The Israeli government had not performed investigations of alleged rapes that occurred on October 7
by Edward Ulrich, December 6, 2023

The body of a German girl Shani Louk, who was killed by Hamas Militants on October 7 and paraded through the streets of Gaza City in the back of the truck.
The Israeli government had not preformed any investigations to find evidence for numerous rapes that were reported to have occurred on October 7, 2023, which is casting doubts on the claims and causing groups to protest.
About a Times of Israel article: “Amid war and urgent need to ID bodies, evidence of Hamas’s October 7 rapes slips away”
An often cited November 9, 2023 Times of Israel article explains that formal evidence of rape was not collected from bodies of victims of the October 7th terrorist attacks, and the article attempts to explain reasons why that was the case.
The article opens with the text, “Despite definitive witness testimony, global skepticism persists about the terrorists’ sexual crimes. ToI investigates how a mass-casualty event in a war zone made forensic determination impossible.” However the article does not really show that it was “impossible” to make such determinations, but rather that the Israeli authorities simply decided not to do it.
The article explains that much testimony by survivors, first responders, morgue workers, and interrogated militants stated that Hamas has raped women as a part of its assault, but court-compliant physical proof was not gathered— with the primary reason supposedly being that the morgue workers were “over-taxed” due to identifying the many bodies and they were in a rush to return them to the families.
The article (falsely) claims that rape can only be determined within the first week of death: “Now, a month after the massacre, the window for collecting physical evidence of rape that can stand up in court is closed, said a forensic official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Under good conditions, authorities would have had about a week to collect evidence from bodies if they were promptly found and professionally handled.”
While the article mentions that there were many cases where first responders and morgue workers noticed that the bodies were obviously raped, it does not explain why those particular bodies were not singled out to have such evidence collected.
About other articles addressing the issue
This article complains that it took a “UN Women” group 50 days to condemn Hamas for raping and sexually assaulting Israeli and other women, but it did not mention the fact that Israel had not collected any evidence about the matter. Other articles such as this one and this one also do not mention the fact that the issue is due to a failure of the Israeli government.
Israel has suppressed all evidence of atrocities allegedly committed against it
In addition to failing to investigate all potential cases of rape, this Times of Israel article explains that Israel has also suppressed much video footage of other atrocities that were committed on that day, where the IDF showed the members of the press 43 minutes of Hamas bodycam videos and photos of murder, torture, and decapitations from Hamas’s October 7 attacks, but they are not releasing the footage to the public (supposedly) out of respect to the families.
What could Israel’s motives be for suppressing such information?
I believe Israel is behaving in such a manner because they wanted just enough evidence to justify their invasion of Gaza, but not so much evidence that it would cause too many people in Western countries to not be willing to import large numbers of Palestinians and other Muslims afterwards.
It is also possible that many of the claimed atrocities actually did not happen for various reasons, or perhaps many of the October 7 Hamas attackers were specifically instructed by their commanders not to rape due to the bad PR that would have resulted.
Rape often gravitates around Islam
The Washington Post published an article on November 25 which quoted a Hamas official who made the following claim about Islam and rape:
Hamas denies that its fighters use rape or assault against women as a weapon of war. To do so, Hamas official Basem Naim said, would go against its founding Islamic principles. The group, he said, considers “any sexual relationship or activity outside of marriage to be completely haram” — forbidden by Islam.
“Whoever does this kind of act is committing a major infraction and would be punished both legally and on Judgment Day,” he told The Washington Post. “So our soldiers would not go close to this forbidden” act.
The author of the article then made a similar statement, claiming that such behavior is taboo in Islam:
Some forces in the Middle East, including those of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Islamic State, have used systematic rape as a weapon. But many armed groups consider the act taboo, even in war. The practice has never been used systematically in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to experts.
(Also the Times of Israel article that I previously mentioned in this article attempted to create the same sort of a perception, where it shows the testimony of a supposedly captured terrorist who claims, “According to religion, all of what happened is forbidden. … the kidnapping, the raping, the whoring of children.”)
While most Western leftists would trip over themselves to accept the above statements, the reality of the situation is something very different. Westerners have constantly been told such lies in their media over the past decades in order to convince them to agree to importing large amounts of Muslims into their countries.
Following is the truth about the connection between Islam and rape, from the article “Surprising but true facts about Islam that are difficult to believe”:
— Sexual assault and rape gravitate around Islam. In Muslim society, A RAPED WOMAN MUST PRESENT FOUR WITNESSES TO THE ACT IN ORDER TO CONVICT HER ASSAILANT, otherwise she will be charged with “adultery,” with her penalty potentially being as extreme as death by stoning or beheading.
News of Interest.TV: The story of Alicia Gali, an Australian who was drugged and raped in Dubai and then imprisoned because of it A British woman who was gang raped in Dubai is facing a jail term for having extra-marital sex while her attackers have been freed
— THE SEX SLAVERY INDUSTRY IS PREDOMINANT AROUND ISLAM. Muhammad stated that it is permissible to have as many concubines as one wants— women or child, thus there are instances today where Muslim men gang rape women and kidnap girls to prostitute them out to men. Specific parts of Sharia law are dedicated to the practice, and Muhammad was a rampant slave trader who also captured slaves in battle. He raped his slaves and instructed his men to do the same. There are more verses in the Quran teaching men that they can keep woman as sex slaves than telling them to pray five times a day. Former ISIS sex slave Jinan narrates her horrible story ISIS told Yazidi girls: “Once we rape you, you will be Muslim A Muslim cleric in a British mosque has been recorded preaching to teenagers that it is permissible in Islam to capture women as sex slaves (then he issues a rebuttal but questions remain) The Arabic gang-rape “Taharrush” phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe British Pakistani Muslim “grooming gangs” have raped over one million young English girls over the past few decades Video: Islam had established and has been engaging in the African slave trade for over 1,400 years Video: “The Forgotten European Slaves of Barbary North Africa and Ottoman Turkey” What does Islam Teach about Slavery?
Women and girls captured in war are passed around like party favors: “The apostle gave Ali a girl called Rayta; and he gave Uthman a girl called Zaynab; and he gave Umar a girl whom Umar gave to his son Abdullah.” Ibn Ishaq/Hisham (878)
“Also (forbidden are) woman already married, except those whom your right hand possess. Thus has Allah ordained for you.” Verse (4:24)
“…who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess…” Quran 23:5-6
— Muhammad organized 65 military campaigns in the last ten years of his life to wipe out any opposition to Islam. A favorite pastime for him and his men before capturing and enslaving woman and children for their own sexual gratification was to cut the heads off of his enemies.
News of Interest.TV: Dom Azarel: “Sorry, liberals. There’s only 1 interpretation of Islam— Muhammad’s”