Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas being questioned at a 2023 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about his open borders immigration policies.
In recent years many Jewish people have been outspoken in support of open borders in Western countries such as in the U.S. and Europe, including supporting importing Islam into those regions, but at the same time those same people have been almost entirely opposed to the concept of open borders being implemented in Israel, despite the fact that the Western countries are ultimately being harmed by their open borders in the same manner that Israeli would be.
For example, polls are claiming that 72% of American Jews currently identify as Democrats which must mean that they also support the open borders agendas of the party. (link, link, and link) (But note however that polls can’t be trusted.) Also Jewish organizations such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society are at the forefront of importing illegal immigrants including Islamists into Western countries (link) who are often hostile towards Jews and others, as this article explains.
In this video Mark Dice explains that the Democrats in the Biden Administration have been mandating that razor wire border barriers are cut and removed to enable the passage of illegal migrants, and he also mentions the role of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society in bringing the migrants in.
Also many Republican politicians are Zionists who support extreme immigration agendas. For example the South Carolina Republican senator Lindsay Graham who has been called a “tremendous friend and tremendous ally” by Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been at the forefront of importing Jihadist Islam into the U.S. (link, link and link) while at the same time he has been advocating for the use of nuclear weapons against Palestine. This news report explains that Graham was jeered while speaking at a Trump rally on July 2, 2024, where he appeared a few months after he made the remark about using nuclear weapons against Palestine.
(Note that the open borders are ultimately an agenda of the global elite, as this video and this video explain. It is not specifically a “Jewish” agenda, where many non-Jewish organizations are involved as well. Also many Jews are opposed to open borders in the West such as most who are Republican voters.)
This video explains the situation of thousands of Muslims recently marching through the streets of Birmingham, UK, while British patriots have been jailed for criticizing them.
[Apparently the video is speaking about an August 19 march that was held to protest anti-immigration protesters clashing with police after a 17-year-old son of a Rwandan migrant family stabbed three elementary school girls to death and critically injured five others at a Taylor Swift-themed event. (link) Note also that the perpetrator might in fact actually be a Muslim despite the media attempting to deny it and shame the protesters for making that assumption, as this article explains.
I think the best way to fix such problems is for more people to be made aware of the serious but little understood issues with Islam (link), new migrants should not be allowed to come into the country where they would not receive benefits and be aggressively deported if they try, migrants who commit crimes should be deported after they serve their prison sentences, prison sentences for crimes should be increased in Europe, and more people including politicians should stress the importance of native Europeans having larger families due to their rapidly declining birth rates.]
This video explains that large Islamic advertisements and “woke” messages are being plastered over iconic British landmarks, and it also explains issues with the tyrannical UK government attempting to outlaw cigarettes in the country.
This Raymond Ibrahim article details issues with the situation of the marchers in Birmingham, where it also explains a phenomenon known as “ribat” that is in the process of occurring where Jihadists set up a permanent enclave in order to eventually overtake an area. It is explained that the difference between what has historically happened with that and what is happening now is the fact that Europe’s ruling class are doing everything that they can to enable it.
[Note that the British mainstream media usually refers to the Muslims in their country as “Asians” rather than “Middle Easterners,” where while it is sometimes technically correct it lumps them in with East Asians who of course don’t really have any cultural similarities with Middle Easterners. Since the rapidly proliferating Muslim populations in the UK and Europe are something that is being engineered by the political Establishment (link, and link), I believe them being referred to as “Asians” is a form of doublespeak whose use has been encouraged by the global elite though their control of the media.
See this video and this article for details about how the media in the U.S. is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whereas the British equivalent of it is the “Royal Institute of International Affairs.” Also see this article for an example of how the BBC is controlled by the political Establishment.]
People in Lebanon responding to a pager exploding in a militant’s pocket.
On September 17, 2024, at least eight people were killed and 2,750 others were wounded when pagers that Hezbollah militants were using in Lebanon and Syria detonated at the same time in an apparent coordinated attack by Israel, according to news reports.
Then on the next day hand held walkie-talkies that the militants were using were reported to be detonated in a second wave of attacks, which are said to have killed at least 20 people and injured 450 others.
Israel is apparently attempting to incite Lebanon into more hostility with the attacks, which is ultimately dangerous to the Israeli people and everyone else. Many people are rationalizing that the attacks are self-defense since Hezbollah is in fact a terrorist organization and it had been attacking Israel by launching rockets at it (link, and link), however it should be conceded that Israel’s attacks are also terrorism because innocent people are also being harmed by it.
To me it seems uncharacteristic of Israel to engage in such attacks rather than waiting to detonate the devices only when the actual Hezbollah militants would start to attack. I do think that the Israeli government engages in underhanded tactics, but usually they do so in a manner that is not as readily apparent on the surface.
It is now being reported that Israel has unleashed airstrikes in Lebanon, and Hamas (rather than Hezbollah) has been threatening suicide attacks against Israel, as this Breitbart article explains.
[Note: I wonder if the amount of casualties from the attack are actually as large as the numbers that are being reported. I initially saw some footage of people in hospitals that looked genuine, however the clips have since been taken offline such as the one at this link for example. In any event I haven’t seen any footage that convinces me that thousands of people have been harmed.
Presumably the devices had gunpowder in them or some other sort of explosives, so it seems unlikely to me that so many people could have been using them without it being detected. For example none of the devices had prematurely exploded and the explosives had not been detected by other means, even though the militants had been using the pagers since February! (link) However one reason it may have avoided detection is because Muslims don’t make use of bomb sniffing dogs due to their religion telling them that dogs are “unclean.” (link)
This BBC article quotes a surgeon at a hospital who says that he has been continuously working for almost 24 hours on the wounded, however the article shows no photos or video evidence of his claims despite the fact that essentially everyone everywhere has a video camera in their pocket. Of course he could be telling the truth, but note that medical professionals often lie to the media when the political Establishment instructs them to do so, such as after the Boston Marathon bombing hoax and during the COVID lockdown for example.
The most comprehensive collection of footage of the attacks that I have found are in this and this Information Liberation articles.
In any event most people do not realize that Hezbollah is ultimately controlled by the political Establishment since its funding and direction come from Iran (link), which is covertly controlled by the global elite (link).]
This is full video of the live broadcast of the debate that was narrated by Infowars.com. Note if you are having problems playing the video try this link or this link.
Despite Trump’s great performance in his debate with Kamala Harris, the Establishment media has been attacking him and claiming that Harris had won despite the opposite being true.
The media has been constantly leveling false accusations at Trump about the debate, which they seem to think they will be able to get away with due to his not bringing up some of the most hard-hitting issues but instead often mentioning ones that seem as if they are “ridiculous accusations” even though they actually are true.
Many reports are also attempting to claim that she “baited” him into “going on rants,” however he in fact had a very calm and reasoned demeanor.
The moderators were noticeably unfair to Trump by asking him loaded questions and supposedly “fact checking” him many times, whereas they never fact checked Harris’ statements despite the fact that it was mostly her statements that were incorrect.
During the entire debate Harris made ridiculous patronizing faces, including even making faces in a strange attempt to deny facts about her that are common knowledge, for example while Trump was explaining that she has been in favor of defunding the police.
Unfortunately though Trump neglected to mention some important issues, such as the one of huge amounts of children being missing due to Biden’s open border policies, as this video explains. [Note see this video or this video if you are having problems playing the video.]
Also when Trump was asked by a moderator about the accusation that he blocked the Democrat’s “border bill” for political gain, he surprisingly didn’t answer the question even though he easily could have cleared the air about the matter, such as is explained in this article. Despite that being an important question for him to answer, he instead changed the topic to the recently reported issue of Haitian migrants in Ohio eating people’s pets and ducks from parks, which even though it is actually true it is controversial and it seems ridiculous, thus giving the media an opportunity to deceitfully portray him as him being some sort of a crazy bigot.
Trump also mentioned some other issues that “seem ridiculous” even though they are true, and in all of those cases the Establishment media has been attempting to capitalize on it by falsely proclaiming that what he said is crazy and false, as later information in this article explains.
I was glad when I heard that there was going to be another debate, but now apparently Trump is saying that he doesn’t want to do that. I think the political Establishment knows that if another debate were to happen Harris would be clobbered beyond any ability for them to maintain the facade of them being “neck and neck” in the public opinion, thus he is likely being warned to back off. I hope at least they will allow him to win the election by not implementing their vote fraud against him.
I can’t imagine how the vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and “Tampon Tim” won’t further obliterate the Democrats, unless some sort of weird unpleasant surprises are waiting in the wings. For example I’m put off by Vance associating the term “Hillbilly” with himself, which concerns me.
[Update: September 13, 2024 — Actually I wasn’t very familiar with J.D. Vance other than some interviews that that I’ve seen of him in the news. He seems like a pretty good choice for VP but I hope he won’t play the Establishment’s game too much.
I just saw the “Hillbilly Elegy” movie that I thought was well-made, I thought it was similar to the “8 Mile” movie except without the rapping. It is strange that the critics panned it at the time as explained in its Wikipedia page, apparently the reviews were politically motivated due to him being a conservative.]
In any event everything that was said in the debate is fertile ground for being scrutinized, which certainly isn’t going to work out well for Harris.
Following are some of the issues that either Harris or the moderators lied about or the media has been incorrectly attempting to spin about the debate:
Migrant gangs are in fact being empowered in the U.S., despite claims to the contrary
Infowars video: “RED ALERT: MSM Now Admits Venezuelan Gangs Are Taking Over America!” (link, link or link) — In this video starting at about 14:30, Alex Jones explains many news reports about Venezuelan gangs in the states of Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, California, New Mexico, and Colorado, where they are being reported to be taking over private houses and apartment buildings, robbing stores, beating people up, and shooting and killing people— all while the political Establishment has been attempting to conceal those issues.
This Infowars Greg Reese video also explains information about Venezuelan gang activity in the U.S.
Accusations of migrants killing and eating people’s pets are true, despite claims to the contrary
September 10 Infowars video: “Springfield, Ohio Residents Describe Haitian Invasion Like Something out of Mad Max” (link, link or link) — In this video Alex Jones explains that many people in Springfield, Ohio and other towns have been complaining about problems being caused by 20,000 Haitian migrants who have been brought into the area where previously only about 50,000 people had lived. Many of the migrants are bringing voodoo practices where body parts from animals are being found that have apparently been used in rituals, bodycam footage from police is shown where a woman was apprehended for killing and eating a cat, reports are shown where some of the migrants have been killing and eating ducks and geese at the local parks, and it is explained that many of the migrants have been driving cars without licenses and getting into accidents. Also explained is how the problems are being denied to the media by members of the local city government.
September 12, 2024 Infowars article: “Ohio AG Slams Media For Hiding & Dismissing Springfield Haitian Goose Story” (link) — This article contains a video by the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost who explains that a recorded police call and police report do exist about a witness reporting immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield, and he explains that citizens have also been testifying to the City Council about the matter.
September 11, 2024 New York Post article: “A Springfield, Ohio man has reported Haitian migrants snatching geese out of a park two weeks ago” (link) — This is an example of how problems being caused by Hatian migrants in the Springfield, Ohio area are in fact actually real, despite members of the local government denying that the police know anything about it.
Many Democrats support post-birth abortions, despite claims to the contrary
In the debate one of the moderators “fact checked” Trump by saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” however many Democrats support allowing a baby to die “if has survived an abortion.”
Also when Trump asked Harris about late term abortions, she strangely attempted to create a false perception that she thinks it is ridiculous that he thinks she would support such a thing or that anyone would actually do that, despite the fact that it is precisely what she supports.
Watch the debate in the above video starting at about 13:30 to see what was said about the abortion issue.
This Tweet shows footage of Governor Ralph Northam endorsing killing born-alive infants, where he says, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”
I think every abortion is a tragedy and a woman should always choose not to have one, but personally I support the availability of early-term abortions (heartbeat bills for example), and the availability of “morning after pills” as long as they are only allowed to be dispensed in the presence of a doctor. I also believe exemptions should be allowed in some cases such as in the case of incest or to save the life of the mother.
I’m worried that some corrupt politicians may be advocating for the most extreme pro-life stances not because they actually care about the matter, but because they are deceitfully attempting to empower their opposition due to many people being opposed to that.
I respect the intentions of most pro-life purists however. Like I’ve mentioned I would like to make an article that compares different stances about the abortion issue, where it would technically also present the stance of what late-term abortion advocates want, however that would also depict the atrocity of what late-term abortions actually are.
See this article where I discuss the abortion issue.
See this article that explains current abortion laws in various states.
Harris has only very recently changed her stance about wanting to confiscate the guns of law abiding Americans
When Trump said that “Harris wants to confiscate your guns,” Harris denied it by claiming that she and her running mate Tim Walz are “both gun owners,” and she said, “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away, so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”
However Kamala has often advocated for doing exactly that through “mandatory gun buyback programs.” See this video that contains a compilation of what she has said in the past about her stances on gun confiscation. [I wish they also would have superimposed the dates of when each of the video clips was recorded. And note that when “assault weapons bans” are mentioned it also means most types of handguns.]
Kamala Harris ridiculously denied advocating for defunding the police despite it being common knowledge that she was one of the loudest supporters of the agenda
I can’t imagine even any of Harris’s supporters not thinking it is very strange that Harris denied wanting to defund the police (which many of them still want to do!)
Note the following information has been found in this Gateway Pundit article which reports about fact-checking that the Trump campaign did about the debate.
July 2024 ABC News article: “Harris, in 2020, said ‘we have to redirect resources’ from police” (link)
In the video in this Tweet Harris applauds Eric Garcetti for defunding the Los Angeles Police Department.
The video in this Tweet shows that Harris has repeatedly praised the “Defund the Police” movement.
The video in this tweet shows Harris ridiculously saying, “It's ‘wrongheaded’ and ‘outdated’ to think police officers make communities safe.”
Kamala also denied that she raised money to bail violent rioters out of jail during the 2020 riots, despite the fact that this Tweet on her own Twitter account advocates for that!
[Also see this article which explains that the “defunding the police” agenda is for replacing police officers with corrupt Marxist “community patrols.”]
This video talks about an issue of armed migrant gangs becoming empowered in Colorado and elsewhere in the U.S.
Also see this article explaining that Colorado’s governor Jared Polis (who is a homosexual that has a husband, where he was somehow elected despite many areas of that state being conservative) is telling citizens to ignore the issue of the armed Venezuelans.
While all of this has been happening, Establishment media pundits such as John Oliver have been falsely claiming “there is no migrant crime wave,” as this article explains.
Issues with Donald Trump and Immigration in the U.S.
I saw this article from a local newspaper in State College, PA which is attempting to create fear about an extreme “Agenda 2025” which is apparently some sort of an Establishment disinformation campaign that the media and politicians have been attempting to associate with Trump, despite his constantly publicly disavowing it.
I graduated from Penn State University in the 1990’s. The school didn’t have any discernible bias while I was attending it, but according to news reports that I’ve been seeing over the years it has apparently become a leftist extremists institution just like most of the rest of universities have in the U.S.
In any event, the “enlightened” leftists at such Universities don’t need to fret about Trump. For example he actually isn’t going to do much to fix the immigration problems despite his spoken rhetoric about it.
During his first term, Trump mostly only focused on proclaiming that “he was going to build a border wall” while almost never mentioning the most significant immigration problems such as them being released into the U.S. to wait for their hearings that are scheduled years in the future. (link) When he was questioned about such issues he would often make excuses such as saying that “an Obama appointed judge in California told him that he couldn’t do anything about that, etc..,” (link) rather than simply going ahead with the appropriate actions anyway since such judges were attempting to enforce illegal policies.
Even Trump’s “border wall” was a farce, and strangely he even attempted to claim at the end of his term that he “finished the wall.” (link)
Trump eventually did implement at least some useful agendas however, such as the “Remain in Mexico policy,” however the effectiveness of that and other policies were immediately negated once he threw the election to Biden at the end of his term by not effectively challenging the fraud that occurred in the election. (link)
Nonetheless Trump is much preferable to the Democrats since he usually at least appropriately advocates for what needs to be done. He would be much more effective if he was called out more often by his supporters whenever he strays, which they rarely do unfortunately. Many of his high profile supporters are Freemasons who are doing what they are told to do.
Based on what he did in his past administration, the most that Trump will likely be willing to do is to reduce the flow of migrants that are coming in while he is in office, and he will likely not be allowed to permanently dismantle the corrupt system that has been allowing them in despite it theoretically being possible for him to do so.
[Note: September 15, 2024— I improved the wording of the preceding two paragraphs. I think Trump wants to do what is right but all Presidents are ultimately required to do as they are instructed by the political Establishment.
If anyone is wondering about the potential of Trump actually deporting people as he has sometimes been talking about, they should realize that most Americans are too squeamish to even agree to stop the flow of illegal migrants coming into the country in the first place! A few people are saying that they are in favor of large scale deportations, but that will never happen except perhaps for migrants who commit crimes.
It is most important to stop the influx of illegal migrants coming in the first place, which is by far the easiest and most effective approach. I think deportations can work in some cases such as if they commit crimes, but a policy of mass deportations would not work and it would never be agreed to happen by enough people, and if Trump makes it too much of a platform it could cause him to lose the election (and it would give the political Establishment a way to make stealing the election from him appear as if it legitimately happened.)]
(I support much of what Trump at least says he will do, however I don’t support his extreme non-critical pro-Israel stances that most other Republicans and Democrats also share. I usually like Israeli people but the Israeli government is very corrupt and harmful.)
Lack of public knowledge about the immigration situation in the U.S. is a significant cause of the problems
One of the biggest hindrances to anything being done about the immigration problem is most people’s lack of knowledge about the nature and extent off the issue due to a media blackout about the topic, including even in much of the conservative media.
For example most people are unaware that the Biden administration has been flying migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua into Florida, Texas, and other states since January, where almost 350,000 have been brought in so far, in addition to the whatever migrants that have been crossing the border during that time.
In addition to the U.S. doing that, Nicaragua has been intentionally weaponizing illegal immigration into the U.S. through facilitating the passage of Latin Americans, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Asians as “blackmail” to force U.S. sanctions relief, as this article explains. (And note that the totalitarian regime of Nicaragua is covertly controlled by the global elite.)
Additionally, the media constantly lies about the number of illegal migrants that are in the U.S., where the most reliable estimates show that at least 30 million were already in the U.S. even before Joe Biden’s open borders which have allowed tens of millions more to come in. (link)
Issues with Kamala Harris and Immigration in the U.S.
Kamala Harris and the Democrats have been trying to “blame Trump and the Republicans” for the immigration problems by claiming that the Republicans “voted against the Democrat’s ‘border bill’ for corrupt and selfish reasons.” (link) However the bill actually would not have done anything significant to stop the immigration, as this article explains in detail.
Harris has been claiming that she wants to “hire more border guards,” but the actual job of the “guards” would only be to facilitate even more illegal immigration happening, as this article explains.
When Harris claims that she wants to “‘fix’ the border issue,” what she means is that she wants to make what is currently “illegal” be “legal.” For example during campaigning in 2020, Harris along with most of the rest of the Democrat candidates openly advocated for removing criminal penalties for crossing the border illegally, as the videos at this link explain, among other issues.
It is no exaggeration to say that if Harris wins, it will mean the end of the United States. (link)
This article by Raymond Ibrahim explains that the historic St. Anne’s Church in Buffalo, NY was sold to a Muslim organization for only $250,000 to be turned into an Islamic “victory mosque.”
The Catholic Church has a long history of engaging in a sacrilegious practice of giving churches away to be converted into nightclubs or mosques or private residences rather than tearing them down. It is only a matter of time before this church will be loudly broadcasting the Islamic Call to Prayer throughout the town on a daily basis, as these mosques do in the U.S. Can you imagine the plight of the Christian people who grew up in that neighborhood who now have such a towering desecration being forced upon them?
Other parts of the country have had success in organizing to push back against the Establishment’s agenda of Islamizing the U.S. (link) and Islamizing the West in general. (link and link) However no such pushback will happen in liberal areas, where many are imploding into tyrannical hellholes where illegal aliens, Muslims, and all other sorts of leftist types (link) are increasingly being put into positions of authority where they are replacing local police forces though Marxist “community policing” agendas. (link)
(For a good example of problems with “community patrols” be sure to read this article that explains specific past abuses by Muslim Community Patrols in New York City.)
This campaign video for Kamala Harris is communicated in a manner that has been calculated to be agreeable to many people. Trump on the other hand usually communicates in a divisive and even ridiculous manner.
It is important to realize that the style of communication of a candidate is really the only thing that most voters know or care about. The surface is an important part of the whole, so it should not be considered to be superficial for a candidate to also be concerned about their outward appearances.
Harris had been rated as the most liberal of all U.S. Senators (link), which is really saying something. See the previous NOITV article about issues with Joe Biden, and realize that Harris’ stances are even worse.
In any event, despite what many in the conservative media are claiming, Trump is as much a part of the political Establishment as the rest of the politicians are.
Trump has recently been getting very sketchy with his “assassination attempt” and the ridiculous divisive things he has been saying since that occurred, such as saying that “people won’t ever have to vote ever again” after he wins, and saying that people should be put in jail for a year if they desecrate the U.S. flag for example.
Trump has always been disingenuous, however. Remember that in his previous term he brought the COVID lockdown and the vaccines (link), he didn’t actually do anything significant about fixing the immigration problem when in fact he could have (link), and then he threw the election to Biden while playing along with supposedly being persecuted (link). Also Trump’s rallies are usually full of Freemasons (link and link) who are knowingly going along with his antics.
As bad as Trump is, I do think he is preferable though. But conservatives need to realize that he is not “their friend” and he needs to be called out whenever he strays, which is all the time. The concept of being an activist is totally foreign to most conservatives, who usually assume that all they need to do is “vote for a Republican” and it will fix everything.
I don’t know why Alex Jones has been so uncritical of Trump, he shouldn’t be.
Jones has put out a lot of good information in the past, however. For example the following three clips from Alex Jones’ documentary “Endgame” explain what the political Establishment has been doing to the United States:
Endgame segment: An Introduction to Historical Abuses by the Global Elite
Endgame segment: Battle for the Republic
Endgame segment: How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent
Also read the summary of the book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy,” and the summary of the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” which explain the long term agendas of the global elite, and see this article that summarizes much other information about the agendas of the globalist establishment.
Carter was one the most harmful of presidents, where the global elite exploited his seemingly “friendly and innocent nature” by using him as a puppet to cause damage across the world by betraying allies of the United States.
However, the behavior of his supporters is so irrational and ridiculous that it brings into question the legitimacy of their actions, where they seem to be engaging in a form of artificially coordinated gaslighting.
Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada during the 1970’s and 1980’s, and he was a known Marxist Communist who along with his wife Margaret Trudeau were close friends with Fidel Castro.
This article summarizes every time either Cuba or Fidel Castro were mentioned in the book.
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![FederalizeVotingStandards.org advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines](_sam_noitv/politics/election_fraud/fvs/_thumbnail_images/fvs_small.jpg)
![Hacking Democracy - Hacking Votes Using Only a Memory Card](_sam_noitv/video_pages/politics/election_fraud_vids/hacking_dem_card/_thumbnail_images/hacking_dem_card_small.jpg)
![A Summary of Widespread Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying](_sam_noitv/environment/chemtrails/index/_thumbnail_images/chemtrails_med.jpg)
![Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrials)](_sam_noitv/video_pages/chemtrails/aerosol_crimes_abbr/_thumbnail_images/video_aerosol_crimes_small.jpg)
![Timelapse Video of Chemtrail Spraying over Pennsylvania, July 23, 2007](_sam_noitv/video_pages/chemtrails/timelapse_pa_2007_07_23/_thumbnail_images/tmlpse_pa_2007_07_23_small.jpg)
![Creating Political Change Through Communication and Legislation](_sam_noitv/legislative_change/index/_thumbnail_images/legislative_change_med.jpg)
![Deriving the Most Effective Activist Communication for Creating Political Change](_sam_noitv/legislative_change/activist_communication/_thumbnail_images/communication_small.jpg)
Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue. This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other. It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.
![Media Bias Effecting Awareness of Important Issues](_sam_noitv/politics/media_issues/bias/_thumbnail_images/media_issues_med.jpg)
![A Summary of the Documentary Video ”Behind the Big News”](_sam_noitv/politics/video_summaries/behind_the_big_news/_thumbnail_images/behind_the_big_news_small.jpg)
![Behind the Big News: Infiltration of the Anti-WTO Movement](_sam_noitv/video_pages/politics/jbs/behind_the_big_news/wto/_thumbnail_images/behind_big_news_wto_small.jpg)
![Seattle WTO Riots: Problem, Reaction, Solution](_sam_noitv/video_pages/politics/infowars/police_state_ii_wto_riots/_thumbnail_images/p_state_ii_wto_riots_small.jpg)
Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.
![Deception at the Million Mom March](_sam_noitv/video_pages/politics/jbs/behind_the_big_news/million_mom_march/_thumbnail_images/dees_thomases_small.jpg)
![<i>HEMP! HEMP! HOORAY!</i> — Growing Hemp is now legal in the United States](_sam_noitv/environment/hemp/hemp_hemp_hooray/_thumbnail_images/hemp_hemp_hooray_small.jpg)
This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.
![Concepts for Harvesting Rainwater Over Active Agricultural Fields](_sam_noitv/environment/rainwater_gathering/harvesting_field_rain/_thumbnail_images/harvesting_field_rain_small.jpg)
![Issues With River Systems in the United States](_sam_noitv/environment/us_rvr_sysm_issues/_thumbnail_images/us_rvr_basins_small.jpg)
![Alex Jones Speaks With Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, July 2, 2009](_sam_noitv/audio_pages/alex_jones/_090702_pratt_montag/_thumbnail_images/heidi_and_spencer_small.jpg)
![Tony Robbins Quotes](_sam_noitv/_external_article_thumbs/EXT_health/tony_robbins_quotes/_thumbnail_images/tony_robbins_small.jpg)
![You Are Beautiful!](_sam_noitv/arts_entertainment/you_are_beautiful/index/_thumbnail_images/you_are_beautiful_small.jpg)