There are many reasons to be hopeful about Trump’s administration, but also be prepared to be disappointed [updated]
by Edward Ulrich, updated February 18, 2025
[Note: January 18, 2025— I have added a section to this article explaining that outlawing birthright citizenship is feasible to occur without requiring an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.]

Trump signing an executive order to free 1,500 wrongly imprisoned January 6th protestors.
This article explains many positive actions that Donald Trump has already taken after being sworn in as President, and it speculates about what the future may bring with his administration.
What has happened so far is very positive
It is encouraging to see that Trump has signed many positive executive orders on his first day, such as addressing the issues at the border, his energy policy, his economic policy, and rescinding harmful DEI agendas. (link) All of that is great news, including his re-starting the domestic production of energy and getting the U.S. out of expensive totalitarian “climate change” treaties for example. (See this article that explains how man-caused climate change is a hoax.)
Trump also fired 1,000 people from government positions who were appointed by Joe Biden, (link) such as the DEI-obsessed Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan. (link)
The leftist media outlets have been going out of their minds about what is happening, desperately trying to dishonestly claim the legitimacy of the corrupt agendas that are appropriately being removed or changed by Trump’s orders.
For example the leftist media are all focusing on criticizing Trump for pardoning 1,500 of the January 6th protesters, (link and link) despite the fact that most of them were peaceful and falsely arrested on spurious charges, where even grandmothers were arrested. (link) It is proven that it was federal agents who were inciting people, (link) and Trump didn’t actually incite the mob in his speech on that day despite falsely being claimed to do so. (link) Trump also made exceptions by not pardoning some of them, which the leftist media never mentions. In any event those people have already been in prison for some years!
Predictions about what will happen in Trump’s upcoming administration
A positive as everything seems to be so far, I think ultimately not much is going to change with many of the issues except for only their most outrageously ridiculous aspects being trimmed back, such as with transvestites no longer being allowed in the military (where there are currently 15,000 serving!), and men no longer being allowed in women’s locker rooms. However open homosexuality will still be allowed in the military, for example. Trump even danced with the Village People music group at his inauguration that sings about homosexuality (including singing about homosexuality in the military.) (link and link)
I think Trump will limit talking about his pro-Israel views since he is often criticized for that, however if a large false flag attack of some sort would occur he might use that as an excuse to get involved in an armed conflict in the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, or even China. His administration is full of pro-Zionist war hawks for some reason. (link) (Also note that he has established a precedent for himself as responding to situations in an impulsive and reckless manner.) I hope I am wrong about this, I think it is the worst-case scenario.
With the immigration issue, I think Trump will significantly slow the flow of new illegal immigrants coming into the country such as with his “Remain in Mexico policy” (link) and deport ones who commit crimes, and he might build a superficial “wall,” but not much else is likely going to happen despite his claiming that he wants to do a lot about the problem. (link) A lot of noise is going to be made about deportations, especially by the leftist media that will exaggerate the situation, but I don’t think much will actually happen with that for a lot of reasons.
Remember that Trump promised in his last administration that he would implement many policies to fix the immigration issue, such as putting troops on the border, however he then said that an “Obama appointed judge” in California told him that he couldn’t do that, leading to him essentially saying, “I guess I can’t do that. Oh well.” (link) He did eventually implement his more appropriate “Remain in Mexico policy,” however.
Trump also brought the COVID lockdown and the useless and deadly vaccines at “warp speed” during his last administration. (link) His rhetoric is now appropriately opposed to such agendas, but everyone should pay attention to what is happening with that situation anyway. He has brought in many people who were involved with that agenda during his last administration. (link)
About the problem of RINOs in Congress
[Note: January 18, 2025— The text of this section has been shortened.]
One of the biggest factors that is going to block real changes from happening is the fact that a large proportion of Republican representatives in Congress are actually for all intents and purposes Democrats, or “Republicans in Name Only” (RINOs), for example as explained in this article. So while it is claimed that the Republicans now have a “slight lead” in Congress, they actually have perhaps only 1/3 representation or even less. Therefore ultimately not much is going to change with many issues except perhaps for a few outrageously ridiculous aspects being fixed (which I think in many cases were likely put into place for the purpose of appeasing conservatives with their removal.)
Would amending the U.S. Constitution be necessary to outlaw birthright citizenship?
[This section has been added on January 18, 2025.]
Trump had signed an executive order that stops the practice of birthright citizenship being allowed in the U.S., which was definitely appropriate for him to do. Most Western countries such as in Europe don’t allow such a policy, and the U.S. shouldn’t either. Of course Trump’s order is already being widely challenged, (link) so it will necessitate a Supreme Court ruling being made about the matter.
It would be great if the U.S. Constitution could be amended to specifically outlaw birthright citizenship, however doing so would be almost impossible due to the amount of Democrats in Congress.
The framers of the Constitution made it intentionally very difficult for it to be amended. It requires each house of Congress to pass the Amendment with a two-thirds majority, where after that three-fourths of all state legislatures must vote to approve it before it is considered ratified and added to the Constitution, which means that only 13 states would be able to block the proposed Amendment from being ratified. (link)
However, there is much reason to be optimistic about the Supreme Court upholding outlawing birthright citizenship anyway. Section one of the 14th amendment states, “[A]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
The 14th Amendment was added in 1868 to ensure that the children of freed slaves were given citizenship, it was not added in order to empower the harmful “birth tourist” and “anchor baby” agendas that are now being implemented. (link and link)
The debate about the issue is with the statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” where precedent has already been established that it does not apply to Foreign diplomats who are visiting the U.S., or to children of members of an invading army. However it is completely reasonable to consider the illegal immigrants to be an “invading army,” as the following links explain for example. (link, link, link, and link.)
What can be done
Trump won’t be able to run for another term after this one, but it is likely that one of his associates will run instead.
Activists now have only four years to fix the most significant issues before the next election. Following are what I think are two of the most important issues:
1. There needs to be an agenda of completely overhauling the election laws of the United States, which can only be done by federalizing voting standards and banning all electronic vote counting, including banning machines that count paper ballots. (link)
2. There needs to be an agenda for people around the country in districts that have RINO representatives to coordinate and scream bloody murder about that situation in order to ensure that such politicians aren’t selected by the Republican machines to run again. It is not enough for just “third party candidates” to run because they won’t be elected, and worse they will only split the vote.