Be weary of organizations such as “Emily’s List” and associated politicians who often label themselves as “working mothers”
by Edward Ulrich, updated September 17, 2018

A group photo of politicians associated with the “Emily’s List” organization.
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned to be that way.”
[Note: September 15, 2022— I have fixed typos and improved the wording in the following introductory text.]
Have you ever noticed that seemingly every article that criticizes a Democratic candidate running for office in November is only about the leftist extremist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Yet Cortez is running unopposed, and there are many other candidates all over the country who are also running that are nearly as extreme as she is.

Almost all criticism of Democratic candidates is heaped exclusively on Ocasio-Cortez.
However, unlike Ocasio-Cortez, most Democratic candidates try to conceal their positions that they know will be a liability foor them with the voters.
At the same time, many conservatives rationalize away the many offensive gaffes that Trump makes on a regular basis, with them underestimating how much his doing that is puting potential voters off.
Most voters are generally uninformed and busy with their lives, and thus they depend on the perceptions that they get from the surface of the mainstream media. In particular their opinions are formed from media outlets that they perceive as being “enlightened and sophisticated” such as NPR, which many people listen to while they drive in their cars.
So with all of that in mind, enter the “antidote” to the supposed “irrational bigoted women-hating” Trump— the “honest, compassionate, and reasonable”-seeming “working mother” leftist candidates that are running in droves this election. Such candidates seem like they would be a sensible choice, right? Actually not, as this article will explain..
Article Notes
September 15, 2022 - Improved the introductory information and fixed technical issues with the article.
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Nothing is as it seems
Actually there are a lot of reasons to not trust such seemingly “genuine and compassionate” candidates.
Contrary to what many people are led to believe, “campaign contributions” are certainly not the most significant cause of corruption in politics. Almost all major political candidates are selected, funded and controlled by the same single secretive global political establishment, including the seemingly “honest and uncompromised” leftist women candidates which the Establishment is currently running all over the country.
The same political establishment also controls almost all of the world’s media including PBS and the “alternative” media (link, link, and link), and they own the central banks which create and control the world’s money supply.
Barack Obama was a very deceitful President which the Establishment made use of for employing extreme agendas that most people would be entirely opposed to if they actually knew about it. The Establishment had a lot of license with him because of his charismatic character and because they were able to use a shield of political correctness to avoid criticism due to him being the first black President.
Most people don’t realize that Donald Trump is also controlled by the same political Establishment as all Presidents are, but with the difference being that Trump is playing the part of a “buffoon” in order to create a perception that right wing ideas are bigoted and unworkable. Since most people are led to believe that campaign contributions are the primary cause of corruption in politics, many of Trump’s supporters think that he is less compromised than other candidates are because he campaigned using his own money.
The political Establishment has a new trick up it’s sleeve
Rashida Tlaib is a candidate for Congress in Michigan who is very characteristic of the current strategy that the Establishment is implementing. Their idea is to run a lot of “honest and compassionate”-seeming women candidates who speak out against the “corrupting influence of big money in politics” as well as the “bigotry and misogyny of Donald Trump”; however they are being instructed to do so in order to continue to propagate the Establishment’s deceitful agendas.
In many ways the Establishment’s current strategy is similar to what was done with Barack Obama— where a shield of political correctness was used to avoid criticism. In other words, the deluge of leftist woman candidates that the Establishment is currently running could be collectively thought of as the Establishment’s “Obama 2.0.”
The deceitfulness of Tlaib’s agendas are apparent on her website. For example she says that she’s running because she’s “[standing] up to the billionaires and corporations taking advantage of our communities and hijacking our government”— however she’s referring to a supposed group of “wealthy corrupt corporate campaign donors” which she says are the cause of corruption in politics, but she’s not referring to the genuine political Establishment who actually funds and controls essential all politicians, including almost certainly herself.
An examination of Rashida Tlaib’s agendas
Tlaib’s agendas are extremely “anti-business,” where she deceptively blames “big money” (actually capitalism) for essentially all of the problems in the world. She wants to tax, regulate, and otherwise cripple businesses in every way possible which will result in causing them to fail or drive them away, resulting in the destruction of the economy. Tlaib continually pushes the idea that capitalism is inherently the cause of everyone’s problems, but the truth is that successful businesses pay most people’s salaries and wages and keep the economy healthy.
— Tlaib wants to implement a $15 minimum wage — Implementing such an agenda would be a catastrophic situation for the economy in that part of the country, and the political Establishment actually even knows that! Wages need to naturally rise based on the condition of the economy and the availability of jobs. Forcing such a high minimum wage would destroy many of the business that drive the local economy and it would unfairly move the burden of social services from the government onto individual business owners. It would also force business owners to pay employees under the table, which would encourage exploitation of undocumented labor while also opening such employers to the risk of selective persecution from the political establishment.
— She’s going to “stand up for unions” — Tlaib says that she’s going to protect the unions which are on the “front lines of the fight against Republicans and their billionaire friends.” Continually she pushes the idea that successful businesses are the cause of corruption, and here she reinforces a perception that only “Republicans” are the cause of problems.
— Preventing Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — “The Republicans are eager to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to pay for their tax cuts for the rich, and we can’t let them get away with it.”
Most people who have high incomes generally pay a lot of taxes, and tax cuts for businesses translate into more jobs and prosperity. I agree that programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are important though, but it isn’t accurate to say that they are being cut to “pay for tax cuts for the rich.”
— Promoting Homeownership — “I will take on the Wall Street banks that discriminate against our families and defraud us, and provide a pathway to homeownership so more of our families can have their own piece of the American Dream.”
How are banks discriminating against people and defrauding them as she says? That would surprise me. And how would Tlaib expect people to be able to afford to buy houses while the economy is being destroyed by her policies?
— Ending Corporate Welfare — “We must stop tax giveaways to rich corporations and developers while our schools are crumbling and people are losing their homes.”
Tlaib is advocating to destroy incentives for businesses to invest in the region which are necessary for creating jobs and driving the economy. Also people are already getting a lot of benefits from social services, and the schools are crumbling because of the intentionally corrupt agendas of the political Establishment, not because of a lack of funds.
— Equal Pay for Equal Work — “Women deserve equal pay for equal work, and I’ll fight to end wage discrimination and close the pay gap.”
Statistically there actually isn’t any significant “wage disparity” between the pay of men and women who do the same types of jobs in western countries. The “wage gap” is a myth which the Establishment propagates for the purpose of creating an excuse to increase its invasive fascist controls over businesses. (It is true that all women combined earn less than men in general because many of them are stay at home mothers or because they choose to do types of jobs that don’t pay as well.)
— Debt-Free College and Vocational Training — “The cost of higher education is a major barrier for many people, and we must make public colleges, universities, and trade schools tuition free for working families.”
I agree with that agenda, but I don’t think Tlaib’s other anti-business agendas would create an economy which would allow it to be workable. I think at least trade schools should be tuition-free.
— Overturning Citizens United and Restoring the Voting Rights Act — “Big money has hijacked our politics and we must overturn Citizens United to ensure all of our voices are heard. We must also restore the Voting Rights Act and fight back against voter suppression that targets minorities and tries to silence us.”
Ultimately it is actually the globalist political Establishment— not “Big Money,” who are the cause of election fraud problems. (Also see a horrifying video explaining that essentially all electronic voting machines are “hackable,” from the video “Hacking Democracy.”)
— Tlaib supports “Medicate-for-All” — I also think universal health coverage could be preferable, but again I think her other anti-business agendas would not create an economy which would be able to support that.
— Tlaib then mentions environmental issues, saying that she won’t allow polluters in her community and that she’ll “fight to undo the terrible cuts the Trump Administration has made to the EPA’s budget and hold polluters accountable.” — Of course it is true that clean air, water and soil are important, but many of the EPA’s agendas are corrupt and in need of being overhauled. Most of Trump’s EPA budget cuts have eliminated deceitful and economically damaging agendas, such as corrupt climate change initiatives. The political Establishment is responsible for encouraging fraudulent claims that man-made CO2 is to blame for the naturally warming climate in order for them to create a justification for consolidating their control over the governments of the world in ways that have nothing to do with environmental issues. For a detailed examination of the Establishment’s deceit in global warming issues, see the News of Interest.TV article A Reexamination of Climate Change Issues.
Also, here is an article which explains issues with the previous corrupt and overreaching “Waters of the United States” EPA regulations.
— Funding Public Schools and Holding Charters Accountable — “Our public schools need more resources, not more standardized testing and attacks on teachers. I'll work hard to increase funding for public schools and to ensure charter schools are regulated and held accountable. Charter schools cannot be allowed to take money away from public schools while failing our kids.”
Most of the problems with public schools are due to corrupt Establishment agendas intentionally making them the way that they are, rather than it simply being an issue of a lack of funding. Also it is true that there can be issues with charter schools and it would be good if they would be better regulated, but it’s important for charter schools to be able to exist as an alternative to State run schools nonetheless.
— Debt-Free College and Vocational Training — “The cost of higher education is a major barrier for many people, and we must make public colleges, universities, and trade schools tuition free for working families. We must expand access to vocational training that builds skills and prepares people for careers.”
I agree with this agenda, but I think trade schools are more preferable than Universities in that respect.
— LGBTQ Rights — “.. Conservative courts are determined to impose their ideology to deny rights to LGBTQ individuals and we must resist these attacks together.”
Most of such issues that Tlaib is speaking about are controversial, such as Trump banning Obamacare from paying for gender reassignment surgery, and Trump banning transsexuals from military service. Also Tlaib is presumably in favor of teaching gender confusion to young children in public schools.
— Overturn the Muslim Ban — “Trump’s Muslim Ban, now ratified by the Supreme Court, allows hatred to flourish and rip apart our communities. I'm a proud Muslim woman, and we must oppose every attempt by the GOP to divide us by singling out groups for discriminatory policy. We must overturn the Muslim Ban and reaffirm that everyone is welcome here.”
Most of the countries on Trump’s “Muslim ban” have hostile intent toward the United States. And Obama had the same Muslim ban implemented during his administration, yet essentially no one spoke about him doing that. Actually many people complain that the travel ban doesn’t include enough countries. Also, most people don't realize that Trump has actually been deceptively importing tens of thousands of essentially unvetted Muslims from hostile regions of the world, including from Afghanistan (See an article explaining that issue).
— Immigration Reform — “I’m the daughter of immigrants to this country, and I want those who come to our borders seeking a better life to have the same opportunities I've had. We must provide a clear pathway to citizenship for all undocumented Americans, we must dismantle our deportation machine and detention centers, and we must enhance access to justice for immigrants availing themselves of our legal system. We must protect DREAMers and welcome asylum-seekers. We must be guided by empathy, not fear, and we cannot compromise in our fight to upload and respect the human rights of people seeking shelter inside our borders.”
What is the “deportation machine” that Tlaib is talking about? Most of the people who come to the United States are allowed to stay. For the most part, very few people are actually deported unless they’ve committed crimes. The detention centers and “child separations” that are getting a lot of media attention are mostly just a lot of Establishment hype to create a perception that Trump is “cracking down” on immigration. Does Tlaib support “banning ICE” as other leftist candidates are advocating for?— It seems that she is in favor of that. ICE is very necessary to deal with the serious problems that arise due to the United States essentially having open borders. This video clip from the Alex Jones film Endgame explains a lot of issues with immigration and the “North American Union.”
Issues with Rashida Tlaib being a Muslim
It’s easy to see that Tlaib has a very freindly personality. She is also a Muslim and she doesn’t fit stereotypes of people who practice that religion. However many of Tlaib’s views actually aren’t allowed in Islam, and if she wasn’t a politician that is associated with the Establishment she would be in danger of being persecuted or even harmed by other Muslims for having those views.
Many Westerners don’t realize that Islam is actually very different than other religions in that it is very restrictive about what it allows its adherents to do. For example, most people don’t know that Islam mandates the death penalty for people who leave the religion, which is often even actually enforced. And also Islam is extremely oppressive to Women— even much more than most people realize.
Many liberals think that the many disturbing issues associated with Islam are merely “cultural remnants” which will soon dissipate, however most of those issues are actually deeply entrenched into the religion which doesn’t allow for those teachings to be interpreted in any other way. Many of Tlaib’s beliefs are actually heretical to Islam.
The Establishment is making use of Tlaib to create false perceptions about Islam to justify importing more Muslims into the country, as they’ve been doing in Europe and secretively in the US under Trump. Many people think that Muslims are being brought to the United States to allow them to escape their oppressive conditions, however most Muslims are actually bringing their oppressive conditions with them and surprisingly that is actually the intent of the Establishment, as they are using the migrants as a tool of divisiveness, among other purposes.
Europe and Canada are having terrible problems because of the Muslims that are being brought there, and the Establishment actually wants the same problems to eventually happen in the U.S. as a part of it’s globalist strategy. Tlaib is certainly not going to be importing a lot of people who have attitudes similar to hers, but rather she’ll be bringing many traditional Muslims who will bring their oppressive Sharia law with them.
See an interesting documentary “The Grand Chessboard” which talks about the actual agendas of the Establishment with their importation of Islam.
Also here are videos of the anti-Islamization activist Brigitte Gabriel explaining such agendas.
About the “Emily’s List” organization
An organization called “Emily’s List” advocates for hundreds of leftist woman candidates who are very similar to Tlaib, and Tlaib is a member of that organization. Here is a page which announces their endorsement of her.
(I find it interesting that when I try to access that site from a search engine, I’m usually only able to access the following single page from it. It appears as if they are currently trying to conceal the organization in order to not draw attention to it.)
The problem isn’t necessaily the fact that those cantidates are “women,” but instead the issue is that they’re controlled by the Establishment while at the same time they are portraying themselves as being a “compassionate uncompromised alternative” to the Establishment. People should be frightened about that situation.
Tlaib is only one of many similar political candidates who are campaining all over the country. Republican candidates can also have a lot of issues, but I think under the current circumstances it is usually preferable to vote for them.
Pro-choice voters should also realize that it’s usually “safe” to vote for Republican candidates, as the Establishment is actaully very pro-choice and there is little chance of abortion being outlawed despite the Establishment’s exploitation of the issue as a tool for manipulating the decisions of voters on all sides of that issue.