News of Interest.TV
Running Time: 10 minutes
This video by Alex Newman of The New American contains important information about the China’s increasingly central role in the implementation of the New World Order, including explaining that the global political establishment has always supported the Chinese Communists since the beginning of the regime.

Following are key points in the video:

— Top globalists have been publicly saying that China should own or run the New World Order, such as when George Soros said in 2010 that the Chinese have a “better functioning government” than the U.S. does.  Soros has also been busy doing everything that he can to undermine institutions in the U.S. such as by infiltrating its Churches with leftist agendas.

— Communist China has been the most murderous dictatorship in all of history, yet the global elite has constantly been pushing for it to play a greater role in world affairs.  For example Obama’s treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has said that he is open to China’s proposal for a global currency.

— David Rockefeller, one of the most influential members of the global elite, has supported Communist China during his entire life— even during the homicidal reign of Mao Tse Tung of which Rockefeller said in 1973, “The social experiment in China under chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

—The Chinese were very “successful” in exterminating human beings.  R.J. Rummel at the University of Hawaii, one of the foremost authorities in “democide” (which means when people are killed by their own government) has detailed how China has killed over 77 million of its own people, not including the many additional that have been murdered in forced abortions due to China’s one child policy.

— Despite the savagery of China, the Communist Chinese are very active in taking over international organizations, such as by having agents running agencies like the UN Industrial Development Organization which is transferring Western power over to third world kleptocrats such as the ones running North Korea and Cuba.

— The Chinese also run other UN agencies such as the International Telecommunications Union which wants to regulate and censor the internet; the Industrial Development Organization; the Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization; the International Civil Aviation Organization which wants to put international taxes on air travel; and the Food and Agricultural Organization.

— The Chinese also sit on the UN Human Rights Council, which is indicative of the UN’s actual attitude about human rights.

— The Chinese runs the UN Department of Social Affairs (DESA), and until recently the World Health organization was under the leadership of a Communist agent Margaret Chan.

— Multiple UN agencies have Communist agents as “deputy leaders”, such as UNESCO, which is a global “education ministry” that is trying to internationalize and dumb down the indoctrination process that is taking place in government schools.  INTERPOL (The International Criminal Police Organization) was recently under the control of a Chinese agent (who was also arrested for not obeying the orders the Communist Chinese party.)

— The Communist Chinese are very open about their intentions of wanting to run the New World Order, such as by saying at a 2014 G77+ conference in Bolivia that it wants the “New World Order to live well”, and saying “We stress the importance of the central role of the United Nations in the global economic governance.” They also called for the UN general assembly to be “an emblem of global sovereignty.”

— Newman calls the UN General Assembly “the Dictator’s Club”, since it includes many tyrannical countries such as North Korea whose votes carry the same weight as the vote of the U.S.— thus making it the foundation of a totalitarian “global government.”

— Beyond taking over existing globalist institutions, China is also building their own institutions such as recently creating the Asian Infrastructure Investment bank which they own and control, and also creating the “One Belt One Road” agenda where they are taking control of the transportation infrastructure of Asia all the way to Europe and Africa.

— The global political establishment actually even initially facilitated the Communist Chinese being empowered through the help of groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  A good book about that subject is “Again, may God forgive us!”, by Robert Welch, which details how subversive agents in the U.S. government deliberately betrayed our ally Chiang Kai-shek and delivered China to the Communists.

— General Patrick Hurley, U.S. Ambassador to China said in 1945, “American diplomats surrendered the territorial integrity and the political independence of China .. and wrote the blueprint for the Communist conquest of China in a secret agreement at Yalta.”

— Recently the mass murdering dictator of Communist China Xi Jinping painted himself as “protecting the world order from Donald Trump” at a recent the World Economic Forum meeting.

— It is not possible to understand the New World Order unless you first understand what has happened with China in the past and what is happening with it today.  China is essentially a “blueprint” for the New World Order, where a technocratic form of government rules over everyone whose cooperation is mandatory and forced by the State.

Other articles to help gain understanding of the motives of the global elite:

A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
updated February 17, 2020
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

A Summary of the Documentary Video “Overview of America”
updated September 17, 2022
This video describes aspects of the major types of government and economic systems that exist in the world, and it explains why the system of a capitalistic constitutional republic as outlined in the United States Constitution is preferable to other types of systems.

A Summary of the Book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”
updated September 13, 2022
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

Videos Clips From the Documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”
updated October 2, 2022
This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world.  It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.

The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza
updated November 30, 2022
Among the most important autobiographies written during the 20th century is one that most people have never heard of, and it’s one that the globalist Establishment does not want people to know about.  The book “Nicaragua Betrayed” is the engrossing behind-the-scenes account of the political career of Anastasio Somoza, the popular democratically elected leader of Nicaragua between 1967 and 1979, whose pro-U.S. government was overrun by Communist Sandinistas which the book proves were covertly supported by the globalist Establishment [note— “Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)”] associated with Jimmy Carter’s Administration.  Somoza was assassinated in 1980 shortly after his book was published.  The book is very important because it exposes the true agendas of globalism and how the Establishment global elite actually operate. 

January 1, 2023
Running Time: 10 minutes
In this video clip Alex Jones explains how the Goldman Sachs banking firm and the United Nations are making use of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western nations.

The UN had published a document in 2001 entitled “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?” which outlines a strategy to “offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates” by importing millions of migrants into various regions of the world each year including Europe, Japan, Russia, Korea, and the United States.  The plan seeks to bring 10.8 million migrants to the United States each year until 2050, bringing a total of 593 million by that time.  See this Infowars article for more information.

December 31, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, December 18, 2022

From the video page: Transgender track star teens cause controversy in Connecticut - Connecticut had its State Open track and field championships at Willow Brook Park, and one transgender boy, Terry Miller of Bulkeley, broke the State Open records for girls in the 100-meter dash. The runner-up was Andraya Yearwood of Cromwell High School, also a transgender boy.

Much of this information is from this Yahoo News article.

(Also see this 2019 News of Interest.TV article that initially reported about this issue.)

On Friday a federal appeals court dismissed a challenge to Connecticut’s policy of allowing transvestite men to compete in girl’s high school sports, where it rejected arguments by four “cisgender” (meaning “normal”) girls who were unfairly forced to race against men in a high school track meet.

The female plaintiffs sought a ruling to bar enforcement of the state policy on transvestite athletes, and to remove records set by transvestite athletes from the books, as well as money damages.

A three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City upheld a lower court judge’s dismissal of a lawsuit challenging the policy, where they claimed the athletes lacked “standing” to sue— ridiculously saying their claims of being deprived of wins, state titles, and athletic scholarships opportunities are “speculative.”

The judges said in their decision, “All four Plaintiffs regularly competed at state track championships as high school athletes, where Plaintiffs had the opportunity to compete for state titles in different events … And, on numerous occasions, Plaintiffs were indeed ‘champions,’ finishing first in various events, even sometimes when competing against (transgender athletes). … Plaintiffs simply have not been deprived of a ‘chance to be champions.’”

One of the lawyers Christiana Kiefer with the group The Alliance Defending Freedom who represented the four female Connecticut athletes said she and other attorneys are considering how to respond, including possibly asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review Friday’s decision.

The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Council argued its policy complies with a state law that requires all high school students be treated according to their “gender identity,” and they also claimed the policy is in accordance with Title IX, the federal law that allows girls equal educational opportunities.

Another lawyer affiliated with The Alliance Defending Freedom named Roger Brooks pointed out that title IX guarantees girls “equal quality” of competition— yet that is being denied to female athletes since they are being required to compete against people who have “inherent physiological advantages.”

Brooks also explained that the transvestite athletes improperly won 15 championship races between 2017 and 2020, costing female athletes the opportunity to advance to other races 85 times.  [Note: Those facts negate the claims made by the court to justify dismissing the lawsuit.  Obviously the female athletes have a slam-dunk case, so it should be brought to the Supreme Court.  One can only hope that the case being brought to the highest court was the motivation for this lower court dismissing the case.]

December 18, 2022
New York City has established a “Muslim Community Patrol” program where unarmed Muslims drive through their neighborhoods in authentic-looking police cars, also being dressed as police.

In 2018, New York City’s mayor Bill de Blasio had set up “Muslim Community Patrols” in the city, where unarmed Muslims drive through predominantly Muslim neighborhoods in cars that look exactly like official police cars, while they are also dressed as police officers.  It is the first of such programs in the United States, however it will soon be implemented in many other parts of the country as well.  This article explains issues with such programs.

View the entire article >>
updated September 20, 2022

Article Notes
new: September 20, 2022 - Moved this article to New of Interest.TV from Open Minded Realism.

Selected information from this article:

A Summary of a Clarion Project Special Report: “NY’s Sharia Patrol”
updated September 20, 2022
This article is a summary of a special report by Ryan Mauro and Martin Mawyer published by the Clarion Project in October, 2019 that explains recently implemented “Muslim Community Patrols” in New York City have high-level involvement of Muslims who are connected to notorious cases of extremism and violence.  The article also details evidence showing that the real agenda of the patrols is to serve as Shaira police for enforcing Islamic law, as is happening in Europe.

RT Report: “America’s first ‘Muslim Patrol’ becomes Brooklyn’s new eyes & ears”
running time 3 minutes
This May 2019 Russia Today news report explains recently established “Muslim Community Patrols” in New York City.  The report says, “They are not cops, and they are not a private army either.  They say that they are just a ‘community watch,’ keeping an eye on the neighborhood and helping law enforcement.  But here’s the catch— they’re Muslims.”

A Summary of an Article by Phillip Worts: “Marxism & Community Oriented Policing”
updated September 20, 2022
This article is a summary of an article written in the year 2000 by a detective for the San Diego Police Department Phillip Worts, where he explains how agendas of “Community Policing” are increasingly being implemented in communities throughout the United States in order to empower deceptive and nefarious lefist agendas.

December 13, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated February 1, 2020

“Hostage to Khomeini,” by Robert Dreyfuss.
“Hostage to Khomeini,” by Robert Dreyfuss.

The book “Hostage to Khomeini,” written by Robert Dreyfuss in 1980, explains specifically how the progressive pro-American Shah of Iran was covertly overthrown in 1979 by the global political elite, being replaced with the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini who was installed as “controlled opposition” in order to intentionally wreck progress in the country and drag it back to the Dark Ages.  (Khomeini was the instigator of taking the American embassy in Tehran hostage in 1979.)  Iran was a very modern and Westernized country under the Shah until the coup occured which installed Khomeini.

You can buy a copy of the book on Amazon at this link, and you can download a PDF of the book at this link.

[Editor’s note—  In the future I will create an article which summarizes the book point-by-point, however for the time being I have posted the following basic summaries of each of its chapters.]

Article Notes
new: February 1, 2020 - Clarified about the information explained in Chapter 3 being the genuine precursor for what would eventually become the “Iran” part of the “Iran-Contra Scandal.”

January 13, 2020 - Expanded various information in the article.

January 10, 2020 - Added additional information to the article, including images from the book and information detailing the BBC’s role in spreading revolutionary propaganda throughout Iran.

Following is a summary of the chapters in the book:

From Chapter 1, pages 1 - 2:

In Tehran, uncontrolled mobs surge through the streets brandishing their newly acquired automatic weapons, sacking public buildings and tearing down the regime of the deposed Shah.  The bloody reign of terror has already begun.  Quickly and silently, top military and intelligence officers who have refused to cooperate with the new government are executed by unofficial assassination squads.  In the cities, as in the towns and villages, many hundreds more are murdered by frenzied crowds.  It is February 12, 1979, just hours after the Ayatollah Khomenini has proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In Washington, President Carter convenes a hurried news conference to tell the world, “I believe the people of Iran and the government will continue to be our friends.”

Many people are shocked by Carter’s willingness to befriend the bloody new regime.  ...  In reality, the President’s official welcome to the Khomeini dictatorship signaled a far deeper truth.  Carter had great reason to believe that the regime of the mullahs in Iran would indeed be “our friend”:  He and his administration had put Khomeini in power.

Not simply by inaction.  The Carter administration—  with sober deliberation and with malice aforethought—  had given aid to the movement that originated the overthrow of the Shah of Iran.  The Carter administration was involved every step of the way—  from the propaganda preparations to the supply of arms and ammunition, from the behind-the-scenes deals with traitors in the Shah’s military to the final ultimatum to the beaten leader in January 1979 to leave Iran.  Perhaps no other chapter in American history is so replete with treachery to the ideals upon which the nation was founded.


Other aspects of Chapter 1 include an overview of the strategy of the global elite seeing Iran as a “test-tube experiment” to see if a country can be made to enslave itself, and an overview of the covert involvement of Western organizatons and individuals such as the Council on Foriegn Relations (CFR), the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Zbigniew Brezinski of the National Security Council, former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, and the NSC’s Iran Task Force special coordinator George Ball.  Also mentoned is that the groundwork for the Iranian Revolution was laid out some years earlier by the Colorado-based “Aspen Institute,” with the actual covert activity then being directed by the British Intelligence Service.  [Note the information in this paragraph has been expanded on January 13, 2020.]

Chapter 2 details various aspects of how the British and U.S. covertly brought down the pro-Western Shah of Iran, including through their control of the Savak security services as well as fomenting revolution amongst large segments of the population through the use of inflammatory BBC broadcasts.

From pages 34 - 35 of the PDF: [(Added to the article January 10, 2020)]

Without the British Broadcasting Corporation, there would have been no Khomeini.  During the entire year of 1978, the BBC stationed dozens of correspondents throughout the country, in every remote town and village.  BBC correspondents, often part-time stringers for Khomeini, sometimes full-time British nationals in the employ of the British secret service, worked as the intelligence service for the revolution.

As soon as a small incident occurred in some village, the BBC correspondent on the scene would relay the news to BBC headquarters in Tehran.  Within hours, BBC Persian-language broadcasts would beam exaggerated accounts of the incident to all Iran!  functioning as the national loudspeaker for the mullahs and their sympathizers, each day the BBC would beam into Iran gory accounts of alleged atrocities committed by the Iranian police—often without checking the veracity of the report.  The Iranian government was never given a chance to rebut.  Propagandists like Ibrahim Yazidi were given hours of air time to vent their spleen against the Shah, all of which was eagerly listened to by the Shah’s enemies in Iran.

By late fall, the BBC was broadcasting the long, ranting speeches of the lunatic Ayatollah Khomeini himself—in their entirety.  Several times during November and December, the Shah said he would take reprisal against London if the BBC’s subversion were not halted.  Once he threatened to break diplomatic relations with Great Britain.  But the British government solemnly swore it had no influence over the BBC which, they claimed, was a “private corporation.”  At least twice the Shah summoned the British ambassador in Tehran to protest the actions of the BBC, but to no avail.  From time to time, the government would expel a BBC correspondent, but no more.

Not until November 30, 1978, did a member of the Iranian Parliament, Hossein Daneshi from Abadan, demand to know why the BBC had been permitted to play its provocateur role: “A glance at the events and developments throughout the world over the past year demonstrates a diabolical plan aimed at the disintegration of Iran....  You should not be surprised if you see that the BBC prepares programs and during its three programs in Persian thinks of nothing but to make provocations, create disturbances, and chaos.  This old fox Britain, no longer able to secure good for itself, is looking for a prey.”


...  With the gathering storm, the BBC became the de facto coordinator for revolution.  On less than 24 hours notice, Tehran’s mullahs could organize simultaneous demonstrations in Iranian cities separated by thousands of miles—through the BBC.  In Paris, Khomeini made tapes ordering his cult followers to rampage through the streets.  Within hours, his precise instructions, in his own voice in Persian, would be broadcast into Iran from BBC’s London headquarters.

Belying its origins as an arm of the British Special Operations Executive, the BBC began to broadcast spy-war rumors in December, such as reports claiming that the Shah had fled the country, or had abdicated the throne to his son, or had gone insane.  In December the Iranian Information Minister Tehrani accused the BBC of inciting the Iranian oil workers to strike.  A BBC United Press International correspondent was expelled for reporting that the Shah had been assassinated.  For a brief time that month, as “The Washington Post” reported that the BBC was considered to be Iran’s “Public Enemy No. 1”, the military government of Prime Minister General Gholam Reza Azhari jammed the BBC broadcasts.  It was too late.

The Shah’s enemies in the clergy were not adverse to a little pychological warfare of their own.  Once, during a scheduled demonstration in Tehran on December 2, 1978, when the violence that antigovernment fanatics hoped for did not materialize, the Shiite clergy brought professionally made tape recordings of screams, gunshots, and violence played over the loudspeakers from the minarets of the mosques!  Within hours, BBC correspondents in “on the scene” newscasts had their accounts of the December 2 demonstrations beaming into Iran, complete with background noise courtesy of the mullah’s electronic equipment.  The next day, people emerging from their homes found red stains on the pavement where the march had taken place; the mullahs had poured red-colored dye on the streets to simulate blood.

Tactics like this, everyone knew, so highly effective with Iran’s population, were not devised by illiterate mullahs.

Chapter 3 talks about how the U.S. continued supplying enormous amounts of arms and military training to Iran even after it took hostages at the U.S. Embassy, as well as other covert associations.  [Updated note:  February 1, 2020— This is the genuine precursor to what would later become the “Iran” part of the “Iran-Contra Scandal” during the Reagan Administration, however what was reported by the media and taught as mainstream history about the matter is only a tiny part of the reality that is explained in this book.]

Chapter 4 talks about who the Ayatollah Khomeini really is, explaining that he has always been controlled by the British Secret Intelligence and CIA.  Page 56 of the PDF contains a quote written by the Shah’s twin sister Ashraf Pahlavi in her book “Faces in a Mirror” saying there is a standing joke in Persia that if you picked up any clergyman’s beard you would see the words “Made in England” stamped underneath.

Chapter 5 is an introduction to the “Muslim Brotherhood” secret society, explaining that it is a covert London creation; it gives a brief history of Islam and explains British infiltration of the Middle East going back to 1820 using Freemasonry.  On page 65 of the PDF it says, “In the Middle East, the British have always sought out the corrupt tribal leaders and the venal clergy to lead movements whose objectives have always seemed to coincide with British objectives.  With the Muslim Brotherhood, British imperial policy was institutionalized in the form of a disciplined organization dedicated to returning the Middle East to the Dark Ages.”  [Note also see A Summary of the Article “Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the West’s Terror Arm”. ]

Chapter 6 explains the British involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt until the 1950s when the organization then spread to all parts of the world.

Chapter 7 explains more issues with the Muslim Brotherhood, including details of some of the horrific terrorist attacks perpetrated by the organization.

Chapter 8 explains how the Muslim Brotherhood has involvement in the United States and how the Carter administration had always turned a blind eye to its violent pro-Khomeini activities.

Chapter 9 explains the ways that the global elite wrecked Iran by design through their installation of the Ayatollah (starting on page 116 of the PDF).  Khomeini implemented brutal policies of mass degradation through the rule of 200,000 mullahs who now control every aspect of daily life in the country; people were publicly flogged, executed, and stoned to death; the media had been entirely taken over by the mullahs with no entertainment being allowed; alcohol was banned but opium was plentiful; in the summer of 1980 the sale of furniture was banned with furniture stores and factories being shut down; oil exports went from 6 million barrels a day to less than 500,000 a day; and massive construction projects underway during the Shah’s rule were shut down causing massive unemployment.

Following is a quote from page 120 of the PDF:

Within six months, Khomeini’s revolution has completely reversed the work to pull Iran up out of the Middle Ages.  Immediately, $52 billion worth of development contracts in a dozen different areas were cancelled.  This led to depression, as hundreds of other, smaller projects went down the tubes as well.  ..  Among the canceled projects were several nuclear plants worth at least $15 billion; the $1.1 billion Tehran airport; the $1.3 billion Teheran metro system; the $1.9 billion Sar Cheshmeh copper works, already 90 percent completed; the Bandar Addas steel works, valued at $2.9 billion; an enormous $6 billion project for gas injection and secondary oil recovery in the Iranian oil fields in Khuzestan; a $3.3 billion Mitsui Japanese plant in Bandar Shahpur for petrochemicals; the second gas pipeline to the Soviet Union, named Igat-2, worth $3 billion; a billion-dollar telecommunications system; several entire railway systems; a new port at Bandar Abbas; oil refineries, shipbuilding plants, steel works, and electrification projects.

The chapter then talks about how there was massive unemployment with at least two million people turning to opium which the farmers were encouraged to grow; how the universities were purged of “infidels,” with hundreds of professors at the Tehran University being driven out; history textbooks being re-written to eliminate all references to the Shah; opponents to Khomeini being attacked by fanatical mobs; what was left of Iran’s military now being totally in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood; and the anti-Khomeini officer corps being annihilated with executions and purges.

The book says, “The mullahs did not come to rule in Iran on the basis of their own power, they were placed in power by men more evil than they—who would use the depravity and backwardness for their own ends.”  The rest of the chapter then explains specifically who the global elite are that are responsible for formulating the policies that were implemented, coming from organizations such as the Aspen Institute, the Club of Rome, British Intelligence, and the CIA.

[Note: Iran is still covertly controlled by the same global elite even today, with the lives of the people living in the country not significantly improving since Khomeini’s rule.]

Finally Chapter 10 explains that there is a “Soviet factor,” with much of U.S. and Soviet Intelligence being controlled by British Intelligence.

Images from “Hostage to Khomeini”

Treason in the U.S.

March, 1980: Zbigniew Brzezinski on a trip to Pakistan to propose a military alliance with the Zia regime.

March, 1980:  Zbigniew Brzezinski on a trip to Pakistan to propose a military alliance with the Zia regime.

November, 1979: A Pakistan army helicopter hovers over the U.S. embassy, burned by an Islamic fundamentalist mob with the tactic encouragement of Zias government.

November, 1979:  A Pakistan army helicopter hovers over the U.S. embassy, burned by an “Islamic fundamentalist” mob with the tactic encouragement of Zia’s government.

Billy Carter learns strategy from an official of the Qaddafi regime in Libya, another country where its U.S. embassy was burned in late 1979.

Billy Carter learns strategy from an official of the Qaddafi regime in Libya, another country where its U.S. embassy was burned in late 1979.

The U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research building in Washington D.C., where Khomeini espionage agent Capt. Siavash Setoudeh maintained an office complex for months after the hostage seizure.

The U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research building in Washington D.C., where Khomeini’s espionage agent Capt. Siavash Setoudeh maintained an office complex for months after the hostage seizure.

The Washington D.C. rug dealership front for Bahram Nahidian—the Savama chief in the U.S. under Khomeini, who is the controller of Setoudeh and of Khomeini’s “hit teams.”

The arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., the Muslim Student Association, holds a national conference in Miami, Ohio in May 1980. The MSA, run top down by the Brotherhood from abroad, is financed from Iran through Bahram Nahidian  networks.

The arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., the Muslim Student Association, holds a national conference in Miami, Ohio in May 1980.  The MSA, run top down by the Brotherhood from abroad, is financed from Iran through Bahram Nahidian’s networks.

“Pol Pot” in Iran

Iran, 1980:  Heroin addicts in Tehran.  In one year Iran and Pakistan surpassed Southeast Asia as the world primary source of opium.

Iran, 1980:  Heroin addicts in Tehran.  In one year Iran and Pakistan surpassed Southeast Asia as the world’s primary source of opium.

Iran, 1979:  Frenzied worshippers flagellate themselves near the U.S. embassy.

Iran, 1979:  Frenzied worshippers flagellate themselves near the U.S. embassy.

Iran, 1980:  Khomeini  social structure back to the 12th century  destruction of al-Ghazali.

Iran, 1980:  Khomeini’s social structure—back to the 12th century “destruction” of al-Ghazali.

The “Radical” Traitors

Bernard Lewis of Princeton University, the author of the design for the breakup of nations of the Middle East (left). Richard Falk at Princeton; the key pro-Khomeini organizer in Iran and the U.S. (middle). Ramsay Clark, Carter link to Khomeini before and after the Shah fall (right).

Bernard Lewis of Princeton University, the author of the design for the breakup of nations of the Middle East (left).  Richard Falk at Princeton; the key pro-Khomeini organizer in Iran and the U.S. (middle).  Ramsay Clark, Carter’s link to Khomeini before and after the Shah’s fall (right).

... and “Establishment” Traitors

The U.S. Air Force Gen. Robert E. Huyser, the NATO emissary later blamed by many Iranians for undercutting the Shah (left); the CFR member George Ball who coordinated the political side of Huyser shift to neutral (right).

The U.S. Air Force Gen. Robert E. Huyser, the NATO emissary later blamed by many Iranians for undercutting the Shah (left); the CFR member George Ball who coordinated the political side of Huyser’s “shift to neutral” (right).

The British Operatives

Anthony Blunt, the Art Curator to the Queen, visionary of sacerdotal revolutions, and sometime Soviet Spy.

Anthony Blunt, the Art Curator to the Queen, visionary of sacerdotal revolutions, and sometime “Soviet Spy.”

H.A.R. KimPhilby, Blunt recruit from Cambridge in 1932, who now shapes Middle East policy for the KGB.

H.A.R. “Kim” Philby, Blunt’s recruit from Cambridge in 1932, who now shapes Middle East policy for the KGB.

Historian Arnold Toynbee, the British intelligence thinker behind Blunt, Phillby, et al.

Historian Arnold Toynbee, the British intelligence “thinker” behind Blunt, Phillby, et al.

Historic Enemies

Kemal Ataturk, the Turkish Republic nationalist founder, in opposition to whose profound influence the Muslim Brother was founded.

Kemal Ataturk, the Turkish Republic’s nationalist founder, in opposition to whose profound influence the Muslim Brother was founded.

The Muslim Brotherhood rounded up in Egypt after their 1954 attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Gamel Abduel Nasser.

The Muslim Brotherhood rounded up in Egypt after their 1954 attempt to assassinate Egyptian President Gamel Abduel Nasser.

British Arabist H. St.-John Philby (Kim Philby father) on a camel in the Arabian desert, 1917.

British Arabist H. St.-John Philby (“Kim” Philby’s father) on a camel in the Arabian desert, 1917.

Islamic fundamentalism today: The U.S.-trained environmentalist Ibrahim Yazdi (left); the fanatical Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad-Ali Rajai (right).

“Islamic fundamentalism” today:  The U.S.-trained environmentalist Ibrahim Yazdi (left); the fanatical Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad-Ali Rajai (right).

December 9, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 13, 2022

None Dare Call it Conspiracy
None Dare Call it Consiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham.

[Note: September 13, 2022— Typos in the text of the article have been fixed.]

”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

The first few chapters of the book contain preparatory information meant to acclimate uninitiated readers, followed by delving deeply into historical information explaining agendas of the little-known global elite.  Surprisingly to many, the book shows how this group of Establishment insiders has historically been responsible for secretively implementing and then supporting the totalitarian Communist regimes in Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world, and it is explained how globalist philosophies which are currently being implemented call for a similar uniform system of government to eventually be imposed on the entire populace of the planet in a totalitarian “New World Order.”

This article summarizes many major points of each of the chapters of this book.  The book may be purchased here.

View the article containing additional key points for each chapter >>

Chapter One - Don’t Confuse Me with Facts

This introductory chapter gives a variety of information describing and criticizing a common human nature of people not wanting to accept information that is contrary to what they are already familiar with, as well as comparing and contrasting two general theories of how history unfolds— with it either being viewed as a collection of “accidents,” or as being more or less planned to happen as it does.

Chapter Two - Socialism— Royal Road to Power for the Super Rich

This chapter describes how tyrants throughout recent centuries have made use of the structures of socialism and Communism in order to consolidate power over nations, and the topic is introduced of powerful individuals making up the Western capitalist political Establishment taking part in a conspiracy to create and spread Communism to nations of the world during the past century in order to subdue and exploit those nations.  It is explained that speaking about such a conspiracy is considered to be taboo by the Establishment media and academia, and an overview of the many comparative benefits offered by the political system created by the U.S. Constitution as drafted by the Founding Fathers is explained.

Chapter Three - The Money Manipulators

This chapter gives an overview of the significance of the role of international bankers and central banks in controlling nations and governments.  The activities of the European international banker Meyer Rothschild during the 19th century is explained, detailing how his interests became extremely wealthy through financing wars between European nations.  When the United States was formed, the Founding Fathers wanted the country to avoid the influence of international bankers by ensuring that only Congress could be allowed to print money and set interest rates, however this was eventually bypassed in 1912 by the establishment of the Federal Reserve System through the corrupt efforts of powerful industrialists such as J.P. Morgan.  The Federal Reserve gives private control of the United States economy to the Industrialists who created it, and it has been used to intentionally create events such as the Great Depression in 1929.

Chapter Four - Bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution

This chapter describes the specific activities of Establishment Insiders such as members of the Warburg, Morgan, Rockefeller and Schiff families being responsible for empowering the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, as well as the Establishment’s subsequent activities of secretly supporting Communist Russia and other Marxist countries for ulterior motives of subjugating and exploiting those countries.  It is explained that the idea of Communism being a movement arising from the “downtrodden masses” is a fraud, but rather Communism is an arm of a bigger conspiracy to control the world by Establishment billionaires.

Chapter Five - Establishing the Establishment

This chapter details the elite organizations the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Round Table Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Bilderberg Group, explaining how they have been formed, how they are associated with each other, and how they all share the same goals of establishing a world government.

Chapter Six - The Rockefellers and the Reds

This chapter talks about the Rockefeller family’s history of involvement with Communist regimes such as the Soviet Union, starting with their financial and political support of the Bolshevik revolution in the 1920’s, their purchase of many of Russia’s oil fields, their installation of Western based banks in Russia, and their continually infusing Russia with sensitive Western technology and essentially all of the country’s heavy industry, including during the Vietnam war.

Chapter Seven - Pressure from Above and Pressure from Below

This chapter describes techniques used to deceive the public about the real agendas that are being implemented by the Establishment.  It is explained how Richard Nixon was elected as a “geunine” conservative but then entirely changed his behavior to forward Establishment socialist agendas once he took office.  Also explained is the Establishment’s agenda of deceptively creating a “One World Government” which they control, and their use of secretly controlling opposition groups such as Students for a Democratic Society, the Black Panthers, the Yippies, and the Young Socialist Alliance.

Chapter Eight - You are the Answer

This chapter describes the importance of acting on information learned in this book, and it lists some potentially effective ways of getting the word out for ensuring that increasing numbers of anti-Establishment candidates gain political office.  It is explained that the Establishment will not give America preferential treatment in the final implementation of world government, and they may even commit domestic terror attacks in order to achieve and maintain their dictatorship.  The Establishment is counting on the citizens of the United States to not bother to become informed and mobilize against their activities.  [Note: Remember this book was written in 1971, and much of what is predicted has since come true.]

View the article containing additional key points for each chapter >>

December 8, 2022

[Note: February 10, 2020— This article has been updated and expanded with images added from the book.]

The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

This informative book details world history more accurately than typically taught mainstream accounts, explaining how the most influential political power of the United States has existed in the CFR since its inception in 1921, with members of the group continually shaping the creation of policies which forward secretive globalist agendas at the cost of creating much human suffering throughout the world.

The information in the book can be thought of as an important puzzle piece being dropped into place where it was assumed that a space did not exist, adding new meaning to a large number of well-known historical events by showing mainstream history and media accounts as being contrary to what had actually happened.

The CFR has been the “unofficial club” of the Establishment power elite, having membership of most of the high ranking members of politics, media, and finance.  It is a “front group” that is a secretive organization but not a “secret society,” however many of its members do belong to secret societies.

The CFR has always forwarded “Globalist” agendas which include long-term strategies of dissolving national sovereignties and boundaries of Nations in order to eventually form a “one world government” which is controlled by the United Nations via privately owned international banks.

Another key aspect of the CFR which is very surprising to most people is its history of covertly implementing and supporting Marxist Communism in nations of the world as a part of its globalist strategy, including installing totalitarian Communism in Russia, China, and Eastern Europe, and more recently in Latin America and Africa, which is a topic that is a major focus of the book as well as this article.

This article summarizes major points of each of the chapters of the book.

Purchase the book at this link.

View the article page containing images and detailed key points from each chapter >>

Chapter 1 - A Primer On The CFR

This chapter gives an overview of who the “Establishment elite” are and what the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is, explaining that the CFR is the elite’s powerful “unofficial club,” which has always had an agenda of furthering Globalist objectives, which surprisingly has included the support of the creation of Marxist Communist regimes such as in the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

Chapter 2 - Background To The Beginning

This chapter describes how wealthy American Industrialists such as the Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller families had installed Woodrow Wilson as President in 1912 to facilitate their taking control of the American Government through implementing the Federal Reserve Bank, imposing income taxes on the American People, and getting the United States into World War One.

Chapter 3 - The Council’s Birth And Early Links To Totalitarianism

This chapter describes how the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was formed in 1919 by J.P. Morgan and other Industrialists after World War One, with the long term goal being from the onset the eventual establishment of a world government, often through employing a strategy of covertly installing Marxist Communism in countries as a means of exploiting and controlling the people in those countries.

Chapter 4 - The CFR And FDR

This chapter describes how the CFR bankers intentionally created the stock market crash of 1929 through the use of the Federal Reserve, as well as their installing of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President in order for him to implement the “New Deal” programs during the ensuing Great Depression which allowed the industrialists to consolidate power and control over the American People.

Chapter 5 - A Global War With Global Ends

This chapter explains issues concerning the CFR’s involvement in formulating policy associated with World War II, including how the U.S. entered the war due to facilitating Japan’s attacking Pearl Harbor, how the U.S. colluded with Germany and Stalin’s Russia before and during the war, and how the roots of a global government were founded after the war through the implementation of the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Chapter 6 - The Truman Era

This chapter describes events occurring in the years immediately after World War Two, including how it was learned that a “Communist threat” could be exploited by the West for ulterior motives, why organizations such as NATO were being formed by the U.N., how Mao Tse-tung’s oppressive Communist regime in China was empowered by the U.S. Government, how the Korean war rose out of World War Two diplomacy, and how the former CFR member James Forestall exposed the conspiracy of the ruling Establishment to spread Communism to other nations of the world.

Chapter 7 - Between Limited Wars

This chapter describes events occurring during the Administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, explaining how Eisenhower was installed by the Establishment and advanced Communism in the world, the truth about Senator Joe McCarthy, and the truth about Kennedy’s activities in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis.

Chapter 8 - The Establishment’s War In Vietnam

This chapter talks about issues with the Vietnam war, showing that despite being historically remembered as the result of “blunders,” the war actually unfolded as planned by the Establishment for advancing their long-term interests.  It is shown that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was staged in order for the United States to become involved in the war, it is shown how extreme restrictions were placed on the U.S. Military which was meant to prolong the war as long as possible and to ensure that the U.S. did not win, and it is explained how the Northern Vietnamese were being indirectly supplied by the United States.

Chapter 9 - The Unknown Nixon

This chapter explains Richard Nixon’s many connections to the Establishment, in particular his associations with Nelson Rockefeller, and it explains how Nixon’s Administration was actually quite liberal despite having a surface appearance of being conservative.

Chapter 10 - Carter And Trilateralism

This Chapter talks about the formation of a new globalist organization called the “Trilateral Commission,” and the installation of the Carter Presidency in order to implement it as well as many other CFR objectives including vastly empowering Communist regimes around the world including Russia, China, Southeast Asia, and in Central America as well as in Africa.

Chapter 11 - A Second Look At Ronald Reagan

This chapter explains issues with Ronald Reagan’s Administration, including how he was initially an “outsider candidate” but then adopted the Establishment line while campaigning, how he was “conservative” in rhetoric only similar to Richard Nixon, and how he was not actually heavily pro-defense or anti-Communist despite his well-known spoken rhetoric giving the impression of otherwise.

Chapter 12 - The Media Blackout

This chapter describes how the CFR controls the mainstream media through major media outlets being run by individuals who are members of the organization.  It is explained how many of the CFR’s objectives are forwarded through controlling and limiting news reports, such as news blackouts about topics like Communist regimes being installed in countries such as Nicaragua, and human rights abuses such as genocide occurring in Marxist countries such as Cambodia.

Chapter 13 - The CFR Today

This chapter explains how the CFR has shifted its strategies in recent years.  Topcis mentioned include the CFR acknowledging not having any choice but to build its globalist objectives “from the bottom up rather than the top down” due to resistance to the expansion of the UN, as well as increasingly limiting their public discussion of globalist objectives, ceasing the use of the phrase “New World Order,” taking on “token” members who do not represent the long term goals of the organization, and publishing propaganda books which mislead the public about the organization.

Chapter 14 - On The Threshold Of A New World Order?

This chapter explains issues of attempts by people often associated with the CFR to modify the U.S. Constitution in order for it to accommodate globalist objectives which the Constitution was originally designed to block.  Various organizations are explained such as the Ford Foundation which promote the imposition of a “Constitutional Convention” which would implement far-reaching changes to the Constitution that would dramatically alter the functioning and role of the U.S. Government.  Also statements by individuals such as Former Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger and foreign policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski are explained showing how they are supportive of changing the Constitution to accommodate globalist agendas.

Chapter 15 - Solutions And Hope

This chapter speaks about a variety of topics, including the importance of electing members of Congress who will fight the agendas of the corrupt Establishment; how a certain pattern of events occurs when the U.S. Government installs a Marxist regime in a foreign country; how in 1983 the Soviet Union shot down a passenger airliner carrying Dr. Lawrence MacDonald who was a U.S. Congressman that was an outspoken critic of the Establishment and its support of Communism; a brief history of the Life of Robert Welch who founded the John Birch Society; common techniques of distortion that opposition groups often make use of; and why Globalism is not at all ideal despite many being initally led to believe that it is.

View the article page containing images and detailed key points from each chapter >>

December 7, 2022
The Council on Foreign Relations Building, New York City
The Council on Foreign Relations Building, New York City

[Note: February 28, 2020— The written text of the video clips in this article have been updated.]

The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate.  Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States.  The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.

View the Article Page for This Documentary >>

Behind the Big News: Clip 1 of 3, An Introduction to Biases of the Mainstream News Media
running time 10 minutes
This video segment from the documentary “Behind the Big News” shows examples of the mainstream news media disseminating inaccurate information, such as a “Dateline NBC” news segment showing intentionally fraudulent information about the safety of a line of pickup trucks, issues concerning the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing being covered up by the media, issues with the U.S. getting involved in a military conflict in the Balkans based on fraudulent media reports, and issues concerning individuals in the media increasingly socializing with the politicians they cover.

Behind the Big News: Clip 2 of 3, How the CFR Controls the American Media
running time 25 minutes
This video segment from the documentary “Behind the Big News” describes how the powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controls and distorts information put out by mainstream news sources in order to protect wide ranging Establishment interests and objectives.  Issues explained include the CFR being founded in 1921 by J.P. Morgan, the fact that most major individuals in the news media are members of the organization, and the CFR’s many deceptive globalist objectives.

Behind the Big News: Clip 3 of 3, Media Bias Meant to Forward Globalist Objectives
running time 25 minutes
This video segment from the documentary video “Behind the Big News” shows examples of intentional distortion of news stories by the mainstream media for the purpose of forwarding Establishment Globalist objectives.  Examples are shown that explain how the media attempts to create fears of a “global crisis,” such as by exaggerating the effects of global warming; and issues are also shown concerning gun control agendas, the federalization of police forces, and the Establishment’s use of “controlled opposition” for controlling activism about key issues.  Also explained are ways that people can make a difference by pushing back against such agendas.

December 6, 2022
Enter keywords to search articles on News of Interest.TV using the DuckDuckGo search engine.
Israel’s Defense Minister Israel Katz posted a Tweet  that said Spain, Ireland, Norway, and other countries who have “falsely” accused Israel over its actions in Gaza are “legally obligated” to take the Gazans, where he ridiculously took a vindictive tone toward the countries as if he was ”punishing” them with Palestinian refugees for their exposing the crimes of Israel against them.
February 8, 2025
The Episcopal church, whose woman Bishop Mariann Budde essentially verbally attacked Donald Trump during church service is being paid tens of millions of dollars per year by the government to bring migrants in resettlement programs, which is a program that Trump has appropriately paused and targeted for re-evaluation.
February 8, 2025
This article explains that many Jewish Groups are protesting Trump’s deportations, despite the fact that Trump’s focus is deporting criminals and national security threats who also often specifically threaten Jewish people.
February 8, 2025
This documentary that was created in 2004 explains the situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip at the time, when the areas were under military occupation by Israel.  It also explains how international media reports about what was occurring were being censored by organizations such as the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
February 5, 2025
This article explains what genetically modified agriculture is (GMO), what its dangers are, and how it is being implemented in the United States.

Also explained is issues with the herbicide glyphosate that is also often sprayed onto crops that are not GMO.
February 3, 2025
I have changed my mind and now believe that elections should be federalized, which would enable the implementation of one appropriate set of voting laws that must be followed by all of the states.  This is different than my previous position that only the “voting standards” should be federalized.
February 1, 2025
Most people are not aware that Donald Trump’s administration is very pro-Zionism, where many of his key appointments are actually shown to be extreme in that regard.

Many of Trump’s appointments are “Christian Zionists” who espouse militant support of Israel, including the National Security Advisor Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, as well as others as explained in this article.
January 30, 2025
This article explains that the Establishment media is deceptively reporting about statements that the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem made about Venezuelan migrants, apparently being done for divisive purposes.
updated January 31, 2025
Alex Jones speaks with the inventor of the mRNA vaccine Robert Malone, who is very concerned about Trump’s agendas with his “Operation Stargate” AI initiative.

Malone explains that claims of being able to use the technology to cure cancer are very naive; it should not be the government’s job to pick “winners” and “losers” with tech companies; issues that occurred during Trump’s previous “Operation Warp Speed” initiative are explained; also explained is what appears to be the Establishment’s upcoming agendas with vaccine technology.
January 28, 2025
In this Fox News broadcast, Trump’s Border Czar Tom Homan explains issues with the deportations that ICE has been performing in Chicago.

Homan explains that right now they are focusing on public safety threats and national security threats, where next they will be focusing on fugitives from the law, of which there are 1.4 million in the United States.  Also explained is how Chicago officials and the governor of Illinois are falsely claiming that ICE had raided an elementary school.
January 28, 2025
On Saturday Donald Trump suggested that he would like to “clean out” Gaza after the destruction that has been brought upon it in the conflict that was caused after the October 7th attacks, where he speculated that Palestinian refugees could be sent to Egypt and Jordan.  He didn’t actually suggest that Israel should take over the area, but he strongly implied it.
January 26, 2025
A recent topic that is essentially not being reported about in the media, including even in the conservative media, is that Jewish-owned businesses in the U.S. have recently been designated as a “minority” status, making them eligible for billions of dollars in grants and contracts, in addition to receiving low interest loans for startup businesses.
January 26, 2025
This video by a British television network explains that Israeli settlers who have been living illegally in the West Bank for years have been expanding more rapidly since the conflict started that was caused by the October 7th attacks.
January 26, 2025
President Trump has announced his support for a private joint venture called Project Stargate, where he is advocating for hundreds of billions of dollars in private funding to be spent to create an artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States, where he has even signed an “emergency order” to speed it along.

However many issues exist with the project, where respected experts about AI are calling the agenda dangerous, and it is affiliated with people such as Larry Ellison and Bill Gates who have both made disturbing statements in the past about their intentions for the use of AI.
January 23, 2025
Ryan Cristián of the Last American Vagabond speaks with Jason Burmas, Steve Poikeman, and Catherine Austin Fitts about the issue of the global elite making moves to exploit cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence as a method for consolidating and tightening their control over society.
January 23, 2025
Donald Trump was essentially verbally attacked in Church sermon by a leftist Episcopalian bishop, who berated him for not supporting “woke” cultural Marxist agendas including transgenderism for children.
January 23, 2025
This article explains many positive actions that Donald Trump has already taken after being sworn in as President, and it speculates about what the future may bring with his administration.
January 21, 2025
This video shows Donald Trump’s entire speech after being sworn in as President, where he outlined many of the agendas that he is going to implement during his administration.
January 20, 2025
In the last hours of Joe Biden’s presidency, he issued “preemptive” blanket pardons for Anthony Fauci, retired general Mark Milley, members of the House Committee that investigated the January 6th protests, other people who engaged in lawfare against Trump, and Biden’s entire family— where he claimed to do so guard against potential “revenge” by the Trump Administration.
January 20, 2025
In this video Alex Jones explains that the globalist deep state is trying to neuter Donald Trump in the eyes of the public in order to deprive him of the legitimate use of the Military in response to domestic uprisings that they are planning to cause, where they are also likely planning to stage attacks that are meant to be blamed on Trump’s supporters.
January 15, 2025
This article speculates about the potential of “open carry” regulations being exploited by the political Establishment in order to implement agendas such as frightening the public into banning guns altogether.
January 15, 2025
Donald Trump is considering declaring a “national economic emergency” in order to provide legal justification for implementing a large swath of tariffs on both allies and adversaries of the United States, where the declaration would allow Trump to construct a new tariff program by using the International Economic Emergency Powers Act (IEEPA), which authorizes a president to manage imports during a national emergency.
January 15, 2025
This article contains information explaining aspects of the situation with the Los Angeles wildfires, where the federal, state and local Democrat party is intentionally responsible for the situation, including through their withholding of fire mitigation procedures and through leftist Antifa-type terrorists setting the fires.
January 13, 2025
In a manner that is unfortunately typical of Donald Trump’s annoying “gaffes,” he said that he was not going to rule out the use of military force to acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal for the U.S., which of course the media has been reporting about by portraying him as being an “irrational out of control authoritarian.”  However such a response seems to be what Trump was intending to happen.
January 11, 2025
This two part documentary entitled “Praying for Armageddon” profiles apparently popular Christian preachers who essentially admit that they want the end of the world to occur, and it also profiles U.S. politicians who espouse the Christian Zionism movement as well.
January 8, 2025
This documentary “Israelism: How Young American Jews’ Views of Israel Are Shifting” explains how many American Jews who have traditionally been pro-Israel are becoming disillusioned due to the conflict in Palestine, where many are now gravitating to leftist activist groups that are opposed to the conflict.
January 8, 2025
This is part one of a three part documentary “The Secret History of Al Qaeda” which explains how the terrorist organization Al Qaeda was covertly associated with the Western political Establishment. The video also contains a Q&A section with its creators.
January 8, 2025
Recently the state of Louisiana has been attempting to mandate that the Christian Ten Commandments must be displayed in every public school classroom, being emboldened by recent Supreme Court rulings that nullify previous rulings that required the separation of church and state.
January 8, 2025
Len Horowitz - A History of US Biological Warfare Research
This video clip from the Len Horowitz film “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism” shows the claims of a government sponsored propaganda documentary giving misleading and dishonest information about the United States Government’s involvement in bioterrorism research, and it then explains the genuine history of such programs and shows how they have led to the creation of diseases such as AIDS.
running time 30 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With Len Horowitz About Issues of the 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak
Alex Jones speaks with Len Horowitz, the author of “Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola— Nature, Accident or Intentional?”, discussing issues during the international outbreak of Swine Flu in 2009.  Horowitz is an authority in the fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.  Discussed is evidence that the flu outbreak was intentionally created for the purpose of profiting drug companies, empowering globalist agendas, forwarding depopulation agendas, and being used as a “smokescreen” to distract the populace from other issues.
recorded April 29, 2009
running time 45 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With the Pharmaceutical Industry Activist Rebecca Carley, March 12, 2009
Alex Jones talks with former surgeon and pharmaceutical company abuse activist Rebecca Carley, speaking about many issues associated with the dangers inherent in the use of vaccines.  Topics discussed include the many reasons to believe that the 2009 release of Bird Flu was intentional, legislation currently on the books which allows the U.S. Department of Defense to use unknowing human subjects for testing of biological weapons, ostracisations of doctors who speak out against the pharmaceutical industry, the Obama Administration’s allocation of a half a billion dollars for “genomic programs” which tamper with the human DNA structure, and other issues.
recorded March 12, 2009
running time 50 minutes
”Accidental” Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible
This article explains the discovery of vaccines being contaminated with the deadly Avian Flu virus being distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter, and it details how the circumstances of the contaminations show that it did not happen by accident.
March 5, 2009
An Examination of the Mechanism of Nitriloside Theories In Eliminating Cancer
This article examines aspects of scientific claims making up the theory that Nitrilosides are able to prevent cancerous tumors from forming and are also able to kill cancer cells that already exist.  It presents a summary of the theory of how Nitrilosides eliminate cancer as well as presenting scientific studies which support and also counter the theory.
updated April 2, 2011
A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite
This article examines long-term “Globalist Establishment” political agendas that have been advancing seamlessly over many decades of presidential administrations.
updated August 31, 2022
Videos Clips From the Documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”
This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world.  It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.
updated October 2, 2022
A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States
Tens of millions of people are living in the United States who are not in the country legally, and they continue to arrive in increasing numbers as the country accomodates them.
updated August 31, 2022
A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
updated February 17, 2020
A Summary of the Book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of Islam Related Issues
This article is a directory of various Islam related articles that are contained on News of Interest.TV and other websites.  It is continually updated.
updated September 10, 2022
Many Islamic countries outlaw apostasy (abandoning Islam) with the penalty of death
25 Islamic countries have anti-apostasy laws that criminalize leaving the religion of Islam, and many more also have anti-blasphemy laws that criminalize speech or actions that are insulting to the religion.
updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of the Article “Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the West’s Terror Arm”
This article is a collection of information which explains that the Masonic organization “The Muslim Brotherhood” plays a large part in exploiting Muslims to turn them into unwitting tools of the global elite for causing chaos intended to help bring about the New World Order.
October 27, 2018
A Reexamination of Climate Change Issues
This multi-part summary article examines all aspects of the global warming debate, including scientific claims about the effects of the warming, potential causes of the warming, motives behind global warming legislation, and issues with the media and many Establishment environmental groups.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  An Examination of the Effects of a Warming Climate
This section directory contains articles that examine each of the major claims about potential detrimental effects related to global warming, including melting ice and sea level issues, storm intensity issues, potential of the spread of disease and human deaths, and plant and animal species extinction.

The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.
updated October 13, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  The Politics of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles examining treaties and legislation associated with climate change such as the Kyoto Protocol, “Cap and Trade” legislation, and the 2009 “Framework Convention on Climate Change.”  It is shown that the implementation of such measures are meant to further long-range objectives of global elite individuals and organizations such as the United Nations, while actually having little or nothing to do with helping the environment.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  Issues with the Science of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles and video clips that help to describe issues of bias that are common in the scientific community that are used to exaggerate the causes and effects of global warming.
updated October 13, 2022
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Global Warming or Global Governence?”
This article summarizes the documentary video “Global Warming or Global Governance?” by Michael Coffman of Sovereignty International, presenting video segments from the video with descriptions and transcripts where appropriate.

The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.
updated October 13, 2022
“Sterling engine” solar collectors are a most ideal method for harnessing solar energy
“Sterling engine” type solar power generators are the most efficient and inexpensive method for harnessing solar energy, and they have many benefits over centralized large scale solar installations that often cause serious harm to birds.  A powerful personal solar power Sterling engine can easily supply all of the energy that is needed by a home.  This article explains the mechanism of such devices and explains ideal potential implementations of them.
updated September 18, 2022
Solar Power Generating Sterling Engine Demonstration
This video demonstrates a type of solar energy collector called a “Sterling Engine,” which is the most efficient way to generate electricity from the sun.  It works by a reflective parabolic dish concentrating sunlight onto a hydrogen filled engine which contains a piston that is powered by the heat of the concentrated sunlight.
running time 4 minutes
California’s largest solar plant is wasteful and has incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year over the past eight years
The wasteful and heavily government subsidized Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Plant which opened in California’s Mojave desert in 2014 has brutally incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year at the rate of ten per hour, but engineers are claiming that their efforts have supposedly reduced the amount of birds killed to two per hour.  Nonetheless, even if the claim of the kills being reduced is true, it is still too many and the ineffective plant should be shut down.
updated September 16, 2022
A Summary of Flywheel Battery Technologies
Flywheel Batteries are a new and efficient means of storing energy using a mechanical method rather than a chemical one.  They consist of a heavy metal disc floating and spinning on a cushion of magnetism in a vacuum housing as a means of storing and distributing energy.
updated December 20, 2007
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Overview of America”
This video describes aspects of the major types of government and economic systems that exist in the world, and it explains why the system of a capitalistic constitutional republic as outlined in the United States Constitution is preferable to other types of systems.
updated September 17, 2022
A Summary of the Booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People”
The 38 page booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People” explains how the political system of the United States has migrated away from following the structure that has been specified in the U.S. Constitution, and it explains how elements of the current political system could be moved toward being restored to their original Constitutional principals.
updated September 23, 2022 advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines
A website has been launched for, an organization that advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines along with federalizing the standard of how votes are cast and counted to ensure the use of one foolproof voting method in all states.
updated September 15, 2022
Hacking Democracy - Hacking Votes Using Only a Memory Card
With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code.  This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card.  The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.
running time 8 minutes
A Summary of Widespread Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying
This article contains information about the subject of atmospheric chemtrail spraying by making use of video documentaries, timelapse video clips, news reports, audio interviews, and photographs.
updated October 13, 2022
Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrials)
This documentary film created by Clifford Carnicom details evidence of chemtrail spraying operations, explains grass-roots attempts of discovering what is being sprayed, and it explains numerous reasons the government may have for engaging in such operations.  This is an abbreviated version of the film.
running time 40 Minutes
Timelapse Video of Chemtrail Spraying over Pennsylvania, July 23, 2007
View a variety of timelapse footage of heavy chemtrail spraying over York, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2007.  This clip shows examples of characteristics common with chemtrails, including abruptly broken chemtrail segments, trailing liquid vapors, and resulting chemtrail haze with shadows of new chemtrails on that haze.
running time 4 Minutes
Creating Political Change Through Communication and Legislation
This article examines each of the steps in a problem solving process for peacefully creating political change in the United States through the use of communication and legislation— by using a process of defining a political problem, then defining a goal state with the problem eliminated, and then finding the most efficient processes of communication for reaching the goal state through the use of the legislative process.
updated September 23, 2022
Deriving the Most Effective Activist Communication for Creating Political Change
This article is a study of potential types of politically motivated communication styles and the practical voting results arising due to such communication, by means of graphing theoretical voting results.

Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue.  This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other.  It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.
updated February 18, 2020
Media Bias Effecting Awareness of Important Issues
This summary article explains why most media outlets don’t accurately report information about important political realities.  Topics include explaining who the people are that most control the media, as well as their reasons, means, and methods of controlling it.
updated March 1, 2020
A Summary of the Documentary Video ”Behind the Big News”
The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate.  Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States.  The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.
updated February 28, 2020
Behind the Big News: Infiltration of the Anti-WTO Movement
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections to the anti-WTO movement which are meant to ensure continued propagation of globalist agendas.
running time 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Seattle WTO Riots: Problem, Reaction, Solution
This video compilation from the Alex Jones documentary Police State II: The Takeover shows how demonstrations at the 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle during the Clinton Adminstration were infiltrated by violent provocateurs sent by government groups in order to give law enforcement personnel an excuse to attack and suppress the peaceful legitimate protesters.

Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.
running time 10 minutes
Deception at the Million Mom March
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains how a publicity stunt created by gun disarmament advocates for an event called the “Million Mom March” used deceptive techniques for creating an illusion in the media of having more popular support than it actually had.
running time 3 minutes
<i>HEMP! HEMP! HOORAY!</i> — Growing Hemp is now legal in the United States

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.
updated September 27, 2022
Concepts for Harvesting Rainwater Over Active Agricultural Fields
This article explains issues with water shortages in the United States, and it details theoretical concepts of facilitating the collection of rainwater that falls on active agricultural fields through the deployment of retractable rainwater collection surfaces during times of rain.
updated September 27, 2022
Issues With River Systems in the United States
This article details issues with the river systems in the United States, and it details a theoretical concept of harvesting river water for irrigating cropland.
updated September 29, 2022
Alex Jones Speaks With Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, July 2, 2009
Stars of the MTV Television show “The Hills” Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag speak with Alex Jones, explaining how they have recently woken up to many of the realities of the New World Order which Alex speaks about on his show and in his documentary films.
recorded July 2, 2009
running time 25 minutes
Tony Robbins Quotes
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  View quotes by the self-improvement guru Tony Robbins.
You Are Beautiful!
View images of works from the Chicago Based Graffiti Group You Are Beautiful, taken from their website.
updated June 8, 2007

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