
Conflict was increasing in the Islamic world in 1994, where the Saudi regime faced increasing fundamentalist unrest in the country due to the perceived decadence and corruption of the Saudi royal family, where one of the loudest dissidents was a militant Sheik named Salman bin Fahd al-Udah who was known to Osama Bin Laden and thousands of Saudi “Afghans” who lived in the Kingdom after returning from fighting; In 1994 the Saudi regime arrested Udah, leading to threats of terrorism against the Saudi and American governments if he was not released, and Udah issued a fatwa against the Royal family from prison, which was the first time any such threats had been made against them by Muslims; In 1995 a car bomb exploded in Riyadh which killed six people and destroyed an American-leased building, where the Muslim Brotherhood’s loose-knit unofficial Jihad organization the Armed Islamic Movement took credit; The book details an elaborate plan to assassinate Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak in his convoy of vehicles in Ethiopia, and why it failed; The Islamic Group claimed responsibility for the attempted attack, and Egypt, the U.S. and the UN blamed Sudan and implemented sanctions because of it; On November 19, 1995, a small car rammed its way into the gate of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan where a suicide bomber jumped out to create a distraction while a van loaded with 900 lbs of explosives rammed into the front of the embassy, which killed nineteen people and injured many more; Many groups claimed responsibility for the attack, but ultimately it was financed by Ayman al-Zawahrir in Geneva and Yassir Tawfiq Sirri in London; The sanctions imposed on Sudan put its economy into terrible shape where investments or aid from the outside were prohibited, thus the Muslim Brotherhood’s use of Sudan as a base was nearing its end, as was foreseen by them.