World View Weekend video: “Marxist Manual Calls For Riots, Burning Down U.S., Ending Police, Prisons & Capitalism”
Brannon Howse of Word View Weekend speaks with Trevor Loudon, the author of “White House Reds: Communist, Socialists & Security Risks Running for US President, 2020.” They talk about the leftist plan that is currently being implemented by the political Establishment detailed in a document called “Burn Down the American Plantation: A Call For Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement,” which is essentially a rehashing of the playbooks of The Weather Underground terrorist organization and The Black Panthers calling for guerrilla warfare in the streets of the U.S. to facilitate the establishment of Communism in the country.
Following are key points made in the video:
— In 2017, a copy of an Establishment created document that lays out a plan for the violent overthrow of the United States called “Burn Down the American Plantation” was given to the FBI’s Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who is a member of the notoriously corrupt and anti-Trump “7th floor of the FBI” [which refers to the most senior members of the organization], but they tuned a blind eye to the information, which is the reason why the current chaos in the streets is unfolding as it is today. The FBI could have investigated and stopped the current situation from coming to fruition starting back then, but they have been told not to do so because the wrongdoings lead back to Democrat politicians.
— A “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement 10 Points of Action” is detailed in the document, being a typical Marxist blueprint for totalitarian Communism. The following ten points are the exact text. [Note I have highlighted the text myself.]
1. Liberation will be won by any means necessary.
2. We will destroy the state, police, military, corporations and all those who run the American plantation.
3. We will live with dignity in a world without prisons.
4. Systems of punishment will be abolished. There will be no law to enforce, no money to protect.
5. Revolutionary justice will be determined by those who are oppressed.
6. There will be no government. No person or group will have power over another.
7. Communities will make decisions about how they live, and will make sure that everyone has what they need to live a dignified life.
8. Land is not property. It is alive, communal and must be protected.
9. Alongside international comrades, we will destroy all borders for the free movement of people everywhere.
10. Militant networks will defend our revolutionary communities. Liberation begins where America dies.
— The official website of the Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers (who has been a life-long friend of Barack and Michelle Obama) openly calls for the end of capitalism and the United States, and its wording is the same as the wording in the “Burn Down the American Plantation” document, which suggests that Ayers may have even written that document as well.
— The most racial Marxist leftist agendas are now in the mainstream of Democrats in so-called “moderate” groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America who call for the abolition of police, prisons, and borders. Such people are “Anarcho-Communists,” with their ideas now being common on the left.
— The city council in Los Angeles has just cut the city’s police budget, with the money now being given to local Marxist groups instead. We have just seen the types of rioting that has been happening in cities like Philadelphia and New York, and the Democrats intend to defund the police everywhere in the U.S. in a similar manner, which will intentionally strip communities of their ability to protect themselves from leftist criminal thugs.
— The average age of Antifa thugs is 30 years old, and the Department of Homeland Security is warning that many of them are getting terrorist training overseas from Islamic terrorist groups, where they are being taught how to make bombs and chemical weapons. Antifa groups are also starting to dress like police and Trump supporters.
— The Muslim former Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison’s Facebook page showed him posing with and promoting Antifa literature, yet he is someone who claims that he is going to “investigate what is going on in Minnesota.” [Note: He is now the District Attorney of Minnesota!]
— The political Establishment has known all along about the situations that have been happening. The FBI has been given all of the specific information about it years ago, but it has not been allowed to investigate such activity since the beginning of the Obama administration in 2008.
— Howse explains that starting in 2015 Antifa has been threatening and attacking his own organization World View Weekend, where a gunman attacked them and Antifa shut down four out of five of their conferences that were taking place in different cities; and when those issues were reported to the FBI they sat on the information and did nothing about it. Howse and his wife have also been constantly personally threatened with letters and emails threatening rape and acid attacks, where the attacker then even attempted to extort them for “protection money,” yet the FBI did nothing about those situations either.
— Pro-Chinese Communists in the “Freedom Road Socialist” organization are involved in the current violent street actions, and they have links to overseas terrorist groups such the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” and the “Communist Party of the Philippines.” In 2010 the FBI had an informant in a group in Minnesota which led to 23 people being arrested and charged with “materially helping terrorist groups,” however Eric Holder who was Obama’s Attorney General had all charges dropped because the treasonous activity would have led back to personal friends of Obama.
— Current agendas of “community policing overseen by committees” are simply BLM and Black Panther “cultural Marxist”-types overseeing police activity, which is designed to shift the role of law enforcement duties from the police to Antifa-type thugs.
— Some police are being told to literally kneel to the BLM thugs, which is destroying the morale of good and decent police officers and causing some to leave the police force, contributing to the empowerment of corrupt police officers who serve the political Establishment rather than the actual needs of their communities. It is an exact parallel of what happened in Soviet Russia. Police forces will also be Federalized so they will be much more under the unified control of the corrupt leftist Establishment. Loudon says, “What sane community in the face of intense rioting would have the idea of: ‘Wow, now is the time to defund the police! Now is the time to put the radicals in charge of the police! What could possibly go wrong?’”
— The Muslim Brotherhood operative congressman Keith Ellison has been involved with the Chinese Maoists in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, he has been involved with the Democratic Socialists of America, and he has held fundraisers in the home of the head of the Communist Party of Minnesota. Islam’s association with Communism is what is referred to as the “Red-Green Axis.” Ellison is the top law enforcement official in Minnesota, so radicals in that State have no worries when they create mayhem because they know that Ellison will give them a pass, but such people do fear federal enforcement, which Trump should be doing now.
— Former and current heads of Trump’s Defense Department are “taking the knee” to the Marxists and openly criticizing Trump. Loudon says that all such people who are still serving that are behaving that way during crisis situations such as the Secretary of Defense Mark Esper should be fired by Trump.
— A Communist group called “Veterans for peace” is made up of ex-members of the armed forces who are trying to undermine the effectiveness of the military by advocating to troops that they should be on the side of the Communists rather than being pro-American.
— Howse reads some of the pro-Communist passages from the “Burn Down the American Plantation” document, which uses the word “slavery” to refer to free market capitalism, it calls the ascendance of Donald Trump to the Presidency being the “natural outcome of the white supremacist state,” it expresses concern about the potential of thirteen million illegal immigrants being deported, and it compares the modern criminal justice system to past slavery on plantations in the American South.
— Howse explains that the “Burn Down the American Plantation” document is “racism 101,” where its authors feel that they need to frame the issues as ones of “race” because “class warfare” tactics don’t work well in America since it is a land of such opportunity. Howse cites as an example the head of Black Entertainment TV calling for $14 trillion dollars of “slavery reparations” and saying that violence from blacks won’t end until they are given such money. Howse explains that the head of BET is very wealthy and he became successful after growing up very poor in the American South so of course he can’t use the “class warfare” argument, so instead he makes it an issue of “race” since that is a personal characteristic that individuals can’t change about themselves.
— Loudon explains that Cultural Marxists are using propaganda that “white Christian capitalists” are oppressing “people of color,” and they are claiming that it is not possible for someone to be a racist unless they are a white capitalist Christian, since such people supposedly “have all the power”; and they are following that line of reasoning as an excuse to claim that to “end racism” you have to “end white Christian capitalism.” Loudon laments that doing so will simply eliminate the middle class and turn people into slaves, as Communism has always done. He says that the agendas are directed from countries such as China and Cuba, and it is calculated to destroy the modern American way of life and to bring the U.S. to its knees. He also says that he worries about the military budget of the U.S. being cut, and the fact that it is being directed by pro-Chinese Communist parties.
— The Communist anarchists were simply waiting for any situation to come along that they would be able to exploit to cause their riots in order to make the U.S. ungovernable, and all studies show that there definitely isn’t an epidemic of white police killing black people. Loudon describes the killing of George Floyd as essentially being a “gift” to the Communists.
— Howse mentions his book “Marxianity” that he wrote in 2018, which is subtitled “How the Evangelical Deep State and their ‘Useful Idiots’ are Merging Marxism and Christianity through Social Justice, White Privilege, Cultural Marxism, Illegal Immigration, Interfaith Dialogue and More,” which can be purchased at He talks about how his book has predicted and warned about the situations that have been happening recently, and he talks about how compromised “neo-Calvinist” Evangelicals such as the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ed Stetser of Lifeway Research have been marching with BLM in order to help bring about the destruction of the United States. Howse laments about how many Evangelicals have become corrupted and the fact that most likely it will simply be average patriots who will end up saving the country instead of them.
— Loudon explains that Cultural Marxism has taken over the Southern Baptists and many other Evangelical denominations, but there are still good Evangelicals out there who aren’t falling for the corruption and they are taking a stand. He explains that many church leaders are usurpers marching with Marxist radicals and “taking a knee” with them, and he explains that if your pastor is engaging in such activities then you know that you are definitely in the wrong church. Pastors who embrace Marxism are not actually Christians.
— Loudon has written a book “White House Reds: Communist and Security risks running for President in 2020,” that can be purchased at
— Howse mentions that Antifa goes all the way back to the time of the brownshirts of Adolph Hitler during World War II.
— The U.S. military is becoming dilapidated while the militaries of Communist countries such as Russia and China are being heavily built up and fortified. Joe Biden has been heavily involved in the Communist organization “The Council for a Livable World” which focuses on disarming America, as is explained in Loudon’s book “White House Reds.”
— Writings in the “Overthrow the American Plantation” document talk about “seizing territory” of the United States to abolish the free market system, and it falsely accuses the U.S. of engaging in terrorism against people through the use of the criminal justice system based on the color of people’s skin, where it claims all white citizens are not simply “protected” by the police, but rather they “are” the police. It uses that reasoning as an excuse to strategize about attacking suburban America, since the Communists need to eliminate the middle class because that is the genuine enemy of what Communism is. Communism’s goal has always been to stir up the underclass to trick them into destroying the middle class, leading to an only two-tiered society with everyone being peasants except for a few ruling elite people above them.
— The reason that the riots are taking place now is because of the weakened state of the United States. Writings from the document are shown explaining that “the State” (The U.S.) is currently in a weaker position than it has been in decades, and thus it is an opportune time to exploit that to put the country into a “defensive” position by “going into action.” This shows that such attacks will continue to be happening far into the future, especially since the U.S. has not been actively seeking to remove the sources of the problems by arresting and jailing the people involved with organizing and instigating the violence in the streets.
— The economy in Trump’s administration had been in good shape, and business leaders are worried that he won’t be re-elected. Trump is being too passive about dealing with the problems, and perhaps he is “letting” it all happen to demonstrate the sort of chaos that happens within leftist governments. [Editor’s Note— That is a terrible attitude on Trump’s part though, because not enough people are actually able to “see” the problems that are happening around the country since many people are distracted and the Establishment media is corrupt.]
— Only a few people in the United States are communicating about the important truths of what is happening in the country, and Trump is surrounded by corrupt people in his administration.
— Many people have been moving from the “blue states” such as New York and California to the “red states” in the countryside. Loudon explains that the terms “red” and “blue” states used to be “rotated” every election cycle, but Democrats were upset about being labeled as “red,” so the television networks eventually decided to leave the “red” label stuck to the Republican states!
— The current street thugs wouldn’t be able to get away with doing what they are doing if they weren’t protected from above by people such as Keith Ellison and the San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin [who is also the son of a Weather Underground terrorist.]
— More excerpts from the document detail a vision of abolishing the United States through engaging in “self-defense,” having Marxist “neighborhood councils” overseeing police, “conflict resolution” (which actually means creating conflict in Marxist doublespeak) with “revolutionary justice” (which Communists have always traditionally implemented with street executions and purges), the abolition of gender, and the implementation of a Communist-style economy of “op-operative ownership through use” and “expropriation.”
— Laudon laments that if someone doesn’t even know what “gender” they are then they definitely won’t be able to stand up against the tyranny that is being put into place.
— The document identifies its “common enemies” as “fascists” (who are actually simply pro-freedom capitalists), “right-wing militias” (who are simply people who are in favor of the second amendment), and “State forces” (meaning all law enforcement personnel and the criminal justice system.)
— The document explains that its adherents are working toward a paradigm of a “network of councils and communes without ‘the State’” (meaning implementing Soviet-style local neighborhood councils that are run by corrupt Communist leaders), and it says the most essential task is to create the ideological underpinnings for revolt and the necessary infrastructure to implement the long-term implementation of the plans being laid out.
— The document says that the basic focus of its adherent’s struggle is: The abolition of prisons, courts, and ICE detention facilities; working with Black, Latinos, Native Americans, Muslims, and others who are “subjected to prison society and white supremacy”; making use of feminists and being “predicated on queer and trans liberation”; fighting for “decentralized, commune-based” political organizations and “[standing] resolutely against capitalism and the State”; with its orientation being “militant self-defense and [devising] specific plans for offensive actions against reactionary forces”; and its long-term goals are to “get rid of the justice system, the nation-state, and the capitalist economy” and be a “revolutionary purview to create a society without the State.”
— Laudon says the United States will be “hell on Earth” if the leftists succeed in implementing their goals, where even the leftist themselves will end up in hell due to such revolutions always “eating their own,” but such people are so stupid that they don’t realize that. Both Laudon and Howse reiterate that all of the plans detailed in the document are currently in the process of unfolding, and the problem should be “nipped in the bud” as soon as possible with firm resolute action, otherwise the American Dream will be lost forever.
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Video: World View Weekend video: “Marxist Manual Calls For Riots, Burning Down U.S., Ending Police, Prisons & Capitalism” |