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Many Islamic Jihadist organizations are allowed to exist in the US
Running Time: 5 minutes

Ryan Mauro, an analyst for the “Clarion Project,” an organization that warns against Islamic extremism is interviewed by Bill O’reilly of Fox News in 2015, where he explains the top five areas around the United States where Islamic Jihad is the most active.

1. Muslims of the Americas, in Handcock, New York —  An area in Handcock, New York called “Islamberg” is a large compound that is the headquarters for a group called the “Muslims of the Americas” that follows a radical cleric in Pakistan.  Videotapes acquired from law enforcement show people engaging in gorilla warfare training at that compound.  Authorities are not allowed to interfere with the group because they are not listed as a terrorist organization, but FBI documents do list them as a “threat.”  There are 22 similar affiliated compounds around the country, with as many as 3,000 members.

2. Dar Al Hijra Islamic Center, in Falls Church, VA —  This group has a history of radical leadership. The terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki used to be their Imam before he went to the middle east and joined Al-Qaeda, and video shows another more recent Imam speaking where he said that Muslims should be first in line to get arms for Jihad.

3. Masjid At Taqwa Mosque in Brooklyn, NY —  This mosque is led by Siraj Wahhaj, who is one of the most radical Imams in the country yet he manages to be a “rock star” speaking at Muslim events around the country and at college campuses.  He preaches extreme anti-Americanism, advocates turning America into a caliphate, and his Mosque has been attempting to sue the NYPD because they have been conducting surveillance on him.

4. The Islamic Circle of North America, headquarters in Queens, NY — A major organization with origins in Pakistan where it also is an established Islamist group.  Only 2% of American Muslim groups say this group represents them but they are very well organized.  One of their leaders was indicted in Bangladesh for war crimes, and one of the teaching guides from the organization tells its followers to engage in deception in order to advance the Jihadist cause and to implement Sharia governance.

5. The Council on American—Islamic Relations (CARE) in Washington, D.C. —  The are a dangerous political influence operation for the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Justice department listed CARE as an “entity” of the US Muslim Brotherhood with its Palestine committee secretly being set up to advance the Hamas agenda.  The FBI wiretapped them in 1993 while they were being set up talking about influencing the media in their direction.

This map shows other cities which contain mosques of concern.

Near the end of the interview, O’reilly asks Mauro: “So my question is, should America be concerned, or is this under control?”

Mauro replies:  “It can’t be under control just through monitoring them.  And again, when it comes to the issue of the ideology which president Obama refuses to recognize, that’s the problem here.  It’s not just about the person that’s setting off the bomb, its about the overall ideology that combines the mosque and state that justifies Jihad anywhere.  And we need Muslim leaders to step up and fight against those interpretations.  The most positive news I’ve seen is the poll that shows that these organizations have so little support among Muslim Americans.”

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A Summary of Islam Related Issues
Video: Many Islamic Jihadist organizations are allowed to exist in the US
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