News of Interest.TV

“Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda For World Domination”

 by Edward Ulrich, November 22, 2023

This video explains the UN’s “Agenda 21” and “Agenda 2030” initiatives, which are mechanisms it uses to take control of the countries of the world by implementing invasive and illegal “sustainable development” agendas that are under the guise of supposedly helping the environment.

The policies of the agendas are intended to increase worldwide poverty, decrease populations, decrease global security, dilute and destroy cultural differences, and to implement totalitarian controls over all of the people on the Earth.

[Note: I recently found this video that was made in 2020.  I wish its topics would be discussed more frequently in the media.

I’ve always been interested in the mechanism of how the UN is taking control of the U.S. and the rest of the world, such as is explained in Alex Jone’s video Endgame, and in information he has disseminated on his radio show (link, link and link), and in Michael Coffman’s video Global Warming or Global Governance.

I’ve briefly summarized the sections of the video in this article.

This is yet another of the videos where YouTube requires an adult login despite the fact that it does not contain any content that is inappropriate for children, so I have embedded a Rumble version here instead.  A link to the official YouTube version is here.]



We are living in a world of planned chaos, where the global elite have been implementing the “Hageleian Dialect” of creating problems in society in to order to present their deceptive “solutions.”





“Agenda 21” is a 351 page document written by the United Nations that details a concept of a “global partnership” for “sustainable development” that reflects a “global consensus” which is a call for countries of the world to unite.

The agenda is a centrally planned, totalitarian, planet-wide system of government control, where all decision making, power, and wealth are held only by the state rather than individual citizens.





— The U.S. Bill of Rights state that rights come from God, whereas the “UN Declaration of Human Rights” makes no mention of a higher authority, but rather the UN sees itself as the higher authority.

— The U.S. Bill of Rights is a list of limitations of what the government is allowed to do, whereas the UN Declaration of Human Rights “grants” rights to people as long as those rights don’t conflict with the goals of the UN which are determined by the political elite.

— The following words are present in the Bill of Rights, but not present in the UN Declaration of Human Rights:

probable cause
trail by jury
due process
unreasonable searches
excessive bail
free state

— Since the “UN Declaration of Human Rights” makes no mention of the above words, it is a recipe for an enormous totalitarian police state.

— The UN Declaration of Human Rights even specifies that it can suspend whatever rights it grants, which the U.S. Bill of Rights cannot do.

— The UN Declaration of Human Rights makes no mention of the right to keep and bear arms or to own private property, which are two essential ingredients for a free and prosperous society.  Instead, the UN takes control of those two aspects which ensures that there will be no free states and poverty will never go away.

— Most of the people in the world are living in poverty because their governments will not allow them to own private property.

— The Unites States is the only country in the world where individuals have the absolute right to own property.

— The United Nations works on a concept of wealthy nations giving money to non-wealthy nations in a “redistribution of wealth” scheme, rather than empowering the non-wealthy nations to be self-sufficient themselves.

— “Social Equity” is one of the three pillars of “sustainable development,” where “unfairness” in the world is supposedly rectified by forcing the redistribution of wealth.

— Socialists believe that wealth comes from political edict where it can simply be taken from people who are productive to then be redistributed, however eventually that will impoverish the producers and leave everyone “equal” in poverty.

— Anyone in the world would be able to create wealth if they would be able to own real estate and own guns.





— The UN is “right granting” entity, which is claimed to be done in the name of “the Environment, Economy, and Equity,” however the genuine motivations are for the UN to take totalitarian control of the planet in order to make all people “equally poor.”

— The term “sustainable development” was coined in 1987 in a publication called “Our Common Future,” which claims to be for creating abundance, but in fact it is for creating scarcity— for example through the use of fear mongering tactics such as making claims of supposed man-made global warming, and not allowing people to own their own property.

— Since the environment does not follow political boundaries, the UN finds it to be ideal to use as an excuse for taking control everywhere.





This segment explains that war enables a state to gain control over its population.  It depletes the populations of resources and prosperity, puts them into consciousness of fear, and it divides them against each other, which is the classic ruling class strategy of “divide and conquer.”  War is also extremely profitable for the industries of the military industrial complex.





This section talks about the elite basing their policies on the theory of “Malthusianism,” where they hypothesize that when populations increase their food production it lead to their simply increasing their population sizes rather than improving their living standard.

A book “The Limits to Growth” claims that with increasing population sizes, food consumption will increase exponentially while food production will increase only linearly, therefore leading to the world running out of resources by 2072.  But the reality is that populations haven’t been growing at the rate that they have been predicted to, and food production has been increasing at a greater rate than predicted.

The most effective way to stop out-of-control birth rates is to allow societies to be prosperous rather than keeping them poor, where they will then naturally have smaller family sizes.





— In 1992, George HW Bush signed the Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan, which was a “voluntary agreement” and not a treaty or a law, but rather it was a “soft law” that was never debated or voted on.

— The agenda mobilized every Federal agency to adopt plans, programs and huge amounts of money to implement massive zoning laws that were implemented across rural and suburban America.

— Bush signing onto the agreement was an act that was completely against the Constitution of the Untied States and the freedoms it was designed to protect, such as private property and individual choice.

— Then in 1993, the non-binding Agenda 21 became binding when Bill Clinton signed Executive Order # 12852, launching the President’s Council of Sustainable Development which was tasked with implementing all of the plans within the United States.  On the Council were members of every agency of the U.S., where their goal was to take the “voluntary” suggestions and make them the law of the land.  For example the NGOs wrote the policies for HUD, the EPA, the Department of Transportation.

— Like a cancer, between 1993 and 1999 Agenda 21 started embedding itself from every cell of the federal government down to state governments, where sustainable development concepts and laws infiltrated every county, township, and city, through federal and state grants which are actually “bribes.”

— In 2015, the U.N. updated the Agenda 21 to be Agenda 2030, which specified 17 goals for the world to reach by 2030, all of which are antithetical to individual freedom.

— In 2019, the “Green New Deal” was introduced which openly pushes the goals of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which is a fundamental transfer of sovereign power to the UN from the countries in the United Nations through the control of land and other resources.





[This section explains how the global elite have been using the phony excuse of global warming in order to implement their totalitarian controls, such as though the German organization I.C.L.E.I. where towns and cities in the U.S. follow its mandates despite it being illegal for them to do so.

Also see the article A Reexamination of Climate Change Issues.]




HIDDEN PLANS  (1:18:00)

One benefit of agendas such as the Green New Deal is the fact that their harmful agendas are very visible to the public, and thus easier to expose.

All of the agendas such as I.C.L.E.I. are intended to take control of regions within a country and deprive local communities of having a say in their government, where officials are bribed into adopting Agenda 21 policies through federal grants.

The UN acts on a “precautionary principle” that considers all human activity and advancement as “dangerous unless proven not dangerous,” where moving forward is not allowed unless it can be proven that there is no harm.

Most of the population is never aware of Agenda 21, but rather only the fact that there are new zoning laws that they must follow.

Sustainable development agendas are deceptively achieved locally by “facilitated meetings” that are run by a professional facilitator which is trained in psychology, in order to steer the meeting in the direction of the outcome that they wish.





The “Biodiversity Treaty” was unleashed along with Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.  It is key to the Sustainable Development agenda.

The treaty claims that the human race cannot sustain itself due to overpopulation, saying the air, water, and land are being polluted due to CO2 buildup and the use of fossil fuels.

The biodiversity treaty is over a thousand pages long, and it explains what supposedly is and is not sustainable, for example power lines, ponds, fences, golf courses, and scuba diving.

The treaty was written by an environmental extremists Dave Foreman who put together what is called the “Wildlands Project” which called for the “rewilding” of 50% of all the land in every state of the U.S. back to how it was when Christopher Columbus arrived.  He stated that he has a dream of establishing an unbroken corridor where Grizzlies and Grey Wolves would be able to roam from Mexico to Canada.

Under the Wildlands Project, vast tracts of land throughout the U.S. would be returned to the wild, where few or no humans would be allowed on the tracks which would cover the entire country.  Humans would be able to visit, but not stay in those locations.

All human support services such as roads, power lines, dams, farms, ranches, police, and firefighting services in those areas will be gone.

That process is already occurring where roads are being closed and forests are being limited, with the idea being to “stack and pack” people into metropolitan areas.





The UN “Habitat One” plan is where humans are to be relocated from living in the countryside to be living packed into cities, where single family homes will be phased out.




TAKINGS  (1:37:00)

“Conservation Easements” are a way that landowners are tricked into giving up their rights, where they often find that they are no longer allowed to maintain thier property.

In 2006, the Supreme Court ruled that if a community can better use the land then it is OK for eminent domain to take it; and as soon as that decision was made, thousands of decisions were made across the country involving eminent domain for sustainable development that ignored every previous precedent.  Private property in the U.S. died forever on that day.




WILDFIRES  (1:47:05)

[This section mentions the potential use of “energy weapons” for creating forest fires which I have not seen evidence of.  I believe such fires are likely set by ANTIFA-type terrorists instead.]





The concept of the New World Order is actually the “old world order,” where a world government will take centralized state control over every aspect of public and private life, including religion, the economy, education, the family, and the media.

F.A. Hayek wrote the book “The Road to Serfdom” in 1944 which warns about tyranny inevitably resulting from government control of economic decision-making through central planning.

Agenda 21 intends to consolidate the following:

Mineral Resources
Local Government Jurisdictions





Regionalization is where non-elected people are making decisions where they have usurped local elected communities such as city councils, where groups of cities and counties are put under a comprehensive “smart growth” plan.

The illegal immigration that is happening on the southern border is an example of such an agenda in action, as is the de-industrialization of the U.S. that has been happening.

There are 11 “Megaregions” in the United States that break all jurisdictional boundaries of towns, cities, states, and even the borders of the country, which destroys the ability of citizens to have representative government.





The UN Claims to exist in order to prevent war, remedy poverty, reduce population, protect the environment, and stop global warming; however the means that they use are simply excuses to implement totalitarian control over the countries of the world.

The video explains that there needs to be a new type of international body that is based on the U.S. Bill of Rights, where the rights to own guns and property are valued, instead of the organization being based on the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto as the UN is.




SUMMARY  (2:19:45)

This section is a summary of the information that was detailed in the video.





This section explains that it is important to get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S., since they are polar opposites.

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