by Edward Ulrich, December 10, 2020
[Note: I’ve recently found this full video on Bit Chute on the Infowars channel, but I’ve seen excerpts from it before in other videos such as in the “Plandemic” video with Dr. Judy Mikovits.]
In an April, 2020 press conference in Bakersfield, California, two doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi explained their “E.R. physician entrepreneur’s perspective” on what was happening with the COVID situation. They had been working with COVID patients in their clinics since the discovery of the virus, and they explained why COVID is not more dangerous than the normal Flu, and they also explained why the lockdown and social distancing procedures that are being mandated are not actually necessary.
The two doctors also appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News television show to talk about their findings, and even Elon Musk tweeted their press conference to his 33 million followers. After their news conference became popular, the corrupt political Establishment apparently panicked and supposed “health officials and medical experts” dishonestly condemed the doctors for their statements, which then caused the media to label them as being “debunked by the experts” despite the fact that everything the doctors said is accurate and easily proven to be true.
Their video was then blocked from YouTube for supposedly “violating its terms of service” due to it giving information about COVID that the political Establishment does not want to be known, but Facebook suprisingly has not blocked the video.
In this article I detail what the doctors said in their press conference, and I then examine the claims that have been made to supposedly “debunk” their claims.
View the entire article at this link >>
[Note: I’ve recently found this full video on Bit Chute on the Infowars channel, but I’ve seen excerpts from it before in other videos such as in the “Plandemic” video with Dr. Judy Mikovits.]
In an April, 2020 press conference in Bakersfield, California, two doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi explained their “E.R. physician entrepreneur’s perspective” on what was happening with the COVID situation. They had been working with COVID patients in their clinics since the discovery of the virus, and they explained why COVID is not more dangerous than the normal Flu, and they also explained why the lockdown and social distancing procedures that are being mandated are not actually necessary.
The two doctors also appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News television show to talk about their findings, and even Elon Musk tweeted their press conference to his 33 million followers. After their news conference became popular, the corrupt political Establishment apparently panicked and supposed “health officials and medical experts” dishonestly condemed the doctors for their statements, which then caused the media to label them as being “debunked by the experts” despite the fact that everything the doctors said is accurate and easily proven to be true.
Their video was then blocked from YouTube for supposedly “violating its terms of service” due to it giving information about COVID that the political Establishment does not want to be known, but Facebook suprisingly has not blocked the video.
In this article I detail what the doctors said in their press conference, and I then examine the claims that have been made to supposedly “debunk” their claims.
View the entire article at this link >>
by Edward Ulrich, December 10, 2020
In this video entitled “The Epicenter Nurse— A Conversation with Erin Marie Olszewski, Interviewed by John Kirby of The Press & Public Project,” an undercover nurse Erin Marie Olszewski who was working at the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York during the height of the reported COVID pandemic explains many of the issues that she encountered while working there.
Issues that Olszewski explained in the video are as follows:
— The Elmhurst hospital was routinely putting patients onto ventilators who didn’t actually need them, that almost always resulted in causing the patients to die. The hospital was reimbursed 13 thousand dollars for every COVID patient that they admitted, and it was reimbursed 29 thousand additional dollars for every patient that they put onto a ventilator.
— Non-COVID patients who were often already immuno-compromised were put into rooms alongside with patients who had COVID, presumably in order to promote the spread of the disease.
— Non-COVID patients were often fraudulently being labeled as “COVID-confirmed” by the hospital in order for them to be put onto ventilators, despite the fact that the ventilators almost always killed the patients. Olszewski explains that often the patients only simply had issues with anxiety when they were given such a phony diagnosis.
— Many of the “doctors” who were working at the hospital were simply residents (meaning medical students) who often essentially had no idea what they were doing.
— The hospital was operating under “COVID-standards,” where the people working there had no liability for their actions, and essentially the medical residents were “practicing their skills” on the people who were being invasively vented.
— Elmhurst is a public hospital, and most of its patients were Hispanic, Black, or Asian, with the majority of them being in their 40’s or 50’s. She says about “half” of them tested positive for COVID, but all of them were being treated as if they had it. People were admitted for “COVID rule-out” and put alongside COVID patients in the meantime.
— The medical staff weren’t wearing the proper protective gear to deal with a highly contagious infectious disease, which was also presumably contributing to the spread of it.
— The hospital was using COVID tests that had a five to seven day turnaround time rather than using more expensive rapid tests that only took 45 minutes, and during the waiting period the hospital was essentially treating everyone as if they had the disease.
— Olszewski compares the hospital to one that is in a third world country, where she says it treats its patients as if they are disposable.
— Nurses were given orders to not attempt to resuscitate people when they die, even if their families requested that.
— When Olszewski was working in another hospital in Florida that was not a public hospital, they were treating patients using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc rather than venting people with respirators, and as a result nobody died from COVID while she was there. Despite a massive amount of evidence of Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc being a very effective treatment, New York’s governor Cuomo put a ban on that treatment in favor of using the deadly ventilators, and in fact he singled out Hydroxychloroquine in particular to be outlawed for use.
— Despite Trump previously touting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID, he did not make it a part of his “Operating Warp Speed” agenda, but he instead focused on the production of vaccines.
— An influential “Lancet Journal” paper claimed that the effectiveness of the use of Hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID was actually dangerous, however the paper was then shown to be based on fraudulent data and it was retracted.
— Olszewski explains that the hospitals in Florida were not overwhelmed with COVID patients at all, despite being told to expect a “wave” of cases due to spring break activity in that state.
— Olszewski mentioned the importance of people listening to what people such as her have to say about such situations, rather than rejecting such information due to the propaganda that is being put out by the Establishment media.
In this video entitled “The Epicenter Nurse— A Conversation with Erin Marie Olszewski, Interviewed by John Kirby of The Press & Public Project,” an undercover nurse Erin Marie Olszewski who was working at the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York during the height of the reported COVID pandemic explains many of the issues that she encountered while working there.
Issues that Olszewski explained in the video are as follows:
— The Elmhurst hospital was routinely putting patients onto ventilators who didn’t actually need them, that almost always resulted in causing the patients to die. The hospital was reimbursed 13 thousand dollars for every COVID patient that they admitted, and it was reimbursed 29 thousand additional dollars for every patient that they put onto a ventilator.
— Non-COVID patients who were often already immuno-compromised were put into rooms alongside with patients who had COVID, presumably in order to promote the spread of the disease.
— Non-COVID patients were often fraudulently being labeled as “COVID-confirmed” by the hospital in order for them to be put onto ventilators, despite the fact that the ventilators almost always killed the patients. Olszewski explains that often the patients only simply had issues with anxiety when they were given such a phony diagnosis.
— Many of the “doctors” who were working at the hospital were simply residents (meaning medical students) who often essentially had no idea what they were doing.
— The hospital was operating under “COVID-standards,” where the people working there had no liability for their actions, and essentially the medical residents were “practicing their skills” on the people who were being invasively vented.
— Elmhurst is a public hospital, and most of its patients were Hispanic, Black, or Asian, with the majority of them being in their 40’s or 50’s. She says about “half” of them tested positive for COVID, but all of them were being treated as if they had it. People were admitted for “COVID rule-out” and put alongside COVID patients in the meantime.
— The medical staff weren’t wearing the proper protective gear to deal with a highly contagious infectious disease, which was also presumably contributing to the spread of it.
— The hospital was using COVID tests that had a five to seven day turnaround time rather than using more expensive rapid tests that only took 45 minutes, and during the waiting period the hospital was essentially treating everyone as if they had the disease.
— Olszewski compares the hospital to one that is in a third world country, where she says it treats its patients as if they are disposable.
— Nurses were given orders to not attempt to resuscitate people when they die, even if their families requested that.
— When Olszewski was working in another hospital in Florida that was not a public hospital, they were treating patients using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc rather than venting people with respirators, and as a result nobody died from COVID while she was there. Despite a massive amount of evidence of Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc being a very effective treatment, New York’s governor Cuomo put a ban on that treatment in favor of using the deadly ventilators, and in fact he singled out Hydroxychloroquine in particular to be outlawed for use.
— Despite Trump previously touting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID, he did not make it a part of his “Operating Warp Speed” agenda, but he instead focused on the production of vaccines.
— An influential “Lancet Journal” paper claimed that the effectiveness of the use of Hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID was actually dangerous, however the paper was then shown to be based on fraudulent data and it was retracted.
— Olszewski explains that the hospitals in Florida were not overwhelmed with COVID patients at all, despite being told to expect a “wave” of cases due to spring break activity in that state.
— Olszewski mentioned the importance of people listening to what people such as her have to say about such situations, rather than rejecting such information due to the propaganda that is being put out by the Establishment media.
by Edward Ulrich, December 3, 2020
Alex Jones explains that a major health executive in a 35 hospital network in western Pennsylvania has exposed the fact that COVID-19 is completely overblown scam that is actually a corrupt power grab by the global elite. The whistleblower is involved in the management of 35 hospitals for the Pennsylvania Management Company (UPMC), which has released an internal report showing that the supposed “second wave” of COVID cases has produced zero deaths in the entire 8000 bed hospital system.
The report says that hospitalizations have increased from 96 beds to around 600 beds, but with no deaths and with that situation being due to patients staying overnight for observation because they “tested positive” for COVID, after which they were released; and with that supposed “surge” of cases being hyped by the media as “an increase of over 600%.”
German courts have ruled that the COVID tests are false-positives 96% of the time, yet the mainstream media is ignoring that situation. Also even the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullins has stated that the test searches for tiny molecules that also exists in all sorts non-COVID situations. (This article explains that the tests are scientifically meaningless, and that article was then banned off of Facebook and supposedly “debunked” by a Politifact article, but the authors of the original article then wrote an open letter refuting Politifact’s supposed “fact check.”)
Infowars previously reported that in a Texas county, when one person was reported to have COVID, then fifteen other people around them were reported to have it as well in order to greatly inflate the supposed numer of cases, making the situation be the biggest hoax ever perpetrated in history.
Top scientists, epidemiologists, and virologists are continually going public saying that the situation is the biggest hoax ever. A virus does exist that can effect people with compromised immune systems, but the response to it is a fear-mongering hoax and a power grab by the global elite, and even Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group openly says it is “the Great Reset” with the virus being an excuse to bring in planetary rule and total control.
Everything that has been happening this fall is a repeat of what happened in January and February with the COVID lockdown. Then, as is now, it was claimed that the hospitals would be overwhelmed, however that was never actually the situation and in fact they were essentially empty.
“Big Tech,” such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have been merging and investing in “big pharma” as well as in the hospital systems, therefore they are banning consumer watchdog groups, medical doctors, and scientists who point out the fraud associated with COVID. [Note: This is why such companies should be boycotted. There are alternatives to all of them.]
It is being proposed that people will need to be COVID tested and be given a vaccine for the virus despite the fact that a vaccine won’t even protect people from it, since the common cold virus is essentially the same as COVID and there has never been a proven inoculation for that. The global elite have created COVID to be an “ultimate problem” to which there is no solution.
It is important for people to continue to go to the hospitals to document and expose the fact that they are nearly empty while they are falsely being claimed as being “full.”
Top scientists and top members of Congress such as Rand Paul have pointed out that the situation is being foisted on society by a tyrannical medial cult.
The Fauci / Bill Gates / UN directive has been to “intubate” mostly elderly people who simply have a fever, which then destroys their lungs and kills them, with the practice of doing so being a “modern guillotine.”
The virus isn’t really a threat, but instead the UN New World Order “Great Reset” is the real threat.
Alex Jones explains that a major health executive in a 35 hospital network in western Pennsylvania has exposed the fact that COVID-19 is completely overblown scam that is actually a corrupt power grab by the global elite. The whistleblower is involved in the management of 35 hospitals for the Pennsylvania Management Company (UPMC), which has released an internal report showing that the supposed “second wave” of COVID cases has produced zero deaths in the entire 8000 bed hospital system.
The report says that hospitalizations have increased from 96 beds to around 600 beds, but with no deaths and with that situation being due to patients staying overnight for observation because they “tested positive” for COVID, after which they were released; and with that supposed “surge” of cases being hyped by the media as “an increase of over 600%.”
German courts have ruled that the COVID tests are false-positives 96% of the time, yet the mainstream media is ignoring that situation. Also even the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullins has stated that the test searches for tiny molecules that also exists in all sorts non-COVID situations. (This article explains that the tests are scientifically meaningless, and that article was then banned off of Facebook and supposedly “debunked” by a Politifact article, but the authors of the original article then wrote an open letter refuting Politifact’s supposed “fact check.”)
Infowars previously reported that in a Texas county, when one person was reported to have COVID, then fifteen other people around them were reported to have it as well in order to greatly inflate the supposed numer of cases, making the situation be the biggest hoax ever perpetrated in history.
Top scientists, epidemiologists, and virologists are continually going public saying that the situation is the biggest hoax ever. A virus does exist that can effect people with compromised immune systems, but the response to it is a fear-mongering hoax and a power grab by the global elite, and even Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group openly says it is “the Great Reset” with the virus being an excuse to bring in planetary rule and total control.
Everything that has been happening this fall is a repeat of what happened in January and February with the COVID lockdown. Then, as is now, it was claimed that the hospitals would be overwhelmed, however that was never actually the situation and in fact they were essentially empty.
“Big Tech,” such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have been merging and investing in “big pharma” as well as in the hospital systems, therefore they are banning consumer watchdog groups, medical doctors, and scientists who point out the fraud associated with COVID. [Note: This is why such companies should be boycotted. There are alternatives to all of them.]
It is being proposed that people will need to be COVID tested and be given a vaccine for the virus despite the fact that a vaccine won’t even protect people from it, since the common cold virus is essentially the same as COVID and there has never been a proven inoculation for that. The global elite have created COVID to be an “ultimate problem” to which there is no solution.
It is important for people to continue to go to the hospitals to document and expose the fact that they are nearly empty while they are falsely being claimed as being “full.”
Top scientists and top members of Congress such as Rand Paul have pointed out that the situation is being foisted on society by a tyrannical medial cult.
The Fauci / Bill Gates / UN directive has been to “intubate” mostly elderly people who simply have a fever, which then destroys their lungs and kills them, with the practice of doing so being a “modern guillotine.”
The virus isn’t really a threat, but instead the UN New World Order “Great Reset” is the real threat.

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Len Horowitz speaks with ‘The Liberty Man’-John J.R. on the Republic Broadcasting Network on March 19, 2020 about issues with Coronavirus. Horowitz explains that it is shown that there is a specific “AIDS envelope” sequence of genes with the virus that proves it was bio-engineered in a laboratory, and he explains how people can naturally optimize their body chemistry to make themselves as immune to it as possible.
Following are points Horowitz makes in the broadcast:
— A scientific paper was published (and then soon after “retracted”) in the Lancet medical journal by nine scholars from India and Asia, with the group leader being Dr. Prashant Pradhan, the Chief Technical Officer for IBM in Asia. The study used an IBM WATSON computer to compare the genetic analysis of Coronavirus to previous viruses, which revealed that Coronavirus is an unnatural laboratory virus.
— In medicine, it is essential to diagnose a problem before it can be effectively treated, but due to censorship by the political Establishment there is no proper diagnoses being made about Coronavirus, so therefore only “managed chaos” is occurring. Horowitz says to see the Coronavirus section on his Medical Veritas website for a collection of information about the virus.
— Howowitz explains that the virus is a covert psy-op that is being implemented by the political Establishment in order to frighten the world population to enable the advancement of their deceptive long-term objectives. He cites as an example that in California, smaller businesses are being required by law to continue paying their employees while they are closed due to the lockdown, which is resulting in many of them going out of business, which is a part of an agenda of intentionally causing such a disempowering economic downfall to occur in order to help enable the political Establishment to consolidate their control over society.
— Horowitz wrote an intelligence memorandum about the laboratory origin of Coronovarius to Kelvin K. Droegemeier, President Trump’s Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, but he has not heard back from him about it so the letter has become an “open letter.”
— There is a “conspiracy of silence” in the media as well as a conspiracy of actual bio-terrorism that is happening, where the actual realities of the situation are being concealed while the population is being distracted with false information, with the conspiracy ultimately being associated with officials and organizations such as Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum.
— “Predicative programming” about Coronavirus had occurred on October 18, 2019 in a conference in New York City called “Event 201,” with the outbreak of the virus not being “discovered” until weeks later on December 1, 2019. Horowitz made a video analysis of that conference called “CoronaVirus predictive programming,” which details how the event was specific preparations for what is currently unfolding with the Coronavirus.
[Editor’s note: In recent years, Horowitz has been publicly critical of Alex Jones, such as in the “CoronaVirus predictive programming” video. However, I think his attitude toward Jones is somewhat unfair. Jones isn’t perfect, but he has been disseminating a lot of important information on a daily basis for many years. He has made a lot of important documentaries, such as “Endgame,” and ones that exposed the corruption of the Obama administration such as “The Obama Deception” and “Fall of the Republic.”]
— Horowitz explains that Fox News has been disseminating about 80% of the truth about issues with Coronavirus, however that outlet is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is a major investor in vaccinations, and thus its news coverage has been advocating for a vaccine-based solution to the virus.
— The CDC has a contract with the Johnson and Johnson company to manufacture the vaccines, despite the fact that it is one of least trustworthy companies in the world, for example it was previously exposed for putting Asbestos into baby powder.
— Coronavirus makes use of an AIDS envelope gene to infect the white blood cells in a person’s body, and Horowitz says the best thing someone can do to remain healthy is to alkalize their body chemistry, since doing so creates an environment of negatively charged electrons in their body that will neutralize that attachment apparatus of the virus. Official tests that check for the disease are actually checking for the existence of the genetic sequence of that AIDS gene rather than for any harm that the virus may or may not be causing in a person’s body, and the fact that the test is checking for that gene in particular is censored by the media.
— Horowitz mentions that it is useful to add a half a teaspoon of baking soda to spring water or steam distilled water for drinking, which is one of the least expensive way to alkalize the body, and he also mentions the usefulness of consuming SILVER HYRODROSOLS such as Oxy-Silver which are a very suppressed technology that are extremely helpful in combatting such a virus.
— A caller asks if Horowitz was referring to consuming “Colloidal Silver,” and Horowitz explains that OxySilver is something different, with it being a different type of technology that has a different sort of chemistry. Horowitz explains that the government is deceptively attempting to make people think that Colloidal Silvers are the same as OxySilver and they are also deceptively attempting to create an impression that Colloidal Silvers are somehow risky and damaging and don’t work. Horowitz mentions the website that contains much information about the OxySilver technology. Horowitz explains that in his opinion, governments throughout the world should be mass-producing OxySilver since it is currently the most effective treatment for Coronavirus. Horowitz also mentions that he drinks a water called “Essentia” that has a PH of 9.5
— Horowitz explains that the elderly are mostly at risk because their bodies are generally more acidified due to the amount of pharmaceutical drugs that they are often consuming.
— Horowitz mentions that consuming caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates, red meat, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals, as well as being under stress makes a person’s body chemistry acidified, which causes a weakened immunity to illnesses and diseases.
— Horowitz says that laboratory viruses are what is called “mutagenic agents” that are highly unstable and prone to recombining with other viruses. Viruses that occur naturally in the wild evolve over a millennia, which makes them very stable and they don’t mutate rapidly. AIDS and Coronavirus are mutagenic agents which makes them potentially very dangerous. Coronavirus is a SARS and AIDS recombinant which makes it highly unstable and potentially able to recombine with other biological weapons such as the H5N1 Bird Flu.
— All the evidence shows that Coronavirus is a bio-crime being perpetrated by the political Establishment through gross criminal negligence, and the most effective way for a person to avoid infection is for them to understand how to optimize their body chemistry to make it best able to defend itself from diseases.
— Horowitz explains that he isn’t necessarily a “fan” of Trump, but he hopes that Trump will be re-elected because the alternative would be unconscionable, and he explains that he appreciates how Trump exposes the corruption of the political Establishment and the corruption of the mainstream media. Horowitz also applauds Jared Kuchner for speaking out about issues with Coronavirus.
— Trump used to have healthier attitudes in being opposed to vaccines, but his stance has shifted since the 2016 election, presumably due to the influence of people aligned with the political Establishment such as Bill Gates. Bill Gates recently left Microsoft to head a bio-chip company, which is the sort of situation that Horowitz has been warning about for decades. Trump is also surrounded with war hawks and bio-terrorists such as Anthony Fauci who has been the “AIDS czar” for the American government for decades.
Following are points Horowitz makes in the broadcast:
— A scientific paper was published (and then soon after “retracted”) in the Lancet medical journal by nine scholars from India and Asia, with the group leader being Dr. Prashant Pradhan, the Chief Technical Officer for IBM in Asia. The study used an IBM WATSON computer to compare the genetic analysis of Coronavirus to previous viruses, which revealed that Coronavirus is an unnatural laboratory virus.
— In medicine, it is essential to diagnose a problem before it can be effectively treated, but due to censorship by the political Establishment there is no proper diagnoses being made about Coronavirus, so therefore only “managed chaos” is occurring. Horowitz says to see the Coronavirus section on his Medical Veritas website for a collection of information about the virus.
— Howowitz explains that the virus is a covert psy-op that is being implemented by the political Establishment in order to frighten the world population to enable the advancement of their deceptive long-term objectives. He cites as an example that in California, smaller businesses are being required by law to continue paying their employees while they are closed due to the lockdown, which is resulting in many of them going out of business, which is a part of an agenda of intentionally causing such a disempowering economic downfall to occur in order to help enable the political Establishment to consolidate their control over society.
— Horowitz wrote an intelligence memorandum about the laboratory origin of Coronovarius to Kelvin K. Droegemeier, President Trump’s Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, but he has not heard back from him about it so the letter has become an “open letter.”
— There is a “conspiracy of silence” in the media as well as a conspiracy of actual bio-terrorism that is happening, where the actual realities of the situation are being concealed while the population is being distracted with false information, with the conspiracy ultimately being associated with officials and organizations such as Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum.
— “Predicative programming” about Coronavirus had occurred on October 18, 2019 in a conference in New York City called “Event 201,” with the outbreak of the virus not being “discovered” until weeks later on December 1, 2019. Horowitz made a video analysis of that conference called “CoronaVirus predictive programming,” which details how the event was specific preparations for what is currently unfolding with the Coronavirus.
[Editor’s note: In recent years, Horowitz has been publicly critical of Alex Jones, such as in the “CoronaVirus predictive programming” video. However, I think his attitude toward Jones is somewhat unfair. Jones isn’t perfect, but he has been disseminating a lot of important information on a daily basis for many years. He has made a lot of important documentaries, such as “Endgame,” and ones that exposed the corruption of the Obama administration such as “The Obama Deception” and “Fall of the Republic.”]
— Horowitz explains that Fox News has been disseminating about 80% of the truth about issues with Coronavirus, however that outlet is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is a major investor in vaccinations, and thus its news coverage has been advocating for a vaccine-based solution to the virus.
— The CDC has a contract with the Johnson and Johnson company to manufacture the vaccines, despite the fact that it is one of least trustworthy companies in the world, for example it was previously exposed for putting Asbestos into baby powder.
— Coronavirus makes use of an AIDS envelope gene to infect the white blood cells in a person’s body, and Horowitz says the best thing someone can do to remain healthy is to alkalize their body chemistry, since doing so creates an environment of negatively charged electrons in their body that will neutralize that attachment apparatus of the virus. Official tests that check for the disease are actually checking for the existence of the genetic sequence of that AIDS gene rather than for any harm that the virus may or may not be causing in a person’s body, and the fact that the test is checking for that gene in particular is censored by the media.
— Horowitz mentions that it is useful to add a half a teaspoon of baking soda to spring water or steam distilled water for drinking, which is one of the least expensive way to alkalize the body, and he also mentions the usefulness of consuming SILVER HYRODROSOLS such as Oxy-Silver which are a very suppressed technology that are extremely helpful in combatting such a virus.
— A caller asks if Horowitz was referring to consuming “Colloidal Silver,” and Horowitz explains that OxySilver is something different, with it being a different type of technology that has a different sort of chemistry. Horowitz explains that the government is deceptively attempting to make people think that Colloidal Silvers are the same as OxySilver and they are also deceptively attempting to create an impression that Colloidal Silvers are somehow risky and damaging and don’t work. Horowitz mentions the website that contains much information about the OxySilver technology. Horowitz explains that in his opinion, governments throughout the world should be mass-producing OxySilver since it is currently the most effective treatment for Coronavirus. Horowitz also mentions that he drinks a water called “Essentia” that has a PH of 9.5
— Horowitz explains that the elderly are mostly at risk because their bodies are generally more acidified due to the amount of pharmaceutical drugs that they are often consuming.
— Horowitz mentions that consuming caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates, red meat, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals, as well as being under stress makes a person’s body chemistry acidified, which causes a weakened immunity to illnesses and diseases.
— Horowitz says that laboratory viruses are what is called “mutagenic agents” that are highly unstable and prone to recombining with other viruses. Viruses that occur naturally in the wild evolve over a millennia, which makes them very stable and they don’t mutate rapidly. AIDS and Coronavirus are mutagenic agents which makes them potentially very dangerous. Coronavirus is a SARS and AIDS recombinant which makes it highly unstable and potentially able to recombine with other biological weapons such as the H5N1 Bird Flu.
— All the evidence shows that Coronavirus is a bio-crime being perpetrated by the political Establishment through gross criminal negligence, and the most effective way for a person to avoid infection is for them to understand how to optimize their body chemistry to make it best able to defend itself from diseases.
— Horowitz explains that he isn’t necessarily a “fan” of Trump, but he hopes that Trump will be re-elected because the alternative would be unconscionable, and he explains that he appreciates how Trump exposes the corruption of the political Establishment and the corruption of the mainstream media. Horowitz also applauds Jared Kuchner for speaking out about issues with Coronavirus.
— Trump used to have healthier attitudes in being opposed to vaccines, but his stance has shifted since the 2016 election, presumably due to the influence of people aligned with the political Establishment such as Bill Gates. Bill Gates recently left Microsoft to head a bio-chip company, which is the sort of situation that Horowitz has been warning about for decades. Trump is also surrounded with war hawks and bio-terrorists such as Anthony Fauci who has been the “AIDS czar” for the American government for decades.
by Edward Ulrich
Much of the same group of high ranking U.S. government officials and Establishment journalists who fabricated the “Russian Collusion hoax” in a coup attempt to impeach Donald Trump have now created a publicly downloadable PDF of “contingency plans” with “four scenario exercises” in case Donald Trump tries to allegedly “steal the 2020 Presidential election”— however what they are claiming is “stealing the election” is actually Trump pointing out genuine issues with the legitimacy of the election process.
Despite touting themselves as being “a bipartisan group” of over “100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts,” the twenty-two page PDF document detailing their “Transition Integrity Project (TIP)” shows them to be ridiculously biased, even stating in its introduction that the group was “launched in late 2019 out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process.”
The TIP document envisions four different “war games scenarios” that mostly present the potential of a legitimate Trump victory as being essentially impossible, however one of the scenarios does consider Trump winning the Electoral College, but not winning the popular vote. But even in that scenario where Trump “wins,” their “contingency plans” envision the country being plunged into chaos as a result due to the states on the West coast threatening to succeed from the Union unless a list of demands are met to “fix our Democratic system,” such as by giving statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and abolishing the Electoral College system.
Their assumptions are apparently partially based on the excuse that Joe Biden has been ahead in polls, however such polls cannot be trusted for many reasons, as the previous presidential election has demonstrated. For example, Hillary Clinton was ahead by 14 points twelve days before the 2016 election. Also the Establishment media outlets that often perform such polls consistently show themselves to be corrupt through the news reports that they disseminate, so obviously they are also going to bias their polling results as well.
[Note: November 23, 2020— I initially became aware of the TIP report in this article on Kevin Freeman’s “Global Economic Warfare” website.]
Selected Information from this article:
The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) consists of many members of the Establishment “deep state” such as John Podesta, Bill Kristol, and Max Boot, with many (if not all of them) being members of the secretive “Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).”
The project is funded by Establishment figures such as George Soros who is responsible for secretively funding many deceptive leftist agendas such as “Black Lives Matter.”
A primary co-founder of TIP is Nils Gilman, who is also the vice president of programs at the Chinese Communist Party-linked “Berggruen Institute,” that aims to thwart “the anti-globalization backlash that brought nationalist and populist movements to power in major countries.” Gilman has OPENLY CALLED FOR THE EXECUTION of the former Trump national security official Michael Anton due to Anton’s coverage of and criticism of TIP.
Other members of TIP are also high ranking members of the Berggruen Institute, and some are additionally 2020 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE COMMISSION MEMBERS, such as Antonia Hernandez, Ronnie Chan, and Fred Hu. (That shouldn’t be a suprise to anyone who has watched the debates, for example Kamala Harris and Mike Pence were ridiculously asked “What they would do if Trump refuses a peaceful transfer of power”!)
Another primary co-founder of TIP is Rosa Brooks, who has written many op-eds touting the TIP report. She is a Senior fellow at New America, which is a think tank funded by George Soros as well as Bill and Melinda Gates, and she has served as a senior advisor at the State Department during both the Obama and Clinton administrations.
Ten days after Trump’s inauguration in 2016, she wrote an article in the CFR’s official publication “Foreign Policy Magazine” advocating for Trump’s swift removal from office, even suggesting a MILITARY COUP to do so.
This New American article explains the following: “[R]epublicans who are included in TIP are of the #NeverTrump variety, such as columnist Mona Charen, who was famously booed off the CPAC stage for attacking Trump. There’s also Evan McMullin, the failed third-party candidate who ran as an anti-Trump conservative in 2016, as well as Anne Applebaum, who has decried the Republican Party’s pro-Trump shift.”
TIP is additionally financed by Obama lawyers who are associated with Hunter Biden, such as Ian Bassin
A National Pulse article explains the following: [Note I have capitalized text for emphasis.]
The critical connection comes through President Obama’s former associate White House Counsel, Ian Bassin, who heads the anti-Trump litigation efforts Protect Democracy Project and United to Protect Democracy.
Bassin previously headed the far-left Avaaz network, founded in turn by the leftist group, as well as the Truman National Security Project, which has featured lead Joe Biden policy advisor Jake Sullivan and JOE BIDEN’S SON HUNTER BIDEN on its board.
Introductory Information in the TIP Document
The TIP document says:
In its introduction, the document states:
... But how has Trump “steadily undermined core norms of democracy and the rule of law and embraced numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices”? He really hasn’t done that compared to other Presidents— especially when compared to the Neocon presidents who the authors of the report are closely affiliated with!
The document says in its “Executive Summary” on page 1: [I have capitalized text for emphasis.]
... There is nothing “groundless” about Trump’s electoral fraud claims at all, as the following section shows. However, the entire Establishment media has been parroting a corrupt talking point claiming that it is ridiculous to think that such vote fraud could exist.
Election fraud in the U.S. is rampant, despite claims to the contrary by the political Establishment
Issues with Fraudulent Voter Registrations
In all of the scenarios that are envisioned in the TIP report, including the scenario where Trump wins, they assume that Joe Biden has won the popular vote.
Hillary’s popular vote victory in 2016 came about being due to the votes from states with corrupt electoral practices such as California, New York, and Illinois, where the fraud that took place was not adequately publicized due to Trump winning the Electoral College vote anyway.
For example, the Judicial Watch organization uncovered millions of extra registrants on the voting rolls in states such as California, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The Judicial Watch report explains that despite the fact that San Diego, CA removed 500,000 inactive names from its voter rolls following Judicial Watch’s settlement with Los Angeles County, there are STILL voter registrations of 117%, meaning that there are substantially more registrations than there are people living in that area who are old enough to vote; and their report also says that there are 378 other counties in the U.S. with registrations beyond the 100% eligible citizens mark, being 2.5 million additional registrations in total— all in Democrat controlled states. The average registration rate in the U.S. is actually only about 65%.
[Note: November 23, 2020— I found the preceeding information in this section in this article that explains the TIP report on Kevin Freeman’s “Global Economic Warfare” website.]
Issues With Voting Machines
Shockingly, even most in-person electronic voting machines are able to be compromised, including ones that only scan paper ballots!
With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code. This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card. The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.
NOTE: November 20, 2020— The fraudulent machines demonstrated in this video are essentially the same type that were used by many states in the 2020 Presidential Election! The Diebold company was acquired by Dominion in 2010, and Dominion’s machines are still very easily able to be hacked into. For examples of that, see this article that contains a 2018 New York Times video that demonstrates a Dominon machine being hacked, and see this 2018 Symantec video showing the large amount of venerabilities that are still in the most recent types of voting machines.
Also see the following information talking about the necessity of FEDERALIZING VOTING STANDARDS (but NOT federalizing “elections.”)

The “Transition Integrity Project (TIP)” strategizes with “war games exercises” to deal with alleged potential scenarios of Donald Trump “stealing the election.”
Much of the same group of high ranking U.S. government officials and Establishment journalists who fabricated the “Russian Collusion hoax” in a coup attempt to impeach Donald Trump have now created a publicly downloadable PDF of “contingency plans” with “four scenario exercises” in case Donald Trump tries to allegedly “steal the 2020 Presidential election”— however what they are claiming is “stealing the election” is actually Trump pointing out genuine issues with the legitimacy of the election process.
Despite touting themselves as being “a bipartisan group” of over “100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders and other experts,” the twenty-two page PDF document detailing their “Transition Integrity Project (TIP)” shows them to be ridiculously biased, even stating in its introduction that the group was “launched in late 2019 out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process.”
The TIP document envisions four different “war games scenarios” that mostly present the potential of a legitimate Trump victory as being essentially impossible, however one of the scenarios does consider Trump winning the Electoral College, but not winning the popular vote. But even in that scenario where Trump “wins,” their “contingency plans” envision the country being plunged into chaos as a result due to the states on the West coast threatening to succeed from the Union unless a list of demands are met to “fix our Democratic system,” such as by giving statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and abolishing the Electoral College system.
Their assumptions are apparently partially based on the excuse that Joe Biden has been ahead in polls, however such polls cannot be trusted for many reasons, as the previous presidential election has demonstrated. For example, Hillary Clinton was ahead by 14 points twelve days before the 2016 election. Also the Establishment media outlets that often perform such polls consistently show themselves to be corrupt through the news reports that they disseminate, so obviously they are also going to bias their polling results as well.
[Note: November 23, 2020— I initially became aware of the TIP report in this article on Kevin Freeman’s “Global Economic Warfare” website.]
Article Notes
November 20, 2020 - Added information about current Dominion voting machines still being as hackable as the previous Diebold machines.
November 11, 2020 - Added additional information about election fraud that is occurring.
November 11, 2020 - Added additional information about election fraud that is occurring.
Selected Information from this article:
The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) consists of many members of the Establishment “deep state” such as John Podesta, Bill Kristol, and Max Boot, with many (if not all of them) being members of the secretive “Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).”
The project is funded by Establishment figures such as George Soros who is responsible for secretively funding many deceptive leftist agendas such as “Black Lives Matter.”

Nils Gilman
A primary co-founder of TIP is Nils Gilman, who is also the vice president of programs at the Chinese Communist Party-linked “Berggruen Institute,” that aims to thwart “the anti-globalization backlash that brought nationalist and populist movements to power in major countries.” Gilman has OPENLY CALLED FOR THE EXECUTION of the former Trump national security official Michael Anton due to Anton’s coverage of and criticism of TIP.
Other members of TIP are also high ranking members of the Berggruen Institute, and some are additionally 2020 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE COMMISSION MEMBERS, such as Antonia Hernandez, Ronnie Chan, and Fred Hu. (That shouldn’t be a suprise to anyone who has watched the debates, for example Kamala Harris and Mike Pence were ridiculously asked “What they would do if Trump refuses a peaceful transfer of power”!)

Rosa Brooks
Another primary co-founder of TIP is Rosa Brooks, who has written many op-eds touting the TIP report. She is a Senior fellow at New America, which is a think tank funded by George Soros as well as Bill and Melinda Gates, and she has served as a senior advisor at the State Department during both the Obama and Clinton administrations.
Ten days after Trump’s inauguration in 2016, she wrote an article in the CFR’s official publication “Foreign Policy Magazine” advocating for Trump’s swift removal from office, even suggesting a MILITARY COUP to do so.
This New American article explains the following: “[R]epublicans who are included in TIP are of the #NeverTrump variety, such as columnist Mona Charen, who was famously booed off the CPAC stage for attacking Trump. There’s also Evan McMullin, the failed third-party candidate who ran as an anti-Trump conservative in 2016, as well as Anne Applebaum, who has decried the Republican Party’s pro-Trump shift.”
TIP is additionally financed by Obama lawyers who are associated with Hunter Biden, such as Ian Bassin
A National Pulse article explains the following: [Note I have capitalized text for emphasis.]
The critical connection comes through President Obama’s former associate White House Counsel, Ian Bassin, who heads the anti-Trump litigation efforts Protect Democracy Project and United to Protect Democracy.
Bassin previously headed the far-left Avaaz network, founded in turn by the leftist group, as well as the Truman National Security Project, which has featured lead Joe Biden policy advisor Jake Sullivan and JOE BIDEN’S SON HUNTER BIDEN on its board.
Introductory Information in the TIP Document
The TIP document says:
Participants include members of both major political parties, former high-ranking government officials (including, for example, two former governors), senior political campaigners, nationally prominent journalists and communications professionals, social movement leaders, and experts on politics, national security, democratic reform, election law, and media.
In its introduction, the document states:
[T]he administration of President Donald Trump has steadily undermined core norms of democracy and the rule of law and embraced numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices. This presents a profound challenge for those - from either party - who are committed to ensuring free and fair elections, peaceful transitions of power, and stable administrative continuity in the United States.
... But how has Trump “steadily undermined core norms of democracy and the rule of law and embraced numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices”? He really hasn’t done that compared to other Presidents— especially when compared to the Neocon presidents who the authors of the report are closely affiliated with!
The document says in its “Executive Summary” on page 1: [I have capitalized text for emphasis.]
We ... assess that President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power. Recent events, including the President’s own unwillingness to commit to abiding by the results of the election, the Attorney General’s embrace of the PRESIDENT’S GROUNDLESS ELECTORAL FRAUD CLAIMS and the unprecedented deployment of federal agents to put down leftwing protests, underscore the extreme lengths to which President Trump may be willing to go in order to stay in office.
... There is nothing “groundless” about Trump’s electoral fraud claims at all, as the following section shows. However, the entire Establishment media has been parroting a corrupt talking point claiming that it is ridiculous to think that such vote fraud could exist.
Election fraud in the U.S. is rampant, despite claims to the contrary by the political Establishment
Issues with Fraudulent Voter Registrations
In all of the scenarios that are envisioned in the TIP report, including the scenario where Trump wins, they assume that Joe Biden has won the popular vote.
Hillary’s popular vote victory in 2016 came about being due to the votes from states with corrupt electoral practices such as California, New York, and Illinois, where the fraud that took place was not adequately publicized due to Trump winning the Electoral College vote anyway.
For example, the Judicial Watch organization uncovered millions of extra registrants on the voting rolls in states such as California, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The Judicial Watch report explains that despite the fact that San Diego, CA removed 500,000 inactive names from its voter rolls following Judicial Watch’s settlement with Los Angeles County, there are STILL voter registrations of 117%, meaning that there are substantially more registrations than there are people living in that area who are old enough to vote; and their report also says that there are 378 other counties in the U.S. with registrations beyond the 100% eligible citizens mark, being 2.5 million additional registrations in total— all in Democrat controlled states. The average registration rate in the U.S. is actually only about 65%.
[Note: November 23, 2020— I found the preceeding information in this section in this article that explains the TIP report on Kevin Freeman’s “Global Economic Warfare” website.]
Issues With Voting Machines
Shockingly, even most in-person electronic voting machines are able to be compromised, including ones that only scan paper ballots!
With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code. This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card. The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.
NOTE: November 20, 2020— The fraudulent machines demonstrated in this video are essentially the same type that were used by many states in the 2020 Presidential Election! The Diebold company was acquired by Dominion in 2010, and Dominion’s machines are still very easily able to be hacked into. For examples of that, see this article that contains a 2018 New York Times video that demonstrates a Dominon machine being hacked, and see this 2018 Symantec video showing the large amount of venerabilities that are still in the most recent types of voting machines.
Issues With Mail-In Ballots
The Establishment media has been constantly claiming that the potential for fraud happening with mail-in voting is impossible, however there is actually much evidence of fraud happening with it. Remember that the “Transision Integrity Project” has been created to deal with the potential of Trump allegedly being a “power-hungry authoritarian” who wants to “steal the election,” but they are making those accusations simply because he has been pointing out the obvious issues with the mail-in voting!
See the following links for recent news stories about about issues with the mail-in voting:
[Note: November 11, 2020— The organization Project Vertias had reported about allegations of the congresswoman Ilhan Omar being involved in a “cash-for-votes scheme,” but apparently it turns out that the proof of that is in question due to many of the sources being anonymous, so I have taken the links off that mention that. However, there are plenty of other examples of vote fraud and issues with the mail-in ballots. I have added three new articles today, they are the following ones in a bold font.]
Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup (The New American) — “Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across the country — especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats — continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can censor it and the fake ‘fact-checking’ industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it. ...”
Democrat voter fraud in Pennsylvania is explained as states flip for Trump (Infowars) — “Owen Shroyder is live at the State Capitol Building in Tallahassee, Florida as the Stop The Steal Caravan continues its journey to DC as more Democrat fraud is uncovered in Pennsylvania.”
The Pennsylvania Secretary of State overseeing the voting said Trump was ‘dangerously unfit’ for office, and ‘demeaning’ to the presidency (The National Pulse) — “Boockvar, who previously served as senior election modernization adviser to the critical swing state’s Governor, now heads Pennsylvania’s Department of State. The department is ‘responsible for monitoring all aspects of an election, from ballot access to voting provisions’ - of paramount importance in light of Pennsylvania’s integral and contested status as of November 4th. ... Boockvar, however, can hardly be seen as a neutral arbiter.”
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
Trump may win election night, but Joe Biden will win days later due to mail-in votes, according to a Bloomberg-funded group
A Michigan judge extended the deadline two weeks for mail-in ballots postmarked by November 2
Hulk Hogan claims his friend received a mail-in ballot for his dog
A surveillance camera has captured a ‘huge pile of mail’ dumped in California parking lots
The Establishment media has been constantly claiming that the potential for fraud happening with mail-in voting is impossible, however there is actually much evidence of fraud happening with it. Remember that the “Transision Integrity Project” has been created to deal with the potential of Trump allegedly being a “power-hungry authoritarian” who wants to “steal the election,” but they are making those accusations simply because he has been pointing out the obvious issues with the mail-in voting!
See the following links for recent news stories about about issues with the mail-in voting:
[Note: November 11, 2020— The organization Project Vertias had reported about allegations of the congresswoman Ilhan Omar being involved in a “cash-for-votes scheme,” but apparently it turns out that the proof of that is in question due to many of the sources being anonymous, so I have taken the links off that mention that. However, there are plenty of other examples of vote fraud and issues with the mail-in ballots. I have added three new articles today, they are the following ones in a bold font.]
Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup (The New American) — “Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across the country — especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats — continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can censor it and the fake ‘fact-checking’ industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it. ...”
Democrat voter fraud in Pennsylvania is explained as states flip for Trump (Infowars) — “Owen Shroyder is live at the State Capitol Building in Tallahassee, Florida as the Stop The Steal Caravan continues its journey to DC as more Democrat fraud is uncovered in Pennsylvania.”
The Pennsylvania Secretary of State overseeing the voting said Trump was ‘dangerously unfit’ for office, and ‘demeaning’ to the presidency (The National Pulse) — “Boockvar, who previously served as senior election modernization adviser to the critical swing state’s Governor, now heads Pennsylvania’s Department of State. The department is ‘responsible for monitoring all aspects of an election, from ballot access to voting provisions’ - of paramount importance in light of Pennsylvania’s integral and contested status as of November 4th. ... Boockvar, however, can hardly be seen as a neutral arbiter.”
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
Trump may win election night, but Joe Biden will win days later due to mail-in votes, according to a Bloomberg-funded group
A Michigan judge extended the deadline two weeks for mail-in ballots postmarked by November 2
Hulk Hogan claims his friend received a mail-in ballot for his dog
A surveillance camera has captured a ‘huge pile of mail’ dumped in California parking lots
Also see the following information talking about the necessity of FEDERALIZING VOTING STANDARDS (but NOT federalizing “elections.”)
updated September 15, 2022
Recently I saw a Breitbart article entitled “Iowa Is Why We Must Never Federalize Our Elections,” which essentially claims that federalization of elections would result in enabling the global elite to implement their fraudulent voting machines and practices in every precinct in every U.S. state, however the article does not consider the option of adding an amendment to the U.S. Constitution (which is a “federal” approach) that would outlaw the use of all types of electronic voting counting (including the electronic counting of paper ballots), and ensure that only one foolproof standard for manually casting and counting votes is used everywhere.
by Edward Ulrich, October 23, 2020
I happened to see this Miami Herald article that is propagating Establishment disinformation about the socialist and Communist goals of the Democrats. It profiles a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion that has switched from supporting Trump to supporting Biden, with him now being featured in pro-Biden television ads trying to dissuade Cubans from supporting Trump.
The article opens with the following:
The article profiles a Florida businessman Santiago Morales, a Bay of Pigs veteran that served 18 years in Cuban prisons after being captured during the invasion. He explains that he previously endorsed Trump, but he is now in television ads endorsing Biden against Trump, claiming that Trump’s warnings about socialism and Communism coming from the Democrats are “lies and manipulations.”
He said, “I ask my compatriots, ‘Really, you want four more years of the craziness of this man, of the division he sows?’” ... “I know that when I turn my back they call me Communist and say that I was brainwashed in Cuba, but I’m made of Teflon and I know who I am and what I stand for.”
He said that he is “done staying silent” while the nation believes Cuban Americans approve of Trump. [Note: Cuban Americans and Latinos in Florida do support Trump in large numbers, as this Daily Mail article explains.]
He also said: “No one in my business makes less than $15 an hour. I pay for the cost of their health insurance and I offer 401(k)s,” ... “And I pay taxes. I’m happy paying taxes. The more money I make, the more taxes I should pay. What Trump gave us [the tax cut for the wealthy] was a piñata. We didn’t need it.”
The writer of article then claimed that Trump thinks Bay of Pigs veterans are “losers,” due to recent propaganda that is being disseminated by the Establishment media without proof. (Unfortunately Trump does say divisive things though, however unlike the Democrats his policies are generally opposed to the corrupt political Establishment.)
Another Establishment propaganda piece is also linked to in the article, entitled: “Trump isn’t our savior from socialism, Florida Latinos. He’s the ‘Caudillo’ we fled.” Fortunately though, people who have experienced Communism firsthand aren’t easily fooled by such disinformation.
One of the closing statements in the article says: “Win or lose, this Bay of Pigs freedom fighter has already made a difference exposing the GOP fear-mongering with socialism and communism for what it is: a fraud.”
The Truth About the Communist Agendas of the Democrats and the Global Elite
Contrary to the propaganda that the Miami Herald news article is disseminating, the Democrats (at the instructions of the political Establishment) are in fact intent on subverting the United States with Communism, as they have covertly been doing in Latin America for decades.
Current Communist agendas of the Democrats:
Other information about the Communist agendas of the global elite:

I happened to see this Miami Herald article that is propagating Establishment disinformation about the socialist and Communist goals of the Democrats. It profiles a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion that has switched from supporting Trump to supporting Biden, with him now being featured in pro-Biden television ads trying to dissuade Cubans from supporting Trump.
The article opens with the following:
Maybe it’s too late.
Two weeks before Election Day, people already are voting in record numbers.
But finally, somebody with credibility and authority — a Bay of Pigs veteran, no less — is addressing the most damaging accusation by the Donald Trump campaign and the Florida GOP against Joe Biden and down-ballot Democrats.
Democrats are socialists. Democrats are Communists.
Voting Democrat is a betrayal to the cause of a Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua.
For far too long, Democrats have underestimated the political damage the pounding of these untruths cause, but no more.
Two weeks before Election Day, people already are voting in record numbers.
But finally, somebody with credibility and authority — a Bay of Pigs veteran, no less — is addressing the most damaging accusation by the Donald Trump campaign and the Florida GOP against Joe Biden and down-ballot Democrats.
Democrats are socialists. Democrats are Communists.
Voting Democrat is a betrayal to the cause of a Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua.
For far too long, Democrats have underestimated the political damage the pounding of these untruths cause, but no more.
The article profiles a Florida businessman Santiago Morales, a Bay of Pigs veteran that served 18 years in Cuban prisons after being captured during the invasion. He explains that he previously endorsed Trump, but he is now in television ads endorsing Biden against Trump, claiming that Trump’s warnings about socialism and Communism coming from the Democrats are “lies and manipulations.”
He said, “I ask my compatriots, ‘Really, you want four more years of the craziness of this man, of the division he sows?’” ... “I know that when I turn my back they call me Communist and say that I was brainwashed in Cuba, but I’m made of Teflon and I know who I am and what I stand for.”
He said that he is “done staying silent” while the nation believes Cuban Americans approve of Trump. [Note: Cuban Americans and Latinos in Florida do support Trump in large numbers, as this Daily Mail article explains.]
He also said: “No one in my business makes less than $15 an hour. I pay for the cost of their health insurance and I offer 401(k)s,” ... “And I pay taxes. I’m happy paying taxes. The more money I make, the more taxes I should pay. What Trump gave us [the tax cut for the wealthy] was a piñata. We didn’t need it.”
The writer of article then claimed that Trump thinks Bay of Pigs veterans are “losers,” due to recent propaganda that is being disseminated by the Establishment media without proof. (Unfortunately Trump does say divisive things though, however unlike the Democrats his policies are generally opposed to the corrupt political Establishment.)
Another Establishment propaganda piece is also linked to in the article, entitled: “Trump isn’t our savior from socialism, Florida Latinos. He’s the ‘Caudillo’ we fled.” Fortunately though, people who have experienced Communism firsthand aren’t easily fooled by such disinformation.
One of the closing statements in the article says: “Win or lose, this Bay of Pigs freedom fighter has already made a difference exposing the GOP fear-mongering with socialism and communism for what it is: a fraud.”
The Truth About the Communist Agendas of the Democrats and the Global Elite
Contrary to the propaganda that the Miami Herald news article is disseminating, the Democrats (at the instructions of the political Establishment) are in fact intent on subverting the United States with Communism, as they have covertly been doing in Latin America for decades.
Democrats covertly subjugated Nicaragua with Communism in the late 1970’s
The book “Nicaragua Betrayed” is the autobiography of the ex-President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza, whose pro-American and pro-freedom government was overrun and subjugated by Communist Sandinistas in 1979, and in his book he explains how the Sandinistas were covertly directed by the political Establishment against him and Nicaragua during the Jimmy Carter administration.
Somoza explains how the Carter administration equipped Communist Sandinista militants through Castro’s Cuba against Nicaragua, engaged in nonstop slander attacks by the United States mainstream media against him (the book provides a wealth of evidence exonerating him from such slander), strong-armed adjacent Latin American countries against him, imposed embargoes and sanctions based on fraudulent claims, and infiltrated the churches of Nicaragua with militant Communist Sandinista priests.
The article “The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza” summarizes Somoza’s autobiography chapter-by-chapter. Following is from the introduction page:
The book also has a chapter where Somoza explains in a firsthand account how the Bay of Pigs Invasion was a deliberately failed attempt by the U.S. to unseat Castro.
The book “Nicaragua Betrayed” is the autobiography of the ex-President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza, whose pro-American and pro-freedom government was overrun and subjugated by Communist Sandinistas in 1979, and in his book he explains how the Sandinistas were covertly directed by the political Establishment against him and Nicaragua during the Jimmy Carter administration.
Somoza explains how the Carter administration equipped Communist Sandinista militants through Castro’s Cuba against Nicaragua, engaged in nonstop slander attacks by the United States mainstream media against him (the book provides a wealth of evidence exonerating him from such slander), strong-armed adjacent Latin American countries against him, imposed embargoes and sanctions based on fraudulent claims, and infiltrated the churches of Nicaragua with militant Communist Sandinista priests.
The article “The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza” summarizes Somoza’s autobiography chapter-by-chapter. Following is from the introduction page:
Much of the book is dedicated to Somoza describing how it increasingly became apparent to him that the invading Sandinista activity was ultimately the result of covert United States activity through Castro’s Cuba, despite the fact that Somoza’s government was entirely pro-U.S. and modeled after the governmental system of the United States, including having freedom of the press that allowed extremist newspapers to publish articles criticizing him.
Somoza details the final years of his non-stop seemingly impossible successes in dealing with the onslaught of attacks that were ultimately initiated by the global elite— with his successes being due to the overwhelming support of the majority of the people in his country who understood the situation and pulled together to help push back the Communist Sandinistas; however trade embargoes covertly enforced by the U.S. combined with attacks by Sandinista militants pouring in from adjacent countries who were funded by the globalist Establishment eventually overtook the resources of Somoza’s free government, with many heroic and honorable individuals who understood what was at stake fighting until they ran out of ammunition, after which many of them were subsequently tortured and murdered.
In July 1979, Somoza was forced to resign the Presidency and eventually took refuge in Paraguay. He was assassinated in 1980 near his exile home shortly after his book was published.
Somoza details the final years of his non-stop seemingly impossible successes in dealing with the onslaught of attacks that were ultimately initiated by the global elite— with his successes being due to the overwhelming support of the majority of the people in his country who understood the situation and pulled together to help push back the Communist Sandinistas; however trade embargoes covertly enforced by the U.S. combined with attacks by Sandinista militants pouring in from adjacent countries who were funded by the globalist Establishment eventually overtook the resources of Somoza’s free government, with many heroic and honorable individuals who understood what was at stake fighting until they ran out of ammunition, after which many of them were subsequently tortured and murdered.
In July 1979, Somoza was forced to resign the Presidency and eventually took refuge in Paraguay. He was assassinated in 1980 near his exile home shortly after his book was published.
The book also has a chapter where Somoza explains in a firsthand account how the Bay of Pigs Invasion was a deliberately failed attempt by the U.S. to unseat Castro.
Current Communist agendas of the Democrats:
Brannon Howse of Word View Weekend speaks with Trevor Loudon about the leftist plan that is currently being implemented by the political Establishment detailed in a document called “Burn Down the American Plantation: A Call For Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement,” which is essentially a rehashing of the playbooks of The Weather Underground terrorist organization and The Black Panthers, calling for guerrilla warfare in the streets to facilitate the establishment of Communism in United States.
Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon, where Loudon explains the frightening reality of the extreme Communist “Democratic Socialists of America” movement encroaching in American politics and the associated Cultural Marxist agendas that are being propagated with it. Loudon explains why the upcoming presidential election will be entirely a choice of “Communism vs freedom.”
This book by Trevor Loudon explains the frightening socialist and Communist agendas of the Democrat candidates running for election in 2020. Purchase the book at, or purchase the book at Amazon.
In this video, Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon where they discuss the situation of churches in the West being usurped by the leftist political Establishment.
Other information about the Communist agendas of the global elite:
updated February 17, 2020
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
running time 25 minutes
This video segment from the documentary “Behind the Big News” describes how the powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controls and distorts information put out by mainstream news sources in order to protect wide ranging Establishment interests and objectives. Issues explained include the CFR being founded in 1921 by J.P. Morgan, the fact that most major individuals in the news media are members of the organization, and the CFR’s many deceptive globalist objectives.
updated September 13, 2022
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world. The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971. The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented.
running time 50 minutes
This classic 1972 filmstrip presentation by G. Edward Griffin gives an introduction and overview of many key aspects of the New World Order.
by Edward Ulrich
This is the full video of the broadcast. I have also segmented video clips from it and summarized them in the sections of this article.
This article is a summary of issues with the 2020 vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. Video segments of the debate are presented by topic, with their claims examined for accuracy.
This is the full video of the broadcast. I have also segmented video clips from it and summarized them in the sections of this article.
This article is a summary of issues with the 2020 vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. Video segments of the debate are presented by topic, with their claims examined for accuracy.
Article Notes
November 11, 2020 - Added additional information about election fraud that is occurring in the U.S.
October 21, 2020 - Added information about the topic of immigration not being asked about in the presidential debates.
October 17, 2020 - Improved the formatting of the article.
October 21, 2020 - Added information about the topic of immigration not being asked about in the presidential debates.
October 17, 2020 - Improved the formatting of the article.
by Edward Ulrich, August 31, 2020
This article is a summary of an August 26th Infowars article by Ben Warren:
The U.S. Department of Justice is requesting data from four Democrat governors about their state’s COVID-19 orders that “may have resulted in deaths of elderly nursing home residents.” Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan have each been given two weeks to comply.
A USDOJ press release says:
The Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband of the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division sent letters to each governor telling them that they must provide documents and information for each public nursing home.
Dreiband said, “Protecting the rights of some of society’s most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country’s most important obligations. We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk.”
Following are links to all four of Dreiband’s letters:
The DoJ letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
The DoJ letter to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy
The DoJ letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe
The DoJ letter to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
In this video, Alex Jones exposes the homocidal agendas of Democrat governors intentionally putting COVID-19 infected people into nursing homes in order to spread the pandemic to the most vulnerable populations. (NOTE: This video contains profanity.)
[Note: Also see this article explaining the situaion of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sending many thousands of recovering COVID-19 patients into nursing homes during the early months of the pandemic.]

A truck containing deceased COVID-19 patients in Hackensack, New Jersey. Image from Wikipedia.
This article is a summary of an August 26th Infowars article by Ben Warren:
The U.S. Department of Justice is requesting data from four Democrat governors about their state’s COVID-19 orders that “may have resulted in deaths of elderly nursing home residents.” Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan have each been given two weeks to comply.
A USDOJ press release says:
Today the Justice Department requested COVID-19 data from the governors of states that issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients to their vulnerable populations, often without adequate testing.
The Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division is evaluating whether to initiate investigations under the federal “Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act” (CRIPA), which protects the civil rights of persons in state-run nursing homes, among others. The Civil Rights Division seeks to determine if the state orders requiring admission of COVID-19 patients to nursing homes is responsible for the deaths of nursing home residents.
The Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division is evaluating whether to initiate investigations under the federal “Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act” (CRIPA), which protects the civil rights of persons in state-run nursing homes, among others. The Civil Rights Division seeks to determine if the state orders requiring admission of COVID-19 patients to nursing homes is responsible for the deaths of nursing home residents.
The Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband of the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division sent letters to each governor telling them that they must provide documents and information for each public nursing home.
Dreiband said, “Protecting the rights of some of society’s most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country’s most important obligations. We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk.”
Following are links to all four of Dreiband’s letters:
The DoJ letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
The DoJ letter to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy
The DoJ letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe
The DoJ letter to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
In this video, Alex Jones exposes the homocidal agendas of Democrat governors intentionally putting COVID-19 infected people into nursing homes in order to spread the pandemic to the most vulnerable populations. (NOTE: This video contains profanity.)
[Note: Also see this article explaining the situaion of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sending many thousands of recovering COVID-19 patients into nursing homes during the early months of the pandemic.]
by Edward Ulrich, updated September 10, 2022
This Iranian propaganda video that continually says “death to America” first mentions previous cases of U.S. military activity in the Middle East, and it then portraits America as being some sort of a “hotbed of racism,” showing a picture of George Floyd. It says “.. this capitalistic, militarized, racist, barbaric, satanic, system of America [is] dangerous. ... The solution of our problems, and the solution to your problems, lies in the removal of this entire institution called America. The day it breathes its last will be the day the world will breathe again.” The video then shows buildings in Washington D.C. being destroyed such as the Washington Monument and the White House.
While the video was almost certainly created with the involvement of the Iranian terrorist organization Hezzbollah, most people do not realize that the Iranian government and Hezbollah are covert creations of the Illuminati political Establishment, thus the video was likely ultimately created by the same political Establishment that controls essentially all of the governments of the world in order to advance one of its long-term goals of destroying free and capitalist Western societies such as the United States.
It was not really “America” who attacked the Middle East, but rather it was the global political Establishment that also covertly controls Islam through the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood in order to weaponize the religion to make use of it as a tool for the elite’s agendas of conquest and subjugation of the countries of the world.
Also note that the political Establishment who likely created the anti-American message in the video is the same one that controls all Democrats such as Ilhan Omar (see this link, and this link) and Kamala Harris (see this link); however of course there are differences in the approach of those politicians, for example obviously they don’t say “death to America,” and Harris would certainly ramp up hostilities around the world in the manner that the video criticizes (which Trump generally does not do, by the way!), since the Establishment knows that she would be able to “get away with it” because she is a black woman. (Note I think Joe Biden wouldn’t last very long as President, thus Harris would almost certainly take his place.)
This Iranian propaganda video that continually says “death to America” first mentions previous cases of U.S. military activity in the Middle East, and it then portraits America as being some sort of a “hotbed of racism,” showing a picture of George Floyd. It says “.. this capitalistic, militarized, racist, barbaric, satanic, system of America [is] dangerous. ... The solution of our problems, and the solution to your problems, lies in the removal of this entire institution called America. The day it breathes its last will be the day the world will breathe again.” The video then shows buildings in Washington D.C. being destroyed such as the Washington Monument and the White House.
While the video was almost certainly created with the involvement of the Iranian terrorist organization Hezzbollah, most people do not realize that the Iranian government and Hezbollah are covert creations of the Illuminati political Establishment, thus the video was likely ultimately created by the same political Establishment that controls essentially all of the governments of the world in order to advance one of its long-term goals of destroying free and capitalist Western societies such as the United States.
It was not really “America” who attacked the Middle East, but rather it was the global political Establishment that also covertly controls Islam through the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood in order to weaponize the religion to make use of it as a tool for the elite’s agendas of conquest and subjugation of the countries of the world.
Also note that the political Establishment who likely created the anti-American message in the video is the same one that controls all Democrats such as Ilhan Omar (see this link, and this link) and Kamala Harris (see this link); however of course there are differences in the approach of those politicians, for example obviously they don’t say “death to America,” and Harris would certainly ramp up hostilities around the world in the manner that the video criticizes (which Trump generally does not do, by the way!), since the Establishment knows that she would be able to “get away with it” because she is a black woman. (Note I think Joe Biden wouldn’t last very long as President, thus Harris would almost certainly take his place.)
by Edward Ulrich, August 31, 2020
This article explains recent cases of leftist propaganda that is being taught in public schools, and it explains that many schools are attempting to conceal the fact that they are doing so. It is a summary of a New American article by Selwyn Duke.
An outraged father in the Metro Nashville Public School District in Tennessee recently wrote posts on Twitter explaining that he is taking his seven-year-old daughter out of school because she was being taught that all white people are bad and racist against African-Americans and Hispanics.
Following are images of his Tweets (click on the images to see the actual Tweets):
— The text in the top left of the above image reads: “Sylvia had on her black shoes. They were shiny-new. Her hair was perfectly parted in two long trenzas. It was her first day at Westminster school. The halls were crowded with students. She was looking for her locker when a young white boy pointed at her and yelled, ‘Go back to the Mexican school! You don’t belong here!’”
— Note that Twitter hides the above images of the school lesson and also the images below, presenting a warning instead that says “The following media includes potentially sensitive content,” so ironically Tennessee parents have to register their approval to see the images on Twitter, while their approval was never asked for that to be taught to their kids in school!
Editor’s note, updated September 19, 2022— The “kids in cages” claim has always been a ridiculous lie. The children were always well-cared for while they were temporarily being detained. It was entirely necessary to do that in order to reduce the trafficking of children across the border which was being done by illegal migrants to give them easier access to the United States. Children were being “rented out” for people to pretend that they were the parents in order to be given priority to be allowed into the country. See this link for more information about that matter.
— Duke mentions a 2018 New American article that he wrote that explains many issues about recent leftist infiltration of public schools, with it talking about how the Parkland, Florida shooting was allowed to happen; how Obama’s $4.3 billion “Race to the Top” initiative introduced race-based quotas for the expulsion of Black and Hispanic students; about the Edina school system in Minnesota implementing extreme leftist social engineering where “all teaching and learning systems would be viewed through a lens of racial equality,” including only “racially conscious” teachers and administrators being hired; how classic books are being banned for “politically correct” reasons; how propagation of homosexuality and transgenderism is being implemented in schools; how referencing Christian holidays is not being allowed while pro-Islam conversion propaganda is being taught; and how kids in many schools around the country can’t read or do math even at basic levels, yet many schools are graduating them anyway.
— According to a commentor Andrea Widburg, a school in Tennessee’s Rutherford Country School district (which also has a large Sunni Muslim population) is making parents sign an agreement saying that they will not monitor their children’s classes when they are doing distance learning from home, with a supposed rationale that it is to “protect student’s academic privacy,” however the real reason is to make it easier for the teachers to indoctrinate students with leftist agendas.
— Stacey Lennox of PJ Media wrote about a “Science Leadership Academy” in Philadelphia also expressing similar views views about parental observation of virtual classes, when a teacher “Tweeted” about being concerned about conservative parents watching what was being taught, with the Tweet going “viral” and being retweeted over 1,000 times before he locked his account.
— ... The teacher tweeted, “So, this fall, virtual class discussions will have many potential spectators — parents, siblings, etc. — in the same room. We’ll never be quite sure who is overhearing the discourse. What does this do for our equity/inclusion work?”
— ... He also tweeted, “While conversations about race are in my wheelhouse, and remain a concern in this no-walls environment — I am most intrigued by the damage that ‘helicopter/snowplow’ parents can do in honest conversations about gender/sexuality. ... And while ‘conservative’ parents are my chief concern — I know that the damage can come from the left too. If we are engaged in the messy work of destabilizing a kids [sic] racism or homophobia or transphobia — how much do we want their classmates’ parents piling on?”
— School activists were already recommending in the 1990s to keep parents in the dark about what is being taught to their kids.
— People are complaining about schools being closed for a virus that is virtually no risk to any healthy child, but ironically the real danger is the fact that many children are being infected with the moral and spiritual disease of leftist propaganda that doesn’t just attack their bodies, it also rots their souls.
This article explains recent cases of leftist propaganda that is being taught in public schools, and it explains that many schools are attempting to conceal the fact that they are doing so. It is a summary of a New American article by Selwyn Duke.
An outraged father in the Metro Nashville Public School District in Tennessee recently wrote posts on Twitter explaining that he is taking his seven-year-old daughter out of school because she was being taught that all white people are bad and racist against African-Americans and Hispanics.
Following are images of his Tweets (click on the images to see the actual Tweets):


— The text in the top left of the above image reads: “Sylvia had on her black shoes. They were shiny-new. Her hair was perfectly parted in two long trenzas. It was her first day at Westminster school. The halls were crowded with students. She was looking for her locker when a young white boy pointed at her and yelled, ‘Go back to the Mexican school! You don’t belong here!’”
— Note that Twitter hides the above images of the school lesson and also the images below, presenting a warning instead that says “The following media includes potentially sensitive content,” so ironically Tennessee parents have to register their approval to see the images on Twitter, while their approval was never asked for that to be taught to their kids in school!

Editor’s note, updated September 19, 2022— The “kids in cages” claim has always been a ridiculous lie. The children were always well-cared for while they were temporarily being detained. It was entirely necessary to do that in order to reduce the trafficking of children across the border which was being done by illegal migrants to give them easier access to the United States. Children were being “rented out” for people to pretend that they were the parents in order to be given priority to be allowed into the country. See this link for more information about that matter.

— Duke mentions a 2018 New American article that he wrote that explains many issues about recent leftist infiltration of public schools, with it talking about how the Parkland, Florida shooting was allowed to happen; how Obama’s $4.3 billion “Race to the Top” initiative introduced race-based quotas for the expulsion of Black and Hispanic students; about the Edina school system in Minnesota implementing extreme leftist social engineering where “all teaching and learning systems would be viewed through a lens of racial equality,” including only “racially conscious” teachers and administrators being hired; how classic books are being banned for “politically correct” reasons; how propagation of homosexuality and transgenderism is being implemented in schools; how referencing Christian holidays is not being allowed while pro-Islam conversion propaganda is being taught; and how kids in many schools around the country can’t read or do math even at basic levels, yet many schools are graduating them anyway.
— According to a commentor Andrea Widburg, a school in Tennessee’s Rutherford Country School district (which also has a large Sunni Muslim population) is making parents sign an agreement saying that they will not monitor their children’s classes when they are doing distance learning from home, with a supposed rationale that it is to “protect student’s academic privacy,” however the real reason is to make it easier for the teachers to indoctrinate students with leftist agendas.
— Stacey Lennox of PJ Media wrote about a “Science Leadership Academy” in Philadelphia also expressing similar views views about parental observation of virtual classes, when a teacher “Tweeted” about being concerned about conservative parents watching what was being taught, with the Tweet going “viral” and being retweeted over 1,000 times before he locked his account.
— ... The teacher tweeted, “So, this fall, virtual class discussions will have many potential spectators — parents, siblings, etc. — in the same room. We’ll never be quite sure who is overhearing the discourse. What does this do for our equity/inclusion work?”
— ... He also tweeted, “While conversations about race are in my wheelhouse, and remain a concern in this no-walls environment — I am most intrigued by the damage that ‘helicopter/snowplow’ parents can do in honest conversations about gender/sexuality. ... And while ‘conservative’ parents are my chief concern — I know that the damage can come from the left too. If we are engaged in the messy work of destabilizing a kids [sic] racism or homophobia or transphobia — how much do we want their classmates’ parents piling on?”
— School activists were already recommending in the 1990s to keep parents in the dark about what is being taught to their kids.
— People are complaining about schools being closed for a virus that is virtually no risk to any healthy child, but ironically the real danger is the fact that many children are being infected with the moral and spiritual disease of leftist propaganda that doesn’t just attack their bodies, it also rots their souls.
Enter keywords to search articles on News of Interest.TV using the DuckDuckGo search engine.

A new Netflix miniseries “Apple Cider Vinegar” attempts to create an impression that people who question the medical establishment’s methods of cancer treatments are either corrupt or naive, where it depicts two women who are online health influencers whose lives are loosely connected.

This article shows a typical Reuters video report about the results of the German election which falsely calls the pro-Establishment CDU party “conservative,” and it refers to the AfD party as “far right” and ridiculously compares it to Nazism.

A pastor at a church in Tennessee advocated for his congregation to “get violent and fight” in response to Elon Musk’s “DOGE” agenda of auditing the government, by quoting scripture that created an impression that Jesus advocated to be violent against your adversaries.

The book “The Globalists and the Islamists” by Peter Goodgame explains the history of how most of Islam has become controlled by the Global Elite behind the scenes starting in the 1800’s. This well-sourced book details the situation very specifically, including explaining the role of the Muslim Brotherhood as a key mechanism for the elite’s control.

The book “Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by Dr. John Coleman talks about the labyrinth of organizations that the global elite makes use of for implementing their agendas, it explains what their agendas are, and it gives many examples of how they are implementing those agendas.

This article explains many positive actions that Donald Trump has already taken after being sworn in as President, and it speculates about what the future may bring with his administration.

Two Muslim health workers at a Sydney, Australia hospital openly said on video in a chat with an Israeli man that they have killed Jewish patients under their care and “sent them to hell,” while another nurse was reprimanded a year ago for raising the alarm about such mentalities in the hospital staff.

The Washington Post has reported that leftist students at a U.S. military middle school in Stuttgart, Germany had protested a visit by the Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, where they walked out of class for an hour in protest of his terminating the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agendas that the Biden Administration had previously put in place in the military, which includes accepting troops who are men that dress and act like women.

Israel’s Defense Minister Israel Katz posted a Tweet that said Spain, Ireland, Norway, and other countries who have “falsely” accused Israel over its actions in Gaza are “legally obligated” to take the Gazans, where he ridiculously took a vindictive tone toward the countries as if he was ”punishing” them with Palestinian refugees for their exposing the crimes of Israel against them.

This article explains that many Jewish Groups are protesting Trump’s deportations, despite the fact that Trump’s focus is deporting criminals and national security threats who also often specifically threaten Jewish people.

The Episcopal church, whose woman Bishop Mariann Budde essentially verbally attacked Donald Trump during church service is being paid tens of millions of dollars per year by the government to bring migrants in resettlement programs, which is a program that Trump has appropriately paused and targeted for re-evaluation.

This documentary that was created in 2004 explains the situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip at the time, when the areas were under military occupation by Israel. It also explains how international media reports about what was occurring were being censored by organizations such as the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

This article explains what genetically modified agriculture is (GMO), what its dangers are, and how it is being implemented in the United States.
Also explained is issues with the herbicide glyphosate that is also often sprayed onto crops that are not GMO.
Also explained is issues with the herbicide glyphosate that is also often sprayed onto crops that are not GMO.

I have changed my mind and now believe that elections should be federalized, which would enable the implementation of one appropriate set of voting laws that must be followed by all of the states. This is different than my previous position that only the “voting standards” should be federalized.

Most people are not aware that Donald Trump’s administration is very pro-Zionism, where many of his key appointments are actually shown to be extreme in that regard.
Many of Trump’s appointments are “Christian Zionists” who espouse militant support of Israel, including the National Security Advisor Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, as well as others as explained in this article.
Many of Trump’s appointments are “Christian Zionists” who espouse militant support of Israel, including the National Security Advisor Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, as well as others as explained in this article.

This article explains that the Establishment media is deceptively reporting about statements that the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem made about Venezuelan migrants, apparently being done for divisive purposes.

Alex Jones speaks with the inventor of the mRNA vaccine Robert Malone, who is very concerned about Trump’s agendas with his “Operation Stargate” AI initiative.
Malone explains that claims of being able to use the technology to cure cancer are very naive; it should not be the government’s job to pick “winners” and “losers” with tech companies; issues that occurred during Trump’s previous “Operation Warp Speed” initiative are explained; also explained is what appears to be the Establishment’s upcoming agendas with vaccine technology.
Malone explains that claims of being able to use the technology to cure cancer are very naive; it should not be the government’s job to pick “winners” and “losers” with tech companies; issues that occurred during Trump’s previous “Operation Warp Speed” initiative are explained; also explained is what appears to be the Establishment’s upcoming agendas with vaccine technology.

In this Fox News broadcast, Trump’s Border Czar Tom Homan explains issues with the deportations that ICE has been performing in Chicago.
Homan explains that right now they are focusing on public safety threats and national security threats, where next they will be focusing on fugitives from the law, of which there are 1.4 million in the United States. Also explained is how Chicago officials and the governor of Illinois are falsely claiming that ICE had raided an elementary school.
Homan explains that right now they are focusing on public safety threats and national security threats, where next they will be focusing on fugitives from the law, of which there are 1.4 million in the United States. Also explained is how Chicago officials and the governor of Illinois are falsely claiming that ICE had raided an elementary school.

On Saturday Donald Trump suggested that he would like to “clean out” Gaza after the destruction that has been brought upon it in the conflict that was caused after the October 7th attacks, where he speculated that Palestinian refugees could be sent to Egypt and Jordan. He didn’t actually suggest that Israel should take over the area, but he strongly implied it.

A recent topic that is essentially not being reported about in the media, including even in the conservative media, is that Jewish-owned businesses in the U.S. have recently been designated as a “minority” status, making them eligible for billions of dollars in grants and contracts, in addition to receiving low interest loans for startup businesses.

This video by a British television network explains that Israeli settlers who have been living illegally in the West Bank for years have been expanding more rapidly since the conflict started that was caused by the October 7th attacks.

President Trump has announced his support for a private joint venture called Project Stargate, where he is advocating for hundreds of billions of dollars in private funding to be spent to create an artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States, where he has even signed an “emergency order” to speed it along.
However many issues exist with the project, where respected experts about AI are calling the agenda dangerous, and it is affiliated with people such as Larry Ellison and Bill Gates who have both made disturbing statements in the past about their intentions for the use of AI.
However many issues exist with the project, where respected experts about AI are calling the agenda dangerous, and it is affiliated with people such as Larry Ellison and Bill Gates who have both made disturbing statements in the past about their intentions for the use of AI.

Ryan Cristián of the Last American Vagabond speaks with Jason Burmas, Steve Poikeman, and Catherine Austin Fitts about the issue of the global elite making moves to exploit cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence as a method for consolidating and tightening their control over society.

Donald Trump was essentially verbally attacked in Church sermon by a leftist Episcopalian bishop, who berated him for not supporting “woke” cultural Marxist agendas including transgenderism for children.

This video shows Donald Trump’s entire speech after being sworn in as President, where he outlined many of the agendas that he is going to implement during his administration.

In the last hours of Joe Biden’s presidency, he issued “preemptive” blanket pardons for Anthony Fauci, retired general Mark Milley, members of the House Committee that investigated the January 6th protests, other people who engaged in lawfare against Trump, and Biden’s entire family— where he claimed to do so guard against potential “revenge” by the Trump Administration.

In this video Alex Jones explains that the globalist deep state is trying to neuter Donald Trump in the eyes of the public in order to deprive him of the legitimate use of the Military in response to domestic uprisings that they are planning to cause, where they are also likely planning to stage attacks that are meant to be blamed on Trump’s supporters.

This article speculates about the potential of “open carry” regulations being exploited by the political Establishment in order to implement agendas such as frightening the public into banning guns altogether.

This video clip from the Len Horowitz film “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism” shows the claims of a government sponsored propaganda documentary giving misleading and dishonest information about the United States Government’s involvement in bioterrorism research, and it then explains the genuine history of such programs and shows how they have led to the creation of diseases such as AIDS.

Alex Jones speaks with Len Horowitz, the author of “Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola— Nature, Accident or Intentional?”, discussing issues during the international outbreak of Swine Flu in 2009. Horowitz is an authority in the fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing. Discussed is evidence that the flu outbreak was intentionally created for the purpose of profiting drug companies, empowering globalist agendas, forwarding depopulation agendas, and being used as a “smokescreen” to distract the populace from other issues.

Alex Jones talks with former surgeon and pharmaceutical company abuse activist Rebecca Carley, speaking about many issues associated with the dangers inherent in the use of vaccines. Topics discussed include the many reasons to believe that the 2009 release of Bird Flu was intentional, legislation currently on the books which allows the U.S. Department of Defense to use unknowing human subjects for testing of biological weapons, ostracisations of doctors who speak out against the pharmaceutical industry, the Obama Administration’s allocation of a half a billion dollars for “genomic programs” which tamper with the human DNA structure, and other issues.

This article explains the discovery of vaccines being contaminated with the deadly Avian Flu virus being distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter, and it details how the circumstances of the contaminations show that it did not happen by accident.

This article examines aspects of scientific claims making up the theory that Nitrilosides are able to prevent cancerous tumors from forming and are also able to kill cancer cells that already exist. It presents a summary of the theory of how Nitrilosides eliminate cancer as well as presenting scientific studies which support and also counter the theory.

This article examines long-term “Globalist Establishment” political agendas that have been advancing seamlessly over many decades of presidential administrations.

This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world. It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.

Tens of millions of people are living in the United States who are not in the country legally, and they continue to arrive in increasing numbers as the country accomodates them.

The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world. The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971. The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented.

This article is a directory of various Islam related articles that are contained on News of Interest.TV and other websites. It is continually updated.

25 Islamic countries have anti-apostasy laws that criminalize leaving the religion of Islam, and many more also have anti-blasphemy laws that criminalize speech or actions that are insulting to the religion.

This article is a collection of information which explains that the Masonic organization “The Muslim Brotherhood” plays a large part in exploiting Muslims to turn them into unwitting tools of the global elite for causing chaos intended to help bring about the New World Order.

This multi-part summary article examines all aspects of the global warming debate, including scientific claims about the effects of the warming, potential causes of the warming, motives behind global warming legislation, and issues with the media and many Establishment environmental groups.

This section directory contains articles that examine each of the major claims about potential detrimental effects related to global warming, including melting ice and sea level issues, storm intensity issues, potential of the spread of disease and human deaths, and plant and animal species extinction.
The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.
The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.

This section directory contains articles examining treaties and legislation associated with climate change such as the Kyoto Protocol, “Cap and Trade” legislation, and the 2009 “Framework Convention on Climate Change.” It is shown that the implementation of such measures are meant to further long-range objectives of global elite individuals and organizations such as the United Nations, while actually having little or nothing to do with helping the environment.

This section directory contains articles and video clips that help to describe issues of bias that are common in the scientific community that are used to exaggerate the causes and effects of global warming.

This article summarizes the documentary video “Global Warming or Global Governance?” by Michael Coffman of Sovereignty International, presenting video segments from the video with descriptions and transcripts where appropriate.
The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.
The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.

“Sterling engine” type solar power generators are the most efficient and inexpensive method for harnessing solar energy, and they have many benefits over centralized large scale solar installations that often cause serious harm to birds. A powerful personal solar power Sterling engine can easily supply all of the energy that is needed by a home. This article explains the mechanism of such devices and explains ideal potential implementations of them.

This video demonstrates a type of solar energy collector called a “Sterling Engine,” which is the most efficient way to generate electricity from the sun. It works by a reflective parabolic dish concentrating sunlight onto a hydrogen filled engine which contains a piston that is powered by the heat of the concentrated sunlight.

The wasteful and heavily government subsidized Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Plant which opened in California’s Mojave desert in 2014 has brutally incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year at the rate of ten per hour, but engineers are claiming that their efforts have supposedly reduced the amount of birds killed to two per hour. Nonetheless, even if the claim of the kills being reduced is true, it is still too many and the ineffective plant should be shut down.

Flywheel Batteries are a new and efficient means of storing energy using a mechanical method rather than a chemical one. They consist of a heavy metal disc floating and spinning on a cushion of magnetism in a vacuum housing as a means of storing and distributing energy.

This video describes aspects of the major types of government and economic systems that exist in the world, and it explains why the system of a capitalistic constitutional republic as outlined in the United States Constitution is preferable to other types of systems.

The 38 page booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People” explains how the political system of the United States has migrated away from following the structure that has been specified in the U.S. Constitution, and it explains how elements of the current political system could be moved toward being restored to their original Constitutional principals.

A website has been launched for, an organization that advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines along with federalizing the standard of how votes are cast and counted to ensure the use of one foolproof voting method in all states.

With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code. This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card. The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.

This article contains information about the subject of atmospheric chemtrail spraying by making use of video documentaries, timelapse video clips, news reports, audio interviews, and photographs.

This documentary film created by Clifford Carnicom details evidence of chemtrail spraying operations, explains grass-roots attempts of discovering what is being sprayed, and it explains numerous reasons the government may have for engaging in such operations. This is an abbreviated version of the film.

View a variety of timelapse footage of heavy chemtrail spraying over York, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2007. This clip shows examples of characteristics common with chemtrails, including abruptly broken chemtrail segments, trailing liquid vapors, and resulting chemtrail haze with shadows of new chemtrails on that haze.

This article examines each of the steps in a problem solving process for peacefully creating political change in the United States through the use of communication and legislation— by using a process of defining a political problem, then defining a goal state with the problem eliminated, and then finding the most efficient processes of communication for reaching the goal state through the use of the legislative process.

This article is a study of potential types of politically motivated communication styles and the practical voting results arising due to such communication, by means of graphing theoretical voting results.
Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue. This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other. It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.
Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue. This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other. It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.

This summary article explains why most media outlets don’t accurately report information about important political realities. Topics include explaining who the people are that most control the media, as well as their reasons, means, and methods of controlling it.

The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate. Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States. The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.

This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections to the anti-WTO movement which are meant to ensure continued propagation of globalist agendas.

This video compilation from the Alex Jones documentary Police State II: The Takeover shows how demonstrations at the 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle during the Clinton Adminstration were infiltrated by violent provocateurs sent by government groups in order to give law enforcement personnel an excuse to attack and suppress the peaceful legitimate protesters.
Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.
Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.

This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains how a publicity stunt created by gun disarmament advocates for an event called the “Million Mom March” used deceptive techniques for creating an illusion in the media of having more popular support than it actually had.

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.

This article explains issues with water shortages in the United States, and it details theoretical concepts of facilitating the collection of rainwater that falls on active agricultural fields through the deployment of retractable rainwater collection surfaces during times of rain.

This article details issues with the river systems in the United States, and it details a theoretical concept of harvesting river water for irrigating cropland.

Stars of the MTV Television show “The Hills” Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag speak with Alex Jones, explaining how they have recently woken up to many of the realities of the New World Order which Alex speaks about on his show and in his documentary films.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” View quotes by the self-improvement guru Tony Robbins.

View images of works from the Chicago Based Graffiti Group You Are Beautiful, taken from their website.