Trump signing an executive order to free 1,500 wrongly imprisoned January 6th protestors.
This article explains many positive actions that Donald Trump has already taken after being sworn in as President, and it speculates about what the future may bring with his administration.
What has happened so far is very positive
It is encouraging to see that Trump has signed many positive executive orders on his first day, such as addressing the issues at the border, his energy policy, his economic policy, and rescinding harmful DEI agendas. (link) All of that is great news, including his re-starting the domestic production of energy and getting the U.S. out of expensive totalitarian “climate change” treaties for example. (See this article that explains how man-caused climate change is a hoax.)
Trump also fired 1,000 people from government positions who were appointed by Joe Biden, (link) such as the DEI-obsessed Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan. (link)
The leftist media outlets have been going out of their minds about what is happening, desperately trying to dishonestly claim the legitimacy of the corrupt agendas that are appropriately being removed or changed by Trump’s orders.
For example the leftist media are all focusing on criticizing Trump for pardoning 1,500 of the January 6th protesters, (link and link) despite the fact that most of them were peaceful and falsely arrested on spurious charges, where even grandmothers were arrested. (link) It is proven that it was federal agents who were inciting people, (link) and Trump didn’t actually incite the mob in his speech on that day despite falsely being claimed to do so. (link) Trump also made exceptions by not pardoning some of them, which the leftist media never mentions. In any event those people have already been in prison for some years!
Predictions about what will happen in Trump’s upcoming administration
A positive as everything seems to be so far, I think ultimately not much is going to change with many of the issues except for only their most outrageously ridiculous aspects being trimmed back, such as with transvestites no longer being allowed in the military (where there are currently 15,000 serving!), and men no longer being allowed in women’s locker rooms. However open homosexuality will still be allowed in the military, for example. Trump even danced with the Village People music group at his inauguration that sings about homosexuality (including singing about homosexuality in the military.) (link and link)
I think Trump will limit talking about his pro-Israel views since he is often criticized for that, however if a large false flag attack of some sort would occur he might use that as an excuse to get involved in an armed conflict in the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, or even China. His administration is full of pro-Zionist war hawks for some reason. (link) (Also note that he has established a precedent for himself as responding to situations in an impulsive and reckless manner.) I hope I am wrong about this, I think it is the worst-case scenario.
With the immigration issue, I think Trump will significantly slow the flow of new illegal immigrants coming into the country such as with his “Remain in Mexico policy” (link) and deport ones who commit crimes, and he might build a superficial “wall,” but not much else is likely going to happen despite his claiming that he wants to do a lot about the problem. (link) A lot of noise is going to be made about deportations, especially by the leftist media that will exaggerate the situation, but I don’t think much will actually happen with that for a lot of reasons.
Remember that Trump promised in his last administration that he would implement many policies to fix the immigration issue, such as putting troops on the border, however he then said that an “Obama appointed judge” in California told him that he couldn’t do that, leading to him essentially saying, “I guess I can’t do that. Oh well.” (link) He did eventually implement his more appropriate “Remain in Mexico policy,” however.
Trump also brought the COVID lockdown and the useless and deadly vaccines at “warp speed” during his last administration. (link) His rhetoric is now appropriately opposed to such agendas, but everyone should pay attention to what is happening with that situation anyway. He has brought in many people who were involved with that agenda during his last administration. (link)
About the problem of RINOs in Congress
[Note: January 18, 2025— The text of this section has been shortened.]
One of the biggest factors that is going to block real changes from happening is the fact that a large proportion of Republican representatives in Congress are actually for all intents and purposes Democrats, or “Republicans in Name Only” (RINOs), for example as explained in this article. So while it is claimed that the Republicans now have a “slight lead” in Congress, they actually have perhaps only 1/3 representation or even less. Therefore ultimately not much is going to change with many issues except perhaps for a few outrageously ridiculous aspects being fixed (which I think in many cases were likely put into place for the purpose of appeasing conservatives with their removal.)
Would amending the U.S. Constitution be necessary to outlaw birthright citizenship?
[This section has been added on January 18, 2025.]
Trump had signed an executive order that stops the practice of birthright citizenship being allowed in the U.S., which was definitely appropriate for him to do. Most Western countries such as in Europe don’t allow such a policy, and the U.S. shouldn’t either. Of course Trump’s order is already being widely challenged, (link) so it will necessitate a Supreme Court ruling being made about the matter.
It would be great if the U.S. Constitution could be amended to specifically outlaw birthright citizenship, however doing so would be almost impossible due to the amount of Democrats in Congress.
The framers of the Constitution made it intentionally very difficult for it to be amended. It requires each house of Congress to pass the Amendment with a two-thirds majority, where after that three-fourths of all state legislatures must vote to approve it before it is considered ratified and added to the Constitution, which means that only 13 states would be able to block the proposed Amendment from being ratified. (link)
However, there is much reason to be optimistic about the Supreme Court upholding outlawing birthright citizenship anyway. Section one of the 14th amendment states, “[A]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
The 14th Amendment was added in 1868 to ensure that the children of freed slaves were given citizenship, it was not added in order to empower the harmful “birth tourist” and “anchor baby” agendas that are now being implemented. (link and link)
The debate about the issue is with the statement “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” where precedent has already been established that it does not apply to Foreign diplomats who are visiting the U.S., or to children of members of an invading army. However it is completely reasonable to consider the illegal immigrants to be an “invading army,” as the following links explain for example. (link, link, link, and link.)
What can be done
Trump won’t be able to run for another term after this one, but it is likely that one of his associates will run instead.
Activists now have only four years to fix the most significant issues before the next election. Following are what I think are two of the most important issues:
1. There needs to be an agenda of completely overhauling the election laws of the United States, which can only be done by federalizing voting standards and banning all electronic vote counting, including banning machines that count paper ballots. (link)
2. There needs to be an agenda for people around the country in districts that have RINO representatives to coordinate and scream bloody murder about that situation in order to ensure that such politicians aren’t selected by the Republican machines to run again. It is not enough for just “third party candidates” to run because they won’t be elected, and worse they will only split the vote.
News of Interest.TV is a website of quality links to interesting and helpful content. Its goal is to provide access to innovative ideas and to bring positive resolutions.
August 31, 2022 - Created new summary articles from information on Open Minded Realism, and added content to many of the existing summary articles. (See the article directory for indications of what has been updated.)
August 31, 2022 - Improved the format of the article directory.
This video explains that two Muslim health workers at a Sydney, Australia hospital openly said on video in a chat with an Israeli man that they have killed Jewish patients under their care and “sent them to hell,” and eventually the same will happen to him.
Of course many Israelis are sympathetic about what is happening in Palestine, but the two apparently didn’t even bother to find out what his stances were about the conflict before making their death threats. They simply want to kill anyone who is Jewish.
See this link that explains how many Palestinians have anti-Western views, even before the conflict after the October 7th attacks, and see this link that details issues of Islamic radicalization, including in the United States. (Also remember that many Muslim groups in both the United States and Europe praised the October 7th terrorist attacks in the days after they occurred.)
They knew. A healthcare worker tried to warn about antisemitism in Sydney hospitals shortly after October 7 over a year ago. You won't believe what happened to her. pic.twitter.com/hMsF0at9aD
— Daniel (@VoteLewko) February 12, 2025
In this video, a healthcare worker explains that she tried to raise an alarm about such antisemitism in the Sydney hospitals about a year ago, leading to her being investigated by the hospital and having “corrective comments” made against her record for doing so. She also says that she was threatened with jail time for explaining her situation on Instagram.
[Update: February 13, 2025— The text of this section has been expanded.]
Meanwhile Donald Trump has been ridiculously starting to speculate about potentially bringing the Palestinians to the U.S. and not letting them go back, where he would then “rebuild Gaza as the Riviera.” “Because why would they even want to go back [after we rebuild it as the Riviera]?” he said.
Many of the global elite and extremists in Israel have been touting an idea of a “Greater Israel project” which involves radically expanding the borders of the country outwards, which can only be achieved through conflict with the neighboring countries. (link and link) Israel must give up such expansionist agendas and make due with the land that they have, which is plenty for them.
It would be best if the Palestinian territory would be instead made a part of Egypt, with all of the same borders that currently exist. The global elite could make that peacefully happen with a snap of their fingers if they actually wanted to.
It would be a simple matter to make Gaza a part of Egypt.
If Palestine was to become a part of Egypt it would be much less of a powder keg, and the Palestinian people would definitely benefit from that situation. Companies from other Islamic countries could then re-develop Palestine, such as the ones who built Dubai for example.
Israel had already constructed an elaborate fortified wall along its border with Palestine, so they wouldn’t even need to do anything additional in that regard.

“U.S. Air Force airmen run through the starting line of the Pride Month color run at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, June 2022.” Image from Wikipedia.
The following information was found in this USA Today article:
The Washington Post has reported that leftist students at a U.S. military middle school in Stuttgart, Germany had protested a visit by the Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, where they walked out of class for an hour in protest of his terminating the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agendas that the Biden Administration had previously put in place in the military, which includes accepting troops who are men that dress and act like women.
When the students walked out, a group of adults dressed in civilian clothes who were likely their parents gathered outside and within view and earshot of Hegseth’s delegation, booing and chanting “DEI!”
The Assistant Principal of the school then wrote a letter in support of the protesters, where he said, “Our teachers, administrators, and staff continue to reinforce a sense of positive school community, and we ask for your partnership in working with your child to discuss meaningful actions they can take to engage in our community.”
The protesters apparently didn’t have any concerns about Hegseth’s worrysome pro-Zionist war hawk mentalities, (link) but rather they attacked him for what is certainly the most appropriate actions that he has taken so far.
[Note: I’m glad that I made the summary article about BLM (also see this article) some years ago, however I wish that I would have made a DEI summary article as well. I think that is a significant piece of information that is missing from my websites. Many people are under the impression that DEI is being done with “good intentions,” just as they thought about BLM. DEI is being implemented with nothing except harmful intent, just as BLM was and is.]
This video explains the Global Elite’s agenda of emasculating the people in Europe out of existence through trying to turn them into homosexuals.
This is a documentary that explains much of the corruption of the configuration the European Union. It makes many good points, but it doesn’t really address the terrible problems that are happening in Europe because of the out of control immigration that is happening, and surprisingly it even portrays the positive anti-EU politician Marine Le Pen as a hostile and dangerous extremist.
See the article page for the video at this link.
Also see this documentary that explains the true meaning of the terms “left wing” and “right wing.”
Israel’s Defense Minister Israel Katz posted a Tweet that said Spain, Ireland, Norway, and other countries who have “falsely” accused Israel over its actions in Gaza are “legally obligated” to take the Gazans, where he ridiculously took a vindictive tone toward the countries as if he was ”punishing” them with Palestinian refugees for their exposing the crimes of Israel against them.
In his Tweet he said the following:
I have instructed the IDF to prepare a plan that will allow any resident of Gaza who wishes to leave to do so, to any country willing to receive them.
Hamas has used the residents of Gaza as human shields, built its terror infrastructure in the heart of the civilian population, and now holds them hostage—extorting money from them through the humanitarian aid system and preventing their departure from Gaza.
The plan will include exit options via land crossings, as well as special arrangements for departure by sea and air.
Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory. Their hypocrisy will be exposed if they refuse. Meanwhile, countries like Canada, which has a structured immigration program, have previously expressed willingness to take in residents from Gaza.
The people of Gaza should have the right to freedom of movement and migration, as is customary everywhere in the world.
I welcome President @realDonaldTrump bold initiative, which can create extensive opportunities for those in Gaza who wish to leave, assist them in resettling in host countries, and support long-term reconstruction efforts in a demilitarized, threat-free Gaza after Hamas—an effort that will take many years.
Following is additional information found in this Information Liberation article about the matter:
Katz also said last year that if Israel is attacked by Iran that it would expect the West to fight its wars. (link)
A November, 2023 Wall Street Journal article written by Israel’s former Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, and the former deputy head of the Mossad Ram Ben Barak is saying that Western nations should take the Gaza refugees that are being created by Israel’s bombing of Gaza. (link)
Additionally, a leaked ten page October 13, 2023 Israeli Intelligence Ministry document details an agenda of sending the Gazans to countries in Europe and Canada, where it recommends a full population transfer as its course of action, where it also says the international community including the U.S. should be mobilized to implement the move. The document has been authenticated as being real. (link)

Image from Wikipedia.
A Jerusalem Post article explains that dozens of national and local Jewish organizations have signed an open letter urging Donald Trump to stop his plans for mass deportations.
The letter said the following:
America has long prided itself on being a place of refuge, a beacon of hope for those fleeing persecution and seeking a better life. Our nation’s diversity and its commitment to religious freedom have shaped the fabric of our society. Jewish families—past and present, here and elsewhere—know what it is to live in fear for the immediate and long-term safety of our families. We have been forced to flee, denied access to safety, scapegoated, detained, and exploited. This history and our Jewish values make immigration policy – including ensuring a functioning and welcoming refugee program and protection of the right to seek asylum – deeply personal to the Jewish community.
The article deceitfully claims that “[Joe Biden issued an] order last June that effectively shut down the US-Mexico border,” however illegal immigration actually proceeded essentially unimpeded until the end of his presidency.
Trump has been saying that his focus will be deporting wanted criminals and national security threats, (link) but even that hasn’t deterred the groups from writing the letter.
The article also says, “The Groups representing all four major Jewish religious movements [previously] opposed [Trump’s] travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries as well as his policy of separating families detained at the border. Jewish groups challenged immigration actions in court, protested at immigration facilities and volunteered and fundraised to aid migrants.”
Why would people who are so concerned about being persecuted be so adamant about enabling the widespread importation of people who want to persecute them the most? (link, link, and link)
Open borders for the U.S. and Europe, but not for Israel
Jewish people can move to Israel once the immigration-related problems that they are advocating for become too unbearable for them, but nobody else who is affected will be able to do that.
Polls are saying that 79 percent of Jewish people in the U.S. voted for Kamala Harris, which must mean that they also support the open borders agendas of the Democrats. (link, link, and link) (But note however that polls can’t be trusted.) Also Jewish organizations such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society are at the forefront of importing illegal immigrants including Islamists into Western countries (link) who are often hostile towards Jews and others, as this article explains.
Joe Biden’s Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was on the board of the pro-open borders organization the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS), and the Jewish ADL organization had hypocritically stated, “It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity to become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.”
See this article for more information about these matters.
It has been revealed that the Episcopal church, whose woman Bishop Mariann Budde essentially verbally attacked Donald Trump and his family during church service, is being paid tens of millions of dollars per year by the government to bring in migrants via the “refugee resettlement program,” which is a program that Trump has appropriately paused and targeted for re-evaluation.
The federal contracting arm of the Church is called the Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM), where in 2023 it earned $53 million to “resettle” 3,600 individuals, and in 2024 it sponsored 6,400 individuals from 48 countries, most being from Afghanistan and DR Congo. The EMM’s budget figures for 2024 are not available yet.
The EMM also brings in “LGBTQ+” refugees and asylees in a special federal refugee program started during the Obama administration called “Preferred Communities,” where the program pays the contractors a premium to resettle “refugees experiencing social or psychological difficulties, including emotional trauma resulting from war and/or sexual or gender-based violence; survivors of torture; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) refugees; refugees who are HIV positive; populations with physical disabilities or other medical conditions.”
The people who are brought in are called “refugees,” but more often than not they are simply “economic migrants” of demographics that the UN has decided that they want to increase in the United States.
Migrants who arrive through the program receive special government assistance, and they are eligible to receive all forms of welfare such as Medicaid and all of the cash assistance that U.S. citizens receive.
Additionally, under Biden’s recent expansion of the program they can immediately sponsor friends and relatives to be brought in.
[Also see this article which explains that Trump had the option to eliminate the program during his previous administration, but he chose not to do so. The program had been configured to give the President all of the decisions regarding it, but Trump refused to stop it even though it is abused. It could have been removed without fuss in the media because the program has been essentially a “secret” in the first place. Let’s hope that he will eliminate it this time.]
The office of Refugee Resettlement was projecting 656,500 new arrivals in 2025, which is radically more than during previous administrations when the yearly total was usually under 100,000.
Funding for the program is based on the amount of people who are brought in, therefore the programs have an incentive to maintain or increase the number that is brought in each year.
The Church also receives an enormous amount of additional money through a public-private partnership program that is misnamed as “Matching Grant,” where EMM will receive $1 if it contributes 10 cents along with 90 cents of used cars, furniture, or donated time. When the “Matching Grant” program was first established, it actually did require EMM contributing a dollar for each it received, but that has been changed.
The Episcopal Church also earns a commission for collecting on travel loans that are made to refugees resettled by the EMM, where taxpayers fund “loans” for the airfare for the refugee’s flights to America. If the refugees pay the interest-free loan back, the Church (not EMM) pockets 25% of the money, and if the loan is not paid back the money is all paid for by taxpayers.
The EMM is the second smallest of ten “religious contractors,” where it is dwarfed by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which received $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars in 2021.
(Note: This is an older documentary from 2004, I recommend reading the text of this article before looking at it. To watch this video full-screen, use this link.)
This documentary that was created in 2004 explains the situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip at the time, when the areas were under military occupation by Israel. It also explains how international media reports about what was occurring were being censored by organizations such as the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
[Note: This is old news, but it contains interesting information about the role of groups such as AIPAC in how the media censors reports about such conflicts. The documentary explains AIPAC’s role in biasing media reports about Israel at about 12:30.
Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005, after which Hamas soon took control of the area, as explained in this article along with other issues such as the fact that Hamas is covertly controlled by the global elite.]
I thought it was good to see that a ceasefire was recently called for in the current conflict in Gaza, but it is disturbing to see Trump’s new statements claiming that he wants to “take over” the area.
I should have communicated more about issues with AIPAC in the past. In the early 2000’s when I was getting started communicating about political topics I posted an excerpt from the above video talking about issues with Israel and AIPAC, but I took it off when I did a redesign of this website because I became put off by some of the leftist aspects of the documentary, and also because I saw some supposed “debunking” of it.
Talking about AIPAC is often improperly considered to be “antisemitic,” and some people claim that it is the instrument that controls all of the U.S. media, however the non-Jewish CFR is actually what most significantly controls the media as this video explains.
However that is not to say that AIPAC does not also have a significant amount of control over the media, especially about topics related to Israel. The above video does mention “political elites” as being a filter in the process but it does not mention the CFR specifically. (And note that “political elites” should be listed at the top of the hierarchy rather than second, above “media owners.”)
AIPAC also has a wider role than just “media relations,” where it has a large amount of influence over almost all elected representatives in Congress. For example Bernie Sanders recently said on Jon Stewart’s show that fear of having one’s political career destroyed by the Israel Lobby is “the root of everything” when it comes to the will of the public not being reflected by our representatives. (link)
An official definition of antisemitism includes “making stereotypical allegations of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions,” (link) therefore it often improperly makes people think that Zionist groups such as AIPAC are exempted from criticism. In any event many Jewish people are opposed to those groups as well. (link)

Image from Wikipedia.
This article explains what genetically modified agriculture is (GMO), what its dangers are, and how it is being implemented in the United States.
Also explained is issues with the herbicide glyphosate that is also often sprayed onto crops that are not GMO.
(I recommend seeing all of the information in the article, but especially this video, this video, and this video.)
See the entire article >>
[Note: Make sure to see this video in the article where Robert F. Kennedy jr. explains how the government is being corrupted by Big Agra.
Also see this recent Infowars article that explains RFK’s confirmation is being opposed by Mike Pence-type Republicans.
The article explains that such Republicans are using his previous stances on abortion and legalizing marijuana as an excuse to attack him, where actually they are looking to empower the Establishment’s corrupt agendas such as Big Pharma’s vaccines. (It’s a shame that his great anti-Big Agra activism isn’t talked about more.)
He did improve his stance on abortion last year.
I think his previous stance on legalizing marijuana could be problematic however, both in terms of what he said he wanted to do, and the fact that it will cost him the support of many conservatives. Recently however he has walked back his stance, which I think was appropriate for him to do. (link) I agree with not having extreme penalties for using it, but nonetheless I think it should at least be curtailed through various methods such as requiring a prescription from a doctor to legally use it, and the laws about it should be decided at the state level rather than federally.]
Following is a list of the sections in the main article:.
Video: “The Shocking Truth About Weed Killer (Glyphosate) in Your Food!”
See the documentary “A World Without Monsanto”
Other sources of information about Monsanto, GMO food, and glyphosates
Various organizations have identified glyphosates as a cancer risk, among other issues
What is harm that is specifically caused by GMO crops?
How much corn is genetically modified?
What crops are usually the most contaminated with herbicides, and which are the least contaminated?
What are regulations about labeling GMO foods in the U.S.?
What are regulations about labeling food that is sprayed with glyphosates in the U.S.?
Why has the USDA changed the term from “GMO” to “BE”?
Donald Trump’s stances on GMO crops and glyphosates
RFK jr.’s stances on GMO crops and glyphosates
Joe Biden’s previous stances on GMO crops and glyphosates
If such federalization does not happen, Democrat states will increasingly allow non-citizens to vote (as explained at the bottom of this article), along with all of the other problems that are associated with localized election laws. The problems with the elections are wider than simply fraudulent voting machines being used, as this article explains.
I have changed the name of the website FederalizeVotingStandards.org to be FederalizeElections.com, where the site advocates for outlawing all electronic vote counting and standardizing voting procedures.
There is no benefit from states determining their own election laws since it creates 50 different situations that are essentially impossible for activists to scrutinize and keep track of. And since the votes that are cast also determine the decisions for the federal government, it only makes sense that election laws should be federalized.
There must be only ONE FOOLPROOF ELECTION STANDARD that must be used by every state. Such a single set of laws would be intensely scrutinized by everybody, whereas currently there is little scrutiny of election laws due to their highly diffused nature, despite the heroic efforts of some activists.
When voting laws are an issue of “state’s rights,” it enables decisions of corrupted states to destroy the entire country. States rights issues should be limited only to matters that pertain to the people living in that state.
Just as there is only one official system of currency in the United States, there should be only one set of election laws that must be followed by all of the states.
Many states ridiculously do not require an ID to vote, and in fact requiring an ID to vote in California is ILLEGAL!
Kamala won all the states that don’t require voter ID. #CatchingOnYet ? #DodgyDems pic.twitter.com/9c2YPFe9yc
— Jet Ski Bandit (@fulovitboss) November 6, 2024
This Tweet explains that Kamala Harris only won in states where voter IDs are not required. Also see this article about the matter.
Other recent examples of the issue of non-citizens voting:
“Biden-Harris WANT Non-Citizens to VOTE?!” (link) — Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch explains that lawsuits his organization has filed over the past two years have successfully removed over four million non-citizens from voting rolls. Also see this video about the matter.
“Federal Judge Prevents Alabama Removing Noncitizens from Voter Rolls” (link) — “[T]he state had identified ‘3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security.’”
“DoJ Sues Virginia for Removing Non-citizens from Voter Rolls” (link)
“Hundreds of Noncitizens Registered to Vote or Voted Illegally in Ohio” (link)

Most people are not aware that Donald Trump’s administration is very pro-Zionism, where many of his key appointments are actually shown to be extreme in that regard.
Many of Trump’s appointments are “Christian Zionists” who espouse militant support of Israel, including the National Security Advisor Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, as well as others as explained in this article.
I’m not a fan of Donald Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, however I found a recent issue in the media about statements she made to be interesting.
I saw this NPR article yesterday which explains that Noem has revoked Joe Biden’s recent 18-month extension of the temporary protected status (TPS) of Venezuelans who are in the country, where the article creates the impression that she made a comment on a Fox News broadcast calling all of the Venezuelans in the program “dirtbags.”
After looking into the matter rather extensively it is still unclear to me if she referred to all of the Venezuelans as “dirtbags” or simply the ones who are criminals and gang members.
Even the following official Fox News video obscures what she meant with a jump cut:
If Noem did in fact make such a blanket slur it would be reprehensible considering her position, where obviously it would have been calculated to supply leftist media outlets with ammunition to be used against opponents of open borders.
The Venezuelans in question were initially living in the United States illegally, and the Biden administration gave them the TPS status in 2021, renewed it in 2023, and then renewed it once again before he left office. The designation allows them to legally work and it shields them from deportation.
In other cases that are generally considered to be more appropriate (but is also often systematically abused), groups of people are first given the TPS status and then they are brought into the country, such as after a natural disaster.
Other issues with Kristi Noem
In 2024 Noam had been widely criticized and ridiculed for writing in her autobiography that she killed her own dog, (link) and she falsely claimed that she met North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un. (link)
In March of 2024, Noem, who is not Jewish, signed the most draconian hate crime bill in the U.S. to “stop antisemitism” in her state of South Dakota, where after signing the bill she said it is giving Jews additional special privileges because they are “God’s chosen people.” The bill mandates that the extreme International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism must be taken into account during investigations into discriminatory practices, where it conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism. (link)
Alex Jones speaks with the inventor of the mRNA vaccine Robert Malone, who is very concerned about Trump’s agendas with his “Operation Stargate” AI initiative.
Malone explains that claims of being able to use the technology to cure cancer are very naive; it should not be the government’s job to pick “winners” and “losers” with tech companies; issues that occurred during Trump’s previous “Operation Warp Speed” initiative are explained; also explained is what appears to be the Establishment’s upcoming agendas with vaccine technology.
Also see this article explaining Trump’s Operation Stargate initiative, and this statement that Dr. Malone made in 2021.
Following are many points discussed in the video:
— Jones summarizes issues with the OpenAI company such as it initially claiming to be non-profit but then switching to being for-profit; a key developer for the company recently died under suspicious circumstances; people associated with OpenAI previously coordinated with Joe Biden to ensure that it will be the only “authorized” AI company that the government uses, which has turned it into a centralized government corporatocracy; and the technology deceitfully being claimed by people such as Larry Ellison as a way to cure cancer.
— Dr. Malone explains that Larry Ellison claiming that the “Stargate” technology can be used to create a vaccine that can cure cancer is grossly naive, where it is a concept that is over thirty years old and has been repeatedly discredited. He says that a “universal cancer vaccine” is unlikely to be able to exist since everyone’s immune system is highly variable between people. Malone says what Ellison is proposing is so naive that it wouldn’t even make it past the first five minutes at any venture capital firm.
— Malone explains that it is not the proper role of government to pick “winners” and “losers” with corporations, or to bankroll them and participate with them as a “partner” as Trump is doing. He is amazed that Trump’s Chief of Staff Suzy Wiles had let this agenda slip through.
— Trump is still dug in on his position that the mRNA vaccines worked during the COVID lockdown, despite that not being the case.
— The Establishment’s implementation of the mRNA vaccines during the COVID lockdown was apparently done with nefarious intent.
— Almost all of the people being touted for positions in the FDA except for RFK jr. have shied away from discussing issues about the safety and efficacy of mRNA-type vaccines, where Malone himself was not selected to be involved with the Trump administration despite the fact that it was him who invented the technology.
— The essence of “Operation Warp Speed” was to jettison what was believed to be unnecessary regulatory burdens associated with drug development and licensing in a pro-pharma agenda. There are many places where government oversight and regulations serve a good purpose, and a danger exists of Trump eliminating those regulations with his DOGE agenda.
— The political Establishment is now exaggerating the statistics about the Bird Flu, where that along with a lot of other evidence such as their speeding up the development of a vaccine for it shows that the global elite seem to be planning for a major government setup which involves it.
In this Fox News broadcast, Trump’s Border Czar Tom Homan explains issues with the deportations that ICE has been performing in Chicago.
Homan explains that right now they are focusing on public safety threats and national security threats, where next they will be focusing on fugitives from the law, of which there are 1.4 million in the United States. Also explained is how Chicago officials and the governor of Illinois are falsely claiming that ICE had raided an elementary school.
Homan said in the interview:
Yesterday during the operation I was part of, I can tell you that we arrested more than nine TdA members, where a couple are being criminally prosecuted because one of them was selling weapons. Here is an illegal alien gang member in the United States who was selling illegal guns to other gang members. And some of these guns had what is called a “switch” which is added to the gun to make it fully automatic. It turns a Glock handgun into a machine gun.
We arrested a lot of TdA members, I know we arrested two illegal aliens who had murder convictions that were walking the street. We arrested at least seven sexual predators, most of which are child predators. We arrested people with extreme sexual assault allegations. These are all bad people, public safety threats, they shouldn’t be walking the streets of Chicago.
If [Chicago] wasn’t a sanctuary city, they could have been arrested in the safety and security of a jail, rather than them being released into the community, putting the community at risk of crime and assaults.
Also spoken about is an issue where two Secret Service agents went to a Chicago elementary school last week because they were checking on a threat that was made on TikTok, where the principal of the school then knowingly lied about the situation saying that it was ICE agents, with that lie then being reported on MSNBC by the Chief Executive Officer of Chicago Public Schools Pedro Martinez.
Additionally, the leftist Governor of Illinois JB Pritzker then Tweeted the following: “After a week of Republicans sowing fear and chaos, the first reports of raids in Chicago are at an elementary school. Targeting children and separating families is cruel and un-American.”
[Note that Pritzker’s Tweet is still up and he didn’t Tweet a correction about the matter.]
Homan additionally said:
I don’t think we’ve arrested any families. We’ve arrested public safety threats and national security threats, bottom line. And look, President Trump won the election on this one issue, securing our border and saving lives.
What happened on our southern border during the past four years is the biggest national security threat this country has seen at least in my lifetime, because we have over two million known gotaways, we have a 600% increase in sex trafficking, we got a record number of terrorists crossing the border on the terrorist watchlist. We have a quarter million Americans dying from Fentanyl coming over the open border. We’re going to do this job, and we’re going to enforce the laws of this country. If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We’re going to do this operation without apology. We’re going to make our communities safer.
Once we lock down the border we’re going to have a continuous operation, where we are going to see Fentanyl deaths decrease, illegal alien crime decrease, sex trafficking decrease. It is all for the good of this nation and we are going to keep going. No apologies, we’re moving forward.
When Homan was asked about the fact that there are no repatriation agreements for aliens from Venezuela or China, he said that if those countries won’t take them then they will be sent to a third safe country, where several countries have already been lining up to take such nationals from any country.
Also see the following video from this article that demonstrates the ridiculous way that leftist news outlets are distorting the truth about what is happening:
[Note I do agree that Dr. Phil broadcasting during the raids is inappropriate, however.]

Also explained is issues with the herbicide glyphosate that is also often sprayed onto crops that are not GMO.

Many of Trump’s appointments are “Christian Zionists” who espouse militant support of Israel, including the National Security Advisor Pete Hegseth, the Secretary of State Marco Rubio, the Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, as well as others as explained in this article.

Malone explains that claims of being able to use the technology to cure cancer are very naive; it should not be the government’s job to pick “winners” and “losers” with tech companies; issues that occurred during Trump’s previous “Operation Warp Speed” initiative are explained; also explained is what appears to be the Establishment’s upcoming agendas with vaccine technology.

Homan explains that right now they are focusing on public safety threats and national security threats, where next they will be focusing on fugitives from the law, of which there are 1.4 million in the United States. Also explained is how Chicago officials and the governor of Illinois are falsely claiming that ICE had raided an elementary school.

However many issues exist with the project, where respected experts about AI are calling the agenda dangerous, and it is affiliated with people such as Larry Ellison and Bill Gates who have both made disturbing statements in the past about their intentions for the use of AI.

The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.

The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.

Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue. This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other. It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.

Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.