“The Grand Deception” Movie Excerpts, Detailing the Muslim Brotherhood Organization
This video is a compilation of excerpts from the feature length documentary “The Grand Deception,” detailing the influence of the Islamic group “the Muslim Brotherhood” in America.
See the documentary’s official website.
Following is a transcript of the video:
Narrator: For decades, the Muslim Brotherhood have acted secretly behind the scenes in America. Their influence reaches from the halls of academia to Hollywood and the media; even to law enforcement and the highest levels of political power.
Nathan Garret (FBI Agent 1998-2002), Federal Prosecutor (2000-2008): “The Muslim Brotherhood is an international movement, the goal of which is to create an Islamic State universally, all over the world. The Muslim Brotherhood operates in various countries around the world, and as we learned in the course of our investigation and our work, the United States was one of those.”
Narrator: The Muslim Brotherhood would eventually reach across the globe, throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the United States.
Robert Stauffer (FBI Agent 1969 to 1994): “When you walked into the convention center, they had these big banners hanging over this area, and they said ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’. One of the people working with me said, ‘You know what Bob? These people are Muslim Brotherhood.’ I said, ‘What’s that?’”

The Muslim Brotherhood is associated with all Islamic organizations, including even Al Qaeda.
Mammon Fandy (Muslim Brotherhood expert): “Now in my mind, the Muslim Brotherhood is the mother of all Islamic organizations for the 20th century, including Al Qaeda. The west as we see it today instead of isolating the Muslim Brotherhood, it is actually engaging the Muslim Brotherhood as the organization that is ‘moderate’, and these are the Muslims we can ‘talk to’. The west is tremendously naive about the danger of these various Islamic organizations.”
Narrator: Here, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood tells an audience in Ohio about the group’s goals to conquer the world:
Yousef Qaradawi (Muslim Brotherhood Spiritual Leader, Toledo, OH, 1995): “Conquest through da’wa, proselytizing, that’s what we hope for. We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through sword, but through da’wa.”
Nathan Garret: “... Ultimately [an] arrest revealed thousands of documents that absolutely blew the doors open on our understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in the United States.”
Narrator: The FBI found a cache of documents detailing the structure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US, including this one revealing the goals of the group in America. It was titled “An explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” it’s dated May 22, 1991.”
[An excerpt from the document:] “Understanding the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America: The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” ... their work in America is a kind of a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers that that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” (Read the original at the documentary’s website.)
Jeff Breinholt (Dept. of Justice, Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism (2002 - 2007): “... That’s pretty clear as to how they view their own objective, and they are talking about the United States here.”
Nathan Garret: “Our democracy, our constitution, our rule of law, our tolerance — that’s what they use to exploit their message, that’s what they use to protect themselves, and to create a facade around them that would allow them to internally operate to seek the achieve their true, often unstated objectives.”
Narrator: “At a hotel, just off of a busy highway in Philadelphia, a secret meeting is called to order in October 1993. Attending are two dozen supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, and leaders of Hamas, a Palestinian Muslim terrorist group. The FBI was watching, and listening. In addition to enlisting the news media as defenders of CAIR, CAIR also shaped it’s message and image by intimidating American’s entertainment Ambassador— Hollywood.”
Nihad Awad (Executive Director, CAIR): [Undercover footage] “Hollywood has not been our ally, Hollywood has distorted the facts, Hollywood has shown freedom fighters as terrorists, Hollywood has done the work that Zionists could not do.”
Narrator: “CAIR was even more successful when pressing filmmakers to change the villains from Islamic terrorists to Neo Nazis in 2002’s ‘Sum of All Fears.’” The director, Phil Robinson, wrote CAIR directly, “I hope you will be reassured that I have no intention of promoting negative images of Muslims or Arabs, and I wish you the best in your continuing efforts to combat discrimination.”
Chris Hamilton (FBI, Unit Chief, Counterterrorism Division 1998 - 2006): “The important role the Muslim Brotherhood plays, is by educating young people, and creating in their minds the world view that the West and Israel and so on are threats to Islam, and they have a very effective narrative for socializing and indoctrinating new people, and once they are indoctrinated, its only a short step from there to using violence to bring that about.”
Nathan Garret: “The degree of sophistication that it takes to build a bomb, or pull a trigger is remote compared to the sophistication, and the effort, and the money, and the energy that has to go into creating a civilization that would support it. We’re not talking about ‘a gun’, where talking about the man holding the gun. How do you build him?”
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Video: “The Grand Deception” Movie Excerpts, Detailing the Muslim Brotherhood Organization |