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Video Clips and Information About the Anti-Islamization Activist Brigitte Gabriel

by Edward Ulrich, updated May 27, 2019


Brigitte Gabriel is a Lebanese born American journalist, author, political lecturer, anti-Islamization activist, and founder of two non-profit political organizations, the American Congress for Truth and ACT! for America.  She has given hundreds of lectures, speaks at political organizations, and is frequently a guest on media programs as an activist opposed to issues associated with Islam.

Gabrielle is not afraid of breaking rules of political correctness, giving voice to what many in America are thinking but are afraid to say for fear of being labeled Islamophobic or intolerant.

Gabriele had a rough childhood growing up as a Christian in Lebanon, where she was forced to live in an underground bunker for years while fearing for her life during the Lebanese civil war in the 1970s after Islamic militants destroyed her home.

During the 1980s, Gabriele worked as a news anchor for an Arabic-language evening news broadcast which reached Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon.  She then moved to Israel before immigrating to the United States in 1989.

While living in America she has written two books, given many lectures, and appears as a guest on many media programs.

Her books, Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, and, They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It have both been best sellers.

This article is a part of A Summary of Islam Related Issues.

Article Notes

Brigitte Gabriel speaks about students being indoctrinated with Islam in public schools

Brigitte Gabriel speaks about many issues with Islam influencing what American Students are taught from middle school to the University level.  Following are issues she explains:

— Muslims have been pouring millions of dollars into American Universities to set up middle east study departments, political science departments, and appoint anti-American and anti-Israel Arab professors that are indoctrinating students into anti-Western ideas.  Gabriel explains specific examples of Saudi Arabian money with ties to extremist groups being donated to numerous Ivy League Colleges and other Universities.

— The “Council on Islamic Education” has been advising the major American schoolbook publishers on how to portrait Islam in American public schools.

— A three week middle school course where the students must adopt Muslim names is discussed, where students must memorize verses from the Quran, fast for Ramadan, and then go to a mosque on a field trip despite it being a public school.

Brigitte Gabriel explains the Muslim Brotherhood plan for America

The following is from the video’s YouTube page:

ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam.  In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization.  The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned dozens and dozens of organizations across the globe, including the terrorist organizations al Qaeda, Hamas, and numerous Muslim organizations in America.  To learn more about this visit:

To learn more about ACT for America visit:

Brigitte Gabriel— Fox News debate: “Islamist Ideology Forbids Assimilation”

In this Fox News video Brigitte Gabriel debates about the situation of Muslim immigrants not assimilating into Parisian culture.

Brigitte Gabriel Speaks at the 2015 Watchmen on the Wall Conference about her difficult childhood growing up in Lebanon

In this video Brigitte Gabriel tells her story about how Islam changed her life as a child in Lebanon.

Article Tree
A Summary of Islam Related Issues
Video Clips and Information About the Anti-Islamization Activist Brigitte Gabriel

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