A Pennsylvania hospital executive is saying that the second wave of Coronavirus is a hoax, with 90% of COVID beds being empty
by Edward Ulrich, December 3, 2020
Alex Jones explains that a major health executive in a 35 hospital network in western Pennsylvania has exposed the fact that COVID-19 is completely overblown scam that is actually a corrupt power grab by the global elite. The whistleblower is involved in the management of 35 hospitals for the Pennsylvania Management Company (UPMC), which has released an internal report showing that the supposed “second wave” of COVID cases has produced zero deaths in the entire 8000 bed hospital system.
The report says that hospitalizations have increased from 96 beds to around 600 beds, but with no deaths and with that situation being due to patients staying overnight for observation because they “tested positive” for COVID, after which they were released; and with that supposed “surge” of cases being hyped by the media as “an increase of over 600%.”
German courts have ruled that the COVID tests are false-positives 96% of the time, yet the mainstream media is ignoring that situation. Also even the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullins has stated that the test searches for tiny molecules that also exists in all sorts non-COVID situations. (This article explains that the tests are scientifically meaningless, and that article was then banned off of Facebook and supposedly “debunked” by a Politifact article, but the authors of the original article then wrote an open letter refuting Politifact’s supposed “fact check.”)
Infowars previously reported that in a Texas county, when one person was reported to have COVID, then fifteen other people around them were reported to have it as well in order to greatly inflate the supposed numer of cases, making the situation be the biggest hoax ever perpetrated in history.
Top scientists, epidemiologists, and virologists are continually going public saying that the situation is the biggest hoax ever. A virus does exist that can effect people with compromised immune systems, but the response to it is a fear-mongering hoax and a power grab by the global elite, and even Klaus Schwab of the Davos Group openly says it is “the Great Reset” with the virus being an excuse to bring in planetary rule and total control.
Everything that has been happening this fall is a repeat of what happened in January and February with the COVID lockdown. Then, as is now, it was claimed that the hospitals would be overwhelmed, however that was never actually the situation and in fact they were essentially empty.
“Big Tech,” such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have been merging and investing in “big pharma” as well as in the hospital systems, therefore they are banning consumer watchdog groups, medical doctors, and scientists who point out the fraud associated with COVID. [Note: This is why such companies should be boycotted. There are alternatives to all of them.]
It is being proposed that people will need to be COVID tested and be given a vaccine for the virus despite the fact that a vaccine won’t even protect people from it, since the common cold virus is essentially the same as COVID and there has never been a proven inoculation for that. The global elite have created COVID to be an “ultimate problem” to which there is no solution.
It is important for people to continue to go to the hospitals to document and expose the fact that they are nearly empty while they are falsely being claimed as being “full.”
Top scientists and top members of Congress such as Rand Paul have pointed out that the situation is being foisted on society by a tyrannical medial cult.
The Fauci / Bill Gates / UN directive has been to “intubate” mostly elderly people who simply have a fever, which then destroys their lungs and kills them, with the practice of doing so being a “modern guillotine.”
The virus isn’t really a threat, but instead the UN New World Order “Great Reset” is the real threat.
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A Pennsylvania hospital executive is saying that the second wave of Coronavirus is a hoax, with 90% of COVID beds being empty |