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The Establishment media has been falsely claiming that Kamala Harris won the debate with Trump

 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 13, 2024

This is full video of the live broadcast of the debate that was narrated by  Note if you are having problems playing the video try this link or this link.

Despite Trump’s great performance in his debate with Kamala Harris, the Establishment media has been attacking him and claiming that Harris had won despite the opposite being true.

The media has been constantly leveling false accusations at Trump about the debate, which they seem to think they will be able to get away with due to his not bringing up some of the most hard-hitting issues but instead often mentioning ones that seem as if they are “ridiculous accusations” even though they actually are true.

Many reports are also attempting to claim that she “baited” him into “going on rants,” however he in fact had a very calm and reasoned demeanor.

The moderators were noticeably unfair to Trump by asking him loaded questions and supposedly “fact checking” him many times, whereas they never fact checked Harris’ statements despite the fact that it was mostly her statements that were incorrect.

During the entire debate Harris made ridiculous patronizing faces, including even making faces in a strange attempt to deny facts about her that are common knowledge, for example while Trump was explaining that she has been in favor of defunding the police.

Unfortunately though Trump neglected to mention some important issues, such as the one of huge amounts of children being missing due to Biden’s open border policies, as this video explains.  [Note see this video or this video if you are having problems playing the video.]

Also when Trump was asked by a moderator about the accusation that he blocked the Democrat’s “border bill” for political gain, he surprisingly didn’t answer the question even though he easily could have cleared the air about the matter, such as is explained in this article.  Despite that being an important question for him to answer, he instead changed the topic to the recently reported issue of Haitian migrants in Ohio eating people’s pets and ducks from parks, which even though it is actually true it is controversial and it seems ridiculous, thus giving the media an opportunity to deceitfully portray him as him being some sort of a crazy bigot.

Trump also mentioned some other issues that “seem ridiculous” even though they are true, and in all of those cases the Establishment media has been attempting to capitalize on it by falsely proclaiming that what he said is crazy and false, as later information in this article explains.

I was glad when I heard that there was going to be another debate, but now apparently Trump is saying that he doesn’t want to do that.  I think the political Establishment knows that if another debate were to happen Harris would be clobbered beyond any ability for them to maintain the facade of them being “neck and neck” in the public opinion, thus he is likely being warned to back off.  I hope at least they will allow him to win the election by not implementing their vote fraud against him.

I can’t imagine how the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and “Tampon Tim” won’t further obliterate the Democrats, unless some sort of weird unpleasant surprises are waiting in the wings.  For example I’m put off by Vance associating the term “Hillbilly” with himself, which concerns me.

[Update: September 13, 2024 — Actually I wasn’t very familiar with J.D. Vance other than some interviews that that I’ve seen of him in the news.  He seems like a pretty good choice for VP but I hope he won’t play the Establishment’s game too much.

I just saw the “Hillbilly Elegy” movie that I thought was well-made, I thought it was similar to the “8 Mile” movie except without the rapping.  It is strange that the critics panned it at the time as explained in its Wikipedia page, apparently the reviews were politically motivated due to him being a conservative.]

In any event everything that was said in the debate is fertile ground for being scrutinized, which certainly isn’t going to work out well for Harris.

Following are some of the issues that either Harris or the moderators lied about or the media has been incorrectly attempting to spin about the debate:

Migrant gangs are in fact being empowered in the U.S., despite claims to the contrary

Infowars video: “RED ALERT: MSM Now Admits Venezuelan Gangs Are Taking Over America!” (link, link or link) — In this video starting at about 14:30, Alex Jones explains many news reports about Venezuelan gangs in the states of Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, California, New Mexico, and Colorado, where they are being reported to be taking over private houses and apartment buildings, robbing stores, beating people up, and shooting and killing people— all while the political Establishment has been attempting to conceal those issues.

This Infowars Greg Reese video also explains information about Venezuelan gang activity in the U.S.

Accusations of migrants killing and eating people’s pets are true, despite claims to the contrary

September 10 Infowars video: “Springfield, Ohio Residents Describe Haitian Invasion Like Something out of Mad Max” (link, link or link) — In this video Alex Jones explains that many people in Springfield, Ohio and other towns have been complaining about problems being caused by 20,000 Haitian migrants who have been brought into the area where previously only about 50,000 people had lived.  Many of the migrants are bringing voodoo practices where body parts from animals are being found that have apparently been used in rituals, bodycam footage from police is shown where a woman was apprehended for killing and eating a cat, reports are shown where some of the migrants have been killing and eating ducks and geese at the local parks, and it is explained that many of the migrants have been driving cars without licenses and getting into accidents.  Also explained is how the problems are being denied to the media by members of the local city government.

September 12, 2024 Infowars article: “Ohio AG Slams Media For Hiding & Dismissing Springfield Haitian Goose Story” (link) — This article contains a video by the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost who explains that a recorded police call and police report do exist about a witness reporting immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield, and he explains that citizens have also been testifying to the City Council about the matter.

September 11, 2024 New York Post article: “A Springfield, Ohio man has reported Haitian migrants snatching geese out of a park two weeks ago” (link) — This is an example of how problems being caused by Hatian migrants in the Springfield, Ohio area are in fact actually real, despite members of the local government denying that the police know anything about it.

Many Democrats support post-birth abortions, despite claims to the contrary

In the debate one of the moderators “fact checked” Trump by saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” however many Democrats support allowing a baby to die “if has survived an abortion.”

Also when Trump asked Harris about late term abortions, she strangely attempted to create a false perception that she thinks it is ridiculous that he thinks she would support such a thing or that anyone would actually do that, despite the fact that it is precisely what she supports.

Watch the debate in the above video starting at about 13:30 to see what was said about the abortion issue.

This Tweet shows footage of Governor Ralph Northam endorsing killing born-alive infants, where he says, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.  The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable.  The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”

I think every abortion is a tragedy and a woman should always choose not to have one, but personally I support the availability of early-term abortions (heartbeat bills for example), and the availability of “morning after pills” as long as they are only allowed to be dispensed in the presence of a doctor.  I also believe exemptions should be allowed in some cases such as in the case of incest or to save the life of the mother.

I’m worried that some corrupt politicians may be advocating for the most extreme pro-life stances not because they actually care about the matter, but because they are deceitfully attempting to empower their opposition due to many people being opposed to that.

I respect the intentions of most pro-life purists however.  Like I’ve mentioned I would like to make an article that compares different stances about the abortion issue, where it would technically also present the stance of what late-term abortion advocates want, however that would also depict the atrocity of what late-term abortions actually are.

See this article where I discuss the abortion issue.

See this article that explains current abortion laws in various states.

Harris has only very recently changed her stance about wanting to confiscate the guns of law abiding Americans

When Trump said that “Harris wants to confiscate your guns,” Harris denied it by claiming that she and her running mate Tim Walz are “both gun owners,” and she said, “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away, so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”

However Kamala has often advocated for doing exactly that through “mandatory gun buyback programs.”  See this video that contains a compilation of what she has said in the past about her stances on gun confiscation.  [I wish they also would have superimposed the dates of when each of the video clips was recorded.  And note that when “assault weapons bans” are mentioned it also means most types of handguns.]

Kamala Harris ridiculously denied advocating for defunding the police despite it being common knowledge that she was one of the loudest supporters of the agenda

I can’t imagine even any of Harris’s supporters not thinking it is very strange that Harris denied wanting to defund the police (which many of them still want to do!)

Note the following information has been found in this Gateway Pundit article which reports about fact-checking that the Trump campaign did about the debate.

July 2024 ABC News article: “Harris, in 2020, said ‘we have to redirect resources’ from police” (link)

In the video in this Tweet Harris applauds Eric Garcetti for defunding the Los Angeles Police Department.

The video in this Tweet shows that Harris has repeatedly praised the “Defund the Police” movement.

The video in this tweet shows Harris ridiculously saying, “It's ‘wrongheaded’ and ‘outdated’ to think police officers make communities safe.”

Kamala also denied that she raised money to bail violent rioters out of jail during the 2020 riots, despite the fact that this Tweet on her own Twitter account advocates for that!

[Also see this article which explains that the “defunding the police” agenda is for replacing police officers with corrupt Marxist “community patrols.”]

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