A Summary of the Secret Society the “Illuminati,” Drawn from the Works of Henry Makow
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”Holocaust Deniers” are not Accurate and Also Persecuted by Thought Police
“I am troubled by the attempt to classify people like Ernst Zundel as a ‘hate criminal.’ Zundel’s website claims only one million Jews were murdered; there were no gas chambers; and Hitler didn’t intend genocide. Zundel’s claims are wrong, but he has the right to be wrong. Society needs people to dispute the historical record. One may be right. If spreading false information is a crime, shouldn’t we also lock up the announcer at NBC Nightly News? ... Canada locked up Ernst Zundel. According to his wife, he was mistreated in prison. He was deported to Germany as a ‘security risk.’ Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress conceded Zundel didn’t ‘actually wield the stick’ but ‘provided oxygen’ to extremists. That definition would curb everyone’s freedom of speech. The CJC is trying to curb mine. ... When questioning what is true becomes ‘hate', we have entered Orwell’s ‘1984’ era of thought crime. Don’t kid yourself. This is the slippery slope to tyranny and Jewish organizations like the CJC are leading the way.” (I, 167)
“Jewish power brokers use anti-Semitism to disarm opposition to their political agenda. The promotion of the Jewish Holocaust maintains the Jew’s status as the world’s premier ‘victims.’ This gives them immunity from criticism. It makes people feel more favourable to them and willing to accede their direction and influence. .. Jewish power brokers use victim status to manipulate Jews and extract their donations. Victimhood turns some Jews into moral zombies. For most of my life, I didn’t consider the right of Palestinians to their homeland. ‘We suffered, we deserve a homeland,’ the logic went.” (I, 168)
“To maintain victim priority, it’s necessary for the Jewish establishment to practice ‘holocaust denial’ when it comes to other people.” (I, 168) For five years after the war, Germany was subject to extreme trauma. James Bacque wrote in his 1997 book “Crimes and Mercies” that he confronted New York Times reporter Drew Middleton about his dishonesty in not reporting in 1945 that the US starved to death over one million German POWs.
“Red Army soldiers raped up to two million German women during the last six months of Second World War, around 100,000 of them in Berlin. They also raped Russian women released form German labour camps. We live in a Feminist era. Have you seen any movies about these women?” (I, 168)
“At Potsdam in 1945, the Allies ratified the 1939 Soviet-Nazi Pact that gave U.S.S.R half of Poland. Poland was compensated with the eastern quarter of Germany, in effect another gift to the Russian empire. This required the expulsion of about 12 million Germans, the largest forced migration in history.” (I, 168-169)
“Jews were prominent in the Polish Communist regime. In a stunning reversal of roles, Jewish policemen ordered Germans out of their homes and into cattle cars. In his book, 'An Eye for an Eye,' Jewish writer John Sack relates that about 1.5 million of these Germans died in the removal. He quotes a German woman from Gleiwitz: 'What happened to the Jews was sad. But there was another holocaust too.’ (138)” (I, 169)
“According to Sacks, Jewish Communists extracted another cruel revenge. They filled 1250 Nazi concentration and labour camps and brutally tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Germans.” (I, 169)
“In his book, 'Victims of Yalta' Nicholai Tolstoy documents ‘Operation Keelhaul,’ the Allies’ forced repatriation of two million Russians who were German slave labourers, prisoners of war, or soldiers. These people were sent to the Gulag and were liquidated. Where is the museum dedicated to them?” (I, 169)
“The mass media is unusually coy when it comes to reporting Communist atrocities. Nine million people died in the Russian Civil War (1917-1922). The Communists targeted Czarist society and Christians in particular. Stalin’s purges and famines accounted for 20 million more deaths. In China, Mao Tse-tung is blamed for 60 million. More recently, let’s not forget Tibet, Cambodia, and Rwanda.” (I, 169)
“In 'The Holocaust Industry' (2000) Norman Finkelstein describes how Israel helped its ally Turkey deny the massacre of one million Armenians in 1915. 'Acting at Israel’s behest, the U.S. Holocaust Council practically eliminated mention of the Armenians in the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Jewish lobbyists in Congress blocked a day of remembrance for the Armenian Genocide.' (p.69)” (I, 169)
Pre-War Exits Sealed Shut for Jews
“In 1938-39, just before Europe erupted in an inferno for Jews, all exists were sealed shut. The Nazis had no problem allowing Jews to leave. The problem was that no country allowed them to enter.” (I, 164)
In May of 1939, a passenger liner “St. Louis” carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana Cuba, the passengers’ expensive tourist visas had been revoked by Cuba, and FDR refused to allow them to dock in Florida. So the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among the four Allied countries, three of which were soon overrun.
“The image of unwanted Jews was seared into the collective Jewish psyche. It argued the necessity of a homeland in Israel as insurance against anti-Semitism. .. “ (I, 164)
“FDR famously said nothing in politics happens by accident. The possibility that the holocaust was staged to manipulate Jews, and give them a kind of moral impunity, is repugnant to consider. ... However, a book, 'The Holocaust Conspiracy' (1989) shows how Allied and neutral governments ensured that most Jews would remain in Europe and would die. The author William R. Perl argues that a parallel Nuremberg Trial is Necessary for 'those leading figures in the Allied and neutral camps’ who 'knowingly and willingly co-operated in the German annihilation scheme.' (34) ... William Perl (1906-1988) was not some armchair conspiracy theorist. He was a lawyer in Vienna in the 1930’s who helped organize illegal transits to Palestine for the Revisionist Zionists. He negotiated with Adolf Eichmann face-to-face; and after the war, he prosecuted Nazi war criminals. ... In this book, Perl argues that the Jewish holocaust was part of an international conspiracy.” (I, 164)
William Perl wrote that there were “deliberate, concerted steps to thwart rescue actions...not only by individuals in power but by governments,” saying the failure to rescue was a “deliberate set of actions bound to ensure the success of the German annihilation plans.” He also said the documents available make this conclusion “not only logical but inescapable.” (16) Perl also said that next to the Nazis, the British “carry the heaviest guilt” for the Jewish holocaust because they blocked the escape route to Palestine.
Makow writes: “Now you ask, if the Rothschilds control England, and wanted to set up a national home for Jews, why wouldn’t England let all the Jews go to Israel? The answer is that this action would demonstrate to Jews that they didn’t need a State and didn’t need to become the lethal weapon they have become for the Rothschilds.” (I, 165)
“Americans, like the Germans before them, are not anti-Semitic by nature. The economic situation in Germany had to deteriorate before Hitler could come to power. The economic situation in America is beginning to deteriorate. The real question is, does the Illuminati have anything to gain from an attack on Jews? In the short term, as long as they need Zionists to control America, no. But as the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more Perilous, the Illuminati may be happy to use Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, pawns are made to be sacrificed.” (I, 166)
The Holocaust as Mind Control
“Because of the Holocaust, Jews became convinced that they needed their own country and the world agreed. The Palestinians were identified (in many minds) with the Nazis, and the Israelis were given moral sanction to drive them form their homes and land and subjugate them. Criticism of Israel is often equated with Nazi anti-Semitism. ... It is not my intention to mitigate Nazi responsibility for the Jewish holocaust but to scrutinize its use by Zionists and globalists as a psychological weapon.” (I, 161)
“The definitive history of the Holocaust is 'The Destruction of the European Jews' by Rolf Hilberg, who was a Jewish professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont. Hilberg’s three-volume work is largely based on meticulous Nazi documentation. ... Hilberg could barely get his book published because he documented the extent to which the Nazis depended on the Jewish Councils ('Judenrat') to administer the final solution, and the lack of any real Jewish resistance. He estimated that fewer than 200 Nazis died due to Jewish resistance.” (I, 162)
“In the 1960’s the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt was slandered and ostracized when she concluded from Hilberg that ‘almost without exception’ the Jewish leadership co-opted the Nazis.” (I, 162)
“The reason Jews went quietly is not a mystery. Jewish leadership betrayed them. Hilberg attributes it partly to an age-old Jewish habit of persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. But a more important factor is that both Jewish world leadership and the Judenraten were dominated by Zionists. ... If Jews could escape to other countries, what would be the purpose of Israel? Thus Zionist Rabbi of Sweden Dr. Ehrenpreis scuttled a Swedish attempt to rescue 10,000 Jews. Zionists torpedoed a similar move by the British parliament. They also rejected numerous legitimate ransom attempts and discouraged resistance.” (I, 162)
“Generally the Zionists served the globalist elite agenda, suppressed news of the Holocaust and didn’t agitate for special measures. The Allies bombed factories a few kilometers from Auschwitz but the crematoriums and railroad tracks were untouched. The Zionists believed that the greater the Jewish losses, the greater the world’s moral obligation to them.” (I, 162)
Jews have been told that Arab countries attacked peace-loving Israel after the 1948 UN Partition, but in fact Israel was given 57% of Palestine but immediately took more land and caused 700,000 Palestinians to fee by killing over 500.
David Ben Gurion who was the first Prime Minister of Israel, told TIME magazine (Aug. 16, 1948) that he envisioned a Jewish state with a population of ten million, and when asked if Israel could accommodate so many within its current borders, he replied “I doubt it.” He mentioned Israel’s important role in the New World Order: “Our policy must be the Unity of the human race. We consider the United Nations to be a Jewish ideal.” (I,163)
“In conclusion, the holocaust gave the globalists the ‘moral authority’ to invade Palestine, and enlisted unwitting Jews worldwide to their cause. In fact, they betrayed the trust of European Jewry in the most heinous fashion. Israelis and Jews in general can blindly follow their leaders, as European Jewry did. Americans can trust Barack Obama. But the results are certain to be the same.” (I, 163)
The Illuminati is an Enemy of the Jewish People
“Christopher Story is a veteran British journalist which explains that many Nazis who planned the implemented the holocaust had Jewish Blood. 'Jews who belonged to the (Masonic) Illuminati conspiracy ‘sided with the Luciferian German Nazis to exterminate millions of their own race in what amounted to an inter-Jewish civil war and ethnic cleansing operation...' ('The New Underworld Order,' 532 )” (I, 158)
Makow explains the motivation was to prevent Jews from disappearing as a nation and trick them into becoming Zionists and advancing the New World Order. “Before Hitler came to power, less than 3% of Germany’s 500,000 Jews belonged to the Zionist movement. By the 1930’s 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. In another generation or two, the Jews of Germany would have disappeared.” (I, 158)
“Reinhard Heydrich had a Jewish maternal grandmother, and this drove Heydrich to commit heinous crimes out of gratitude for not being exposed. (Wingthon, 'Heydrich: Hitler’s Most Evil Henchman' 1962). Himmler’s grandfather was also Jewish, as Hitler’s was half-Jewish.” (I, 158)
“SS Lieutenant General Horst Hoyer was in charge of a labor force of 250,000 Jews in the Lemburg (Lvov) region of Poland. In 1952, when Germany and Israel were negotiating holocaust reparations, Hoyer submitted a memorandum arguing that the main responsibility for the ‘final solution’ should fall both on Nazi and certain Jews. ... Hoyer writes that the ‘final solution’ emanated from ‘official Jewish and German departments’ in the German Military Transportation Command in Akademizca Street in Lemburg.” (I, 159)
In a memorandum, Hoyer explains that to the best of his knowledge the German Military Transportation Command is where the details of the “Final Solution” were laid out, and he explains that Sephardic Jews were taken out of Galicia by the hundreds and entire families were flown out to safety by the German Armed Forces with their Allies, one of them being a relative of Henry Morgenthau who was a member of President Roosevelt’s cabinet. He also explains the working conditions for the Jews who worked under him, and he also described a protected Jewish “upper crust” in the Ghetto of Warsaw who lived engaging in “apocalyptical orgies, as champagne and various brands of beverages flowed freely with abundance of exquisite foods. Meanwhile, the Jewish proletariat lay in the streets, starving, begging, and dying.”
“Hoyer claims that he was offered 300,000 DM to renounce his memorandum as a hoax. He refused and was later murdered. His wife committed suicide.” (I, 160)
“I Was Hitler’s Boss”
In 1941, Captain Karl Mayr published a story in a New York magazine “Current History” entitled “I was Hitler’s Boss,” explaining how he supervised Hitler in the “instruction department” of the Reichwehr in Munich. He had daily contact with Hitler for 15 months (March 1919 - June 1920), where Hitler was charged with propaganda functions for infiltrating labor groups.
Mayr Portrays Hitler as a “tired stray dog looking for a master.” He explains that Hitler tried to enter the postal service as a mail carrier, but his services were refused because he was unable to pass the intelligence test due to his mental capacity being damaged after a gas attack in World War I. He says that in 1919 Hitler was one of many thousands of ex-soldiers who were walking the streets looking for work. He had no friends and was shy and self-concious because of a “deformity.” (Hitler had only one testicle.)
Mayr explains Hitler was involved in an army ‘experiment’ where he was given money to hold meetings of the German Worker’s Party in taverns and buy everyone beer, sausages, and pretzels; and after some rousing songs where everyone felt “happy and grateful,” Hitler would jump on a chair and start with “fellow-workers, Germany, awake!” The experiment was considered a great success and Hitler was promoted as a “Joan D’Arc” type of figure— a common person who heard God’s voice, to lead them to battle.
“Mayr maintains that Hitler never was the real leader of the Nazis. 'As a leader, Hitler is probably the greatest hoax ever played on the world... His reports always had to be rewritten... His intellect was not higher than that of an eight-year-old child... Hitler has never been capable of making a decision of his own... he certainly never wrote a line of Mein Kampf;...[but] was of course proud to sign his name as the author of the book.'” (I, 205)
“Before every important speech Hitler was, sometimes for days, closeted with [Rudolf] Hess who in some unknown way, got Hitler into that frenetic state in which he came forth to address the public. Just before Hitler had appointments to receive statesmen or foreign correspondents, he was minutely coached as what to say. Sometimes when unexpected questions were put to him, he just walked away, or started his senseless political ranting.” (I, 205)
“Max Warburg, Chief of German Army Intelligence, member of the Rothschild-affiliated banking family, and Mayr’s real boss in 1919, probably was the Rothschild point man in the ‘Hitler Experiment.’ Through the ‘secret Masonry’ the central bankers created both Communism and Nazism which, thanks to WWII, advanced the destruction of Western (Christian) civilization.” (I, 206)
Hitler’s Associations with British Illuminati
Greg Hallet’s book “Hitler Was A British Agent” claims that Hitler was a ‘British’ agent based on the testimony of a network of retired intelligence agents. The book does not contain documentary proof but much circumstantial evidence. The book explains that contrary to most historical accounts, Hitler was in England between 1912 and 1913 which is a fact backed up in his sister-in-law’s 1979 book “The Memoirs of Bridget Hitler.” Hallet says Hitler spend much of 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Op War School at Tavistock in Devon and in Ireland.
“Halett’s theory also explains why Hitler, supposedly the arch enemy of Jewish bankers, acted like he didn’t know the Rothchilds controlled England (and America) when this was practically common knowledge. (See Hillaire Belloc, ‘The Jews’ 1922.) If Hitler were for real, he would have invaded England before Russia was attacked.” (I, 208)
“Hallet’s hypothesis explains 1) Why Hitler was able to expand into the Rhineland ect. without fear of retaliation. 2) Why the Nazi war machine was financed and built by the Bank of England and a Who’s Who of Anglo American corporations controlled by the Illuminati. 3) Why Hitler never sealed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar; and why the Spanish dictator Franco remained neutral, despite the huge debt he owed the Nazis from the Spanish Civil War. 4) Why I.G. Farben headquarters in Frankfurt was never bombed. This became CIA headquarters. 5) Why the Bank of England rewarded Hitler for taking Prague by giving him the Czech gold reserves in London.” (I, 208)
“It would explain why Hitler gave his ridiculous racial policies priority over actually winning the war. He could have enlisted millions of Slavs (and even many Jews) in overcoming Communist Russia. Instead, he made them implacable enemies.” (I, 208)
“Hitler may have thought he was acting for Anglo American capitalists by invading Soviet Russia. Possibly he didn’t realize he (and Germany) were being set up.” (I, 208)
“The biggest improbability is that an Austrian tramp, street cleaner and gay prostitute could become the Chancellor of Germany. Hitler joins a long list obscure blackmail-able figures who have been catapulted to world prominence with the aid of an unseen hand.” (I, 208)
Did Bormann Run Hitler for the Illuminati?
The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany was Martin Bormann, who was the organizer, treasurer and paymaster of the Nazi Party and controlled much of it. He was the contact with the Illuminati bankers and industrialists who financed the Nazi Party. Bormann signed Hitler’s paychecks and managed his accounts, as well as determined who and what Hitler saw, and he acted in his name. Goering said “Bormann stayed with Hitler day and night and gradually brought him so much under his will that he ruled Hitler’s whole existence.” (”Martin Bormann,” by James McGovern, p.160)
“In 1972 Gen. Reinhard Gehlen (head of Wehrmacht Soviet Intelligence) revealed that Bormann had been a Soviet Spy, a view shared by many top Nazi Generals and officials including Gottlob Berger, a SS Lieutenant General who knew Bormann well. ‘Bormann did the greatest harm of anyone,’ Berger testified at Nuremberg. (McGovern, 181)” (I, 217)
“The implications are staggering. Remember what Winston Churchill said. 'This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit Priest.' (Emry Hughes, 'Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace,' p.145)” (I, 218)
“Obviously Bormann was working for both the Soviets and the Nazis, i.e., he was working for the Illuminati. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Louis Kilzer makes the case that Bormann was a ‘Soviet’ spy in his book 'Hitler’s Traitor’ (2000). He examined the wire traffic between the spy known as ‘Werther’ and Moscow and determined that only Bormann had access to this information. Bormann told Hitler he wanted a record for posterity and had stenographers transcribe Hitler’s war conferences.” (I, 218)
Winston Churchill, Illuminati
From (I, 220-222):
After the first Nazi air raid on London Sept.7, 1940 which killed 306 people, Winston Churchill remarked, “They cheered me as if I’d given them victory, instead of [purposely] getting their houses bombed to bits.” (416)
Churchill is telling the truth. Unknown to Londoners, he had rejected Hitler’s proposal to spare civilian targets. Quite the opposite, he goaded Hitler into bombing London by hitting Berlin and other civilian targets first.
Before the end of Sept. 1940, 7,000 Londoners including 700 children lay dead. By the end of the war, more than 60,000 British civilians and 650,000 German civilians died from “strategic” bombing.
In 1940, Churchill had to divert attacks from RAF airfields but he also wanted to start the bloodletting. A year had passed with little action. It was being called the “phony war.” Hitler was making generous peace offers that many Englishmen wanted to accept.
If Britain had made peace, there would never have been a Jewish Holocaust.
Churchill described the Second World War as the “most unnecessary war in history.” But he served bankers in the City who made good his stock market losses and saved his beloved Chartwell estate from foreclosure. A manic-depressive, he thrived on the rush of war and cared little for ordinary people.
My source for the above is David Irving’s “Churchill’s war” (Avon Books, 1987) which cuts through the sycophancy that characterizes most accounts of World War Two.
Churchill played a key role in starting the Second World War. This was a big step in a long-term program to enslave humanity in a world dictatorship run by the Illuminati (London-based monopoly capital.)
Churchill is telling the truth. Unknown to Londoners, he had rejected Hitler’s proposal to spare civilian targets. Quite the opposite, he goaded Hitler into bombing London by hitting Berlin and other civilian targets first.
Before the end of Sept. 1940, 7,000 Londoners including 700 children lay dead. By the end of the war, more than 60,000 British civilians and 650,000 German civilians died from “strategic” bombing.
In 1940, Churchill had to divert attacks from RAF airfields but he also wanted to start the bloodletting. A year had passed with little action. It was being called the “phony war.” Hitler was making generous peace offers that many Englishmen wanted to accept.
If Britain had made peace, there would never have been a Jewish Holocaust.
Churchill described the Second World War as the “most unnecessary war in history.” But he served bankers in the City who made good his stock market losses and saved his beloved Chartwell estate from foreclosure. A manic-depressive, he thrived on the rush of war and cared little for ordinary people.
My source for the above is David Irving’s “Churchill’s war” (Avon Books, 1987) which cuts through the sycophancy that characterizes most accounts of World War Two.
Churchill played a key role in starting the Second World War. This was a big step in a long-term program to enslave humanity in a world dictatorship run by the Illuminati (London-based monopoly capital.)
American Business Elite Heavily Involved With Nazi Third Reich
From (I, 228 - 230):
The Anglo American business elite was involved up to its ears in the Nazi Third Reich, an early attempt at a “New World Order.’ It is a reminder that the Illuminati is not just Jewish. It embraces both Jewish movements Communism and Zionism on one hand, and Aryan movements Fascism and Nazism on the other.
Economist Robert Brady defined the Nazi state as “a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism. Its ‘fascism’ is that of business enterprise organized on a monopoly basis, and in full command of all the military, police, legal and propaganda power of the state.” (Richard Sasuly, “I.G. Farben,” 1947, p.128)
Communist Russia was the other half of the dialectic. It was also a dictatorship of monopoly capital, this time disguised as “public ownership.” A Nazi general visiting Russia in the 1930’s remarked that Communism was a “mirror-image” of Nazism. They were both Socialist. The only difference was that one peddled race while the other peddled class. Indeed both were created by the central banking cartel.
A key to understanding the New World Order is the psychology of the cartel. They want it all. Cartels by definition are a conspiracy. Their purpose is to defraud the public by keeping prices high. They do this by controlling competition, markets, raw materials and new technology. They are by definition megalomaniacal, anti-national, and anti social.
One of the earliest cartels was J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, which eliminated the competition by secretly fixing transportation costs. While pretending to profess Christianity, Rockefeller is famous for saying “The only sin is competition.”
The largest German cartel was the chemical, film and pharmaceutical giant I.G. Farben. Max Warburg was a director of Farben from 1910 to 1938. Farben produced 85% of Germany’s explosives in World War Two.
In 1926, Farben and Standard Oil entered into a cartel agreement in which Farben stayed out of synthetic oil in return for Standard representing Farben in the U.S. The upshot was that Standard Oil supplied the Nazis with petroleum in spite of U.S. shortages. It supplied a rare lead additive without which the Luftwaffe could not fly. It suppressed the production of synthetic rubber in the U.S., which almost cost the Allies the war.
In turn, Rockefeller got a cut of Farben’s other business, which included the many factories that employed slave labor from concentration camps like Auschwitz. (Farben-Rockefeller paid the SS for this labor at bargain rates. They paid the salaries of the SS guards.) They also supplied the poison gas that killed the laborers after their usefulness had ended.
The holocaust was very good business. Throughout the 1930’s Wall Street investment banks participated in “aryanization” which meant getting Jewish owned breweries, banks, factories, department stores, ect. for 30% of their value. The gold from teeth of holocaust victims ended up in their vaults.
The Nazi war machine was financed by the Bank of England (which, for example, transferred the Czech gold reserves to the Nazis), Wall Street and Jewish Plunder. It was finessed by lawyer John Foster Dulles, and his law firm Sullivan and Cromwell. Dulles later became U.S. Secretary of State.
Nazi Germany was a capitalist paradise. There was a 60-hour workweek, low wages and no unions. German cartels began preparing for war long before they financed Hitler. As countries fell under the Nazi jackboot, they absorbed former competitors at fire sale prices. “For German big business, World War II was a chance to plunder on a scale without precedent in history,” writes Sasuly (p.114)
After the war, Dillion Read banker General William Draper was put in charge of dismantling German industry and distributing it among the allies. Needless to say, this did not happen. His Wall Street cohorts owned too much of it. Nazi businessmen remained in positions of power. War criminals were transported to South America or went to work for the CIA.
The list of U.S. corporations that had the equivalent of $8 billion invested in Nazi Germany include Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Ford, the Chase and National CIty Banks, ITT and many others.
As a result, the men of “The Greatest Generation” didn’t know that ITT built the airplanes the dropped bombs on them. They didn’t know that Ford and General Motors built the Nazi trucks and tanks. They didn’t know that ball bearings crucial to the Nazi war effort were manufactured in Philadelphia, yet were in short supply in the U.S.A. This was all done with the knowledge and permission of the U.S. Government. (For details, I recommend Charles Higham’s “Trading with the Enemy” 1983. Christopher Simpson’s “The Splendid Blond Beast,” 1993, and “Blowback,” 1998 are also useful.)
If the elite backed the Nazis, why didn’t the Nazis win? As my readers know, I believe the German people were “set up” to lose and be destroyed, and finally become the eunuchs they are today. The Nazi Party was a stalking horse designed to seduce and betray the German people. (Of course most Nazis were dupes.) All the while, the international business elite made money while the war degraded and demoralized humanity so it will accept banker world government. Like all wars, the Second World War was a war against humanity by the financial and occult elite.
Economist Robert Brady defined the Nazi state as “a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism. Its ‘fascism’ is that of business enterprise organized on a monopoly basis, and in full command of all the military, police, legal and propaganda power of the state.” (Richard Sasuly, “I.G. Farben,” 1947, p.128)
Communist Russia was the other half of the dialectic. It was also a dictatorship of monopoly capital, this time disguised as “public ownership.” A Nazi general visiting Russia in the 1930’s remarked that Communism was a “mirror-image” of Nazism. They were both Socialist. The only difference was that one peddled race while the other peddled class. Indeed both were created by the central banking cartel.
A key to understanding the New World Order is the psychology of the cartel. They want it all. Cartels by definition are a conspiracy. Their purpose is to defraud the public by keeping prices high. They do this by controlling competition, markets, raw materials and new technology. They are by definition megalomaniacal, anti-national, and anti social.
One of the earliest cartels was J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, which eliminated the competition by secretly fixing transportation costs. While pretending to profess Christianity, Rockefeller is famous for saying “The only sin is competition.”
The largest German cartel was the chemical, film and pharmaceutical giant I.G. Farben. Max Warburg was a director of Farben from 1910 to 1938. Farben produced 85% of Germany’s explosives in World War Two.
In 1926, Farben and Standard Oil entered into a cartel agreement in which Farben stayed out of synthetic oil in return for Standard representing Farben in the U.S. The upshot was that Standard Oil supplied the Nazis with petroleum in spite of U.S. shortages. It supplied a rare lead additive without which the Luftwaffe could not fly. It suppressed the production of synthetic rubber in the U.S., which almost cost the Allies the war.
In turn, Rockefeller got a cut of Farben’s other business, which included the many factories that employed slave labor from concentration camps like Auschwitz. (Farben-Rockefeller paid the SS for this labor at bargain rates. They paid the salaries of the SS guards.) They also supplied the poison gas that killed the laborers after their usefulness had ended.
The holocaust was very good business. Throughout the 1930’s Wall Street investment banks participated in “aryanization” which meant getting Jewish owned breweries, banks, factories, department stores, ect. for 30% of their value. The gold from teeth of holocaust victims ended up in their vaults.
The Nazi war machine was financed by the Bank of England (which, for example, transferred the Czech gold reserves to the Nazis), Wall Street and Jewish Plunder. It was finessed by lawyer John Foster Dulles, and his law firm Sullivan and Cromwell. Dulles later became U.S. Secretary of State.
Nazi Germany was a capitalist paradise. There was a 60-hour workweek, low wages and no unions. German cartels began preparing for war long before they financed Hitler. As countries fell under the Nazi jackboot, they absorbed former competitors at fire sale prices. “For German big business, World War II was a chance to plunder on a scale without precedent in history,” writes Sasuly (p.114)
After the war, Dillion Read banker General William Draper was put in charge of dismantling German industry and distributing it among the allies. Needless to say, this did not happen. His Wall Street cohorts owned too much of it. Nazi businessmen remained in positions of power. War criminals were transported to South America or went to work for the CIA.
The list of U.S. corporations that had the equivalent of $8 billion invested in Nazi Germany include Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Ford, the Chase and National CIty Banks, ITT and many others.
As a result, the men of “The Greatest Generation” didn’t know that ITT built the airplanes the dropped bombs on them. They didn’t know that Ford and General Motors built the Nazi trucks and tanks. They didn’t know that ball bearings crucial to the Nazi war effort were manufactured in Philadelphia, yet were in short supply in the U.S.A. This was all done with the knowledge and permission of the U.S. Government. (For details, I recommend Charles Higham’s “Trading with the Enemy” 1983. Christopher Simpson’s “The Splendid Blond Beast,” 1993, and “Blowback,” 1998 are also useful.)
If the elite backed the Nazis, why didn’t the Nazis win? As my readers know, I believe the German people were “set up” to lose and be destroyed, and finally become the eunuchs they are today. The Nazi Party was a stalking horse designed to seduce and betray the German people. (Of course most Nazis were dupes.) All the while, the international business elite made money while the war degraded and demoralized humanity so it will accept banker world government. Like all wars, the Second World War was a war against humanity by the financial and occult elite.
Hitler Planned on an Alliance with Churchill’s England
From (I, 232-233):
Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. His design was to conquer the U.S.S.R. in a loose “Nordic” alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the “Cliveden Set” a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.
Churchill’s backers, the privately-owned Bank of England set Hitler up as a means to menace Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany all at once. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their hands and slaughter national elites who might interfere with world government.
The Bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the “Policy of Appeasement.”
The ultimate “ugly secret” is that the U.S.S.R. was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They may have lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But Stalin would have had to do something terrible for the British to have jointed Hitler. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian Dialect. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression and indoctrination. Nazism was also a dry-run for the New World Order but it was their Plan “B”.
The real point is that history is hoax, contrived by Cabalist central bankers, to advance world tyranny. They empower perverts and misfits to create war and mayhem. For example, Winston Churchill suffered from chronic depression and thrived on mayhem. He confessed at the onset of WWI: “Everything is tending to catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up, and happy. Is it not horrible to be built like this?”
These monsters are our leaders. Subverted by a Luciferian cult, the moral bankruptcy of Western society is masked by material prosperity but this cannot last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentcia and masses can still be bought with their own money.
Churchill’s backers, the privately-owned Bank of England set Hitler up as a means to menace Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany all at once. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their hands and slaughter national elites who might interfere with world government.
The Bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the “Policy of Appeasement.”
The ultimate “ugly secret” is that the U.S.S.R. was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They may have lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But Stalin would have had to do something terrible for the British to have jointed Hitler. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian Dialect. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression and indoctrination. Nazism was also a dry-run for the New World Order but it was their Plan “B”.
The real point is that history is hoax, contrived by Cabalist central bankers, to advance world tyranny. They empower perverts and misfits to create war and mayhem. For example, Winston Churchill suffered from chronic depression and thrived on mayhem. He confessed at the onset of WWI: “Everything is tending to catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up, and happy. Is it not horrible to be built like this?”
These monsters are our leaders. Subverted by a Luciferian cult, the moral bankruptcy of Western society is masked by material prosperity but this cannot last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentcia and masses can still be bought with their own money.
Hitler’s British Agent Handler
Baron William de Ropp was a British agent who befriended Hitler and may have been his handler for the British. Many of Hitler's famous “daring” diplomatic & military coups were based on advanced knowledge provided by de Ropp., according to Ladislas Farago in the book “The Game of the Foxes.” Farago wrote: “A close personal relationship developed between the Fuhrer and de Ropp. Hitler, using him as his confidential consultant about British affairs, outlined to him frankly his grandiose plans... a trust no other foreigner enjoyed to this extent.”
”In 'King Pawn or Black Knight,' (1995) Gwynne Thomas writes: 'The Nazi leader took an instant liking to him, particularly when he discovered that de Ropp had powerful connections among English society and was well informed about much of what was happening in London. De Ropp not only enjoyed [Hitler's] confidence but became his spokesman in dealings with the many important British people Hitler wished to influence...there is strong evidence that de Ropp was instrumental in raising funds in the City of London to finance several of the Nazi election campaigns which ensured that by the end of 1933 the Nazi party was totally established and in control.' (p.25)” (II, 198)
The “Blond Beast” Reinhard Heydrich
“Ironically, the only member of the Nazi hierarchy who met the Aryan ideal was probably part-Jewish. More ironic still, Reinhard Heydrich (Chief of Gestapo and SD) is considered the architect of the ‘Final Solution,’ the plan to exterminate European Jewry.” (II, 210)

The "Blond Beast" Reinhard Heydrich
“Heinrich Himmler was Heydrich's boss. He told his doctor, Felix Kersten, that Heydrich was part-Jewish and that Hitler knew this. Hitler said his 'non-Aryan origins were extremely useful; for he would be eternally grateful to us that we had kept him not expelled him and would obey blindly. This was in fact the case.' ('The Kersten Memoirs,' 1957, p 97)” (II, 221)
“Heydrich was doubly ruthless to prove his loyalty. Heydrich accepted tasks ‘which no one else would care to do.’” (II, 211)
“Himmler went on: Heydrich 'was convinced the Jewish elements in his blood were damnable; he hated the blood which played him so false. The Fuhrer could really have picked no better man than Heydrich for the campaign against the Jews. For them he was without mercy or pity.’ (99)” (II, 211)
“Heydrich was in charge of the Einsatzgruppen units, tricks which followed the Wehrmacht and gassed Jews. He set up the system of concentration camps and planned the ‘Final Solution’ at the Wannsee Conference in Jan. 1942.” (II, 211)
“Though he died at age 38, Heydrich's list of other ‘accomplishments’ is formidable. Calic credits him with the Reichstag Fire (1933) and the ‘Night of the Long Knives’ (1934). Fest credits him for fabricating evidence that led to the purge of the USSR army in 1937-39, and traditional generals in the Wehrmacht. He paved the way for the Anschluss and piecemeal incorporation of Czechoslovakia. He organized the anti-Semitic pogrom known as ‘Crystal Night.’” (II, 212)
Post WWII — Zionist Roots of the “War on Terror”
After World War I and World War II, the League of Nations and the UN both promised world government to prevent war, but the populace didn’t realize the same Illuminati bankers were the ones who fomented the major wars in the first place. “The Elders of Zion vowed to harass the nations with corruption and strife until they accepted their ‘Superstate’ (i.e. world government tyranny.)” (I, 138)
Livia Rokach published a monograph in 1980 entitled “Israel’s Secret Terrorism” which is based on revelations from the personal diary of Moshe Sharett, who was Israel’s first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and the Prime Minister from 1954-1956. According to this diary which was attempted to be suppressed, Israel had always planned to become the dominant power in the region and it “invented dangers” to dupe its citizens and provoke wars. Sharett wrote: “The State... must see the sword as the main if not the only instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may — no it MUST — invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge... And above all, let us hope for a new way with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire out space.” (page 41)
“This policy of ‘reprisals’ or ‘provocation and revenge’ was also called ‘covert aggression.’ The U.S. ‘war on terror’ is a continuation of it. Essentially it involves disguising a policy of aggression as retaliation for bogus or false flag provocations.” (I, 152)
Israeli patrols would cross the border to attack Jordanians or Egyptians and then claim the attacks took place in Israel, and once attacked, they pursued the “aggressors” into enemy territory and caused much damage. Ariel Sharon was the leader of a squad “Unit 101” that specialized in these types of attacks, and his 1953 raid on the Jordanian village of Kibiyah killed dozens of civilians.
“In March 1954, an Israeli bus traveling between Eilat and Beersheba was attacked and 10 passengers were killed. The UN armistice Commissioner, a Col. Henderson said, 'from the testimonies of the survivors, it is not proved that all murderers were Arabs.' He attributed the attacks to 'terrorists intent on increasing tensions in the area.' (28) Thereupon the Israelis left the Armistice Commission in protest.” (I, 152)
“In June-July 1954, an Israeli terrorist squad blew up many British and American institutions in Cairo in an attempt to sour relations between Arabs and the West. Dubbed the ‘Levon Affair,’ this could have been the thinking behind the 2001 attack on the World Trade Centre.” (I, 152)
“From the point of view of ‘covert aggression', if terrorism didn’t exist, Israel would have to create it. Possibly, Israel’s security establishment inspired some recent attacks on Israelis. In some instances, the terrorists are described as ‘white.’ Remember the sniper who killed 10 Israeli reservists at a checkpoint Feb 3, 2004? If he were Palestine, wouldn’t he have struck again?” (I, 152)
“Now the Illuminati is using the same tactic on Americans. The Mossad’s fingerprints are all over 9/11. Apparently, Israel’s Zim Containter Lines moved their 200 man office out of the WTC a week before and paid a hefty penalty to break the lease. [Also note— One year later, a Zim ship was impounded while attempting to ship Israeli military equipment to Iran; it is speculated that this is done with the knowledge of Israel. This further supports Makow's theory that Ahmadinejad is Masonic ‘controlled opposition.’ See this link at Cooperative Research.] Seven of the supposed Arab ‘hijackers’ seem to be alive.” (I, 153)
Makow explains that the Illuminati has always used anti-Semitism to trick Jewish people into advancing its goals. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion describes anti-Semitism as “indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren.”
“I believe the Illuminati (i.e. Masonic central bankers) controls Israel’s security establishment and government. Many prominent Israeli politicians are Freemasons.” (I, 152)
“Israeli commentators lament that Israel is not a democracy. They say its security establishment has hijacked the country. One pundit remarked, 'Israel is not a state with an army, but and army with an affiliated state.' They also lament that a culture of corruption, brutality, and immorality pervades the army. (See Ran Ha-Cohen 'Israeli Elections So What?')” (I, 152)
Kevin Annette Rips the Mask from Power

Christian minister and Canadian activist Kevin Annette
“I have met Kevin Annett and he doesn’t have a halo. But he does exude a transparency and a dogged determination to make sure we learn the truth about the genocide of (he claims) ‘roughly’ 80-90 million North American Indians. He is the closest thing to a genuine dissident in this society, the closest thing to a real hero. Although he’s been fighting this lonely battle for 18 years, we haven’t heard of him, proof our ‘heroes’ are manufactured for us.” (II, 52)
Kevin worked as a minister for the organization in a British Columbia logging town, where he heard reports of ethnic cleansing at government funded, church-run “residential schools,” where native children were abducted and forced to attend concentration camps in disguise, where helpless children were physically and sexually abused, sterilized and exposed to deadly viruses as well as being subject to medical experimentation by Illuminati doctors. Annett explains the death rate was 50%, being 50,000 children dying in these schools. The Illuminati engaged in this because they wanted the land and water rights where aboriginal people are currently standing in the way.
“In an email, Kevin wrote: 'Continually, eyewitnesses describe that most of them never received formal education, besides religious instruction. Maybe one or two hours of schooling a week, the rest of the time working as a manual labour and farmed out as cheap labour or domestics to white families. The ones who got a better education were the collaborators, being trained to be puppets of the government and churches — they’re often the ones who now run the big aboriginal groups, band councils, ect. I also have letters from Indian Agents confirming that the kids were not to receive ‘too much’ education.'” (II, 53)
“Kevin’s blurring of class and color lines strained relations with the church ‘Old Guard’ but the deal breaker was when Kevin publicly opposed the lucrative sale of Aboriginal lands the church held in a trust to a large logging company.” (II, 53)
“Kevin was stripped of his Ministry, the only United Church Minister ever to be defrocked. His supporters were expelled from the church and his wife was pressured to divorce him and take their two children.” (II, 53)
Kevin then enrolled in a Ph.D. program at the University of British Columbia, where he exposed a deliberate government agenda of ethnic cleansing of one to two million Aboriginals in British Columbia over a century, and thus had his funding revolked and had to leave, being told “Unless you play the game, you’ll never work in this province again.”
Kevin’s message was blocked from the media because it included allegations of Canadian Supreme Court judges using Indian children for Pedophilia. “Similarly, when Kevin was beaten up or his documents stolen, the police and courts refused to act despite video footage of the theft. Why would they? They regarded the murder of thousands of Aboriginal children as ‘too big a task to investigate.’” (II, 54)
“Church. Corporations. Academia. Media. Law. Police. That leaves the government. In 2007, the Canadian government absolved the Church of any liability for its crimes. Kevin wrote to me then: 'Yes, all the churches have been grafted effective immunity; Indian Affairs announced so last February when they said there will be no criminal prosecution for anything that went on in the rez schools. Disgusting. Natives cannot sue the churches after the settlement - that was part of the deal the AFN (Assembly of First Nations) did on behalf of all the survivors, without consulting them once. It’s as bad a crime as the original atrocities.'” (II, 54)
Canadian Pedophile Judges Fear Exposure
“Under a thin veneer of Law, we are governed by a secret network of traitors, pedophiles, Satanists and criminals, masquerading as prominent lawyers and judges, politicians, businessmen and police chiefs. ... They are often Freemasons who derive their power from the central banking cartel based in London which controls the mass media and seeks to impose its tyranny in the guise of ‘world government.’ ... If you don’t believe me, you’ve probably never heard the names Renate Andres-Auger, Jack Cram and Bruce Clark. They are Vancouver lawyers who were dragged from the courtroom, drugged, disbarred and committed to a mental asylum when they attempted to expose this clique in the 1990’s.” (II, 55)
“Beautiful Vancouver B.C. was described by the Christian Science Monitor in 1997 as ‘a pedophile paradise,’ a place known for its ‘notorious sex trade,’ with an international reputation ‘as a city where it is easy to find a child for sex.’ In 1999, UNESCO named Vancouver one of the world’s top three centers for sex trafficking, child porn, and pedophilia because of the ‘suspected judicial protection for child sex offenders.’” (II, 55)
Kevin Annett wrote in “Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust” (p. 147-150) about Renate Andres-Auger, an aboriginal lawyer who charged certain judges and lawyers with a criminal conspiracy to aid and protect pedophiles. When she and her own Lawyer Jack Cram presented evidence in court including photographs and eye witness accounts that two Supreme Court judges were engaged in pedophilia and were using their office to protect other pedophiles (naming the “Vancouver Club” as a center of this pedophile ring), the Judge ordered Auger removed from court. “‘The sheriffs dragged Andres-Auger out of the court and you could hear her thumping down the stairs behind the judge’s bench.' ... Then the Judge ordered the sheriffs to remove her lawyer Jack Cram. Police were called to clear the courtroom of about 80 supporters.” (II, 55)
According to a press release, this is what happened when Cram took the cause to the public: “One night at about 11:30 p.m., after finishing a radio interview, Mr. Cram returned home, parked his car, and while walking to his apartment building five policemen emerged out of the bushes and leaped on him. He was put in an unmarked van and as soon as they got him in they ‘shot him full of something’ and he was transported to the psychiatric ward of Vancouver General Hospital— as a ‘no information’ patient.” (II, 56)
When it was found out where Jack Cram was, a lawyer was found who would file a habeas-corpus writ to release him but it was never used because Cram was unexpectedly released after being held for 7 days. Cram went directly from the psychiatric ward to a meeting of the committee that was under way at the time while he was still under the influence of the drugs that had been administered to him two hours prior to his release, but he was able to explain everything that happened. It turned out that it was two of his closest associates that signed papers to have Mr. Cram committed.
“After a trial, the court disbarred him for a year and fined him $10,000. He was bankrupt and had lost his practice. Cram moved to his ranch in Princeton, a community about 280 km east of Vancouver.” (II, 56)
A Judge Gibbs who made judgement on Dr. Clark’s appeal said that after Cram received treatment for his “paranoid-delusions mental illness,” he then dropped all his court cases that he started during his “delusional phase,” and one of the conditions to return to the bar after a year was to continue to seek psychiatric help for that year, and he could have been jailed for three months if he didn’t receive the treatment or defaulted on paying the fine.
“Renate Andres-Auger has gone underground. Law Society to BC official James Taylor, who disbarred Andres-Auger and Cram, became of a BC Supreme Court judge and issue an injunction in 2002 against mentioning the pedophile charges.” (II, 56)
“Ed John, a native leader accused of using Mafia tactics, and running cocaine and child prostitution rings, was actually named Minister of Child and Family Services in the NDP (socialist) provincial government in 2000. The injunction also covered any mention of these charges.” (II, 56)
Jennifer Wade, founder of Amnesty International in Vancouver, said in 1999: “The Cram/Andres-Auger story, to this day, remains a very strange and fearful tale of alleged corruption and pedophilia in high places. It is also a story which has never yet been completely told. Perhaps if it were, along with a few other strange stories, we as Canadians would have little reason to gasp at the exposure of pedophile rings in Belgium operating in high places two years ago. The matter of cover-ups possibly existing for those in high places in Canada is becoming more and more credible as more and more people speak out.”
“In 2007 Univ. of Lethbridge professor Anthony Hall commented in Canadian Dimension magazine: 'No public investigation into the treatment and accusations of Andres-Auger and Cram ever took place. We can only speculate, therefore, on the circumstances behind such a dramatic collapse of dignity and due process in the criminal-justice system. Certainly it is made to seem probable that some highly placed group or individual believed that he, she, or they had a great deal to lose if Andres-Auger and Cram had been able to press charges.'” (II, 57)
“Hall relates how in 1995, when lawyer Bruce Clark tried to make a legal argument on behalf of Aboriginal Clients, an incident transpired in a rural B.C. court similar to when Andres-Auger and Cram tried to being their evidence forward. Clark was taken into custody and sent to an institution for a compulsory psychological examination.” (II, 57)
“This is how dissidents were treated in another Illuminati satrap, the USSR. Granted these events took place 15-17 years ago, but you can bet they created a chill that continues today.” (II, 57)
“The Illuminati has a vital interest in using Native leadership to confiscate Aboriginal land and water, and to operate drug trafficking and pedophile rings. That’s why lawyers who attempted to represent ordinary Natives incurred the wrath of these (moral) reptiles. That’s when the mask slipped, and we had a glimpse of the Ugly reality of our society.” (II, 57)
Is the Pope a Catholic?
“When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court... we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders... By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.”— Protocols of Zion 17
A former Catholic Priest Piers Compton explains in his book “The Broken Cross” that the Papacy was subverted by the Illuminati in 1958 when John XXIII became Pope, which happened after 200 years of efforts to infiltrate the Church. The Illuminati regarded the Catholic Church as their chief enemy and their goal was “the complete annihilation of the Catholicism and even ultimately of Christianity. If Christianity were to revive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later revive and live.” (13-14)
In 1892, Pope Leo XIII identified two Kingdoms, one is the kingdom of God on Earth and those who desire to be united with it, and the other is the kingdom of Satan being those who refuse to obey divine and eternal law and have aims in contempt of and against God.
When Leo XIII died in 1903 he was nearly replaced by a Freemason whose appointment was vetoed at the last moment, and the Illuminati then had to wait 55 additional years to gain control of the Church.
Freemason John XXIII’s first acts as Pope in 1958 was to remove the element of Divine Revelations from Catholic teaching, and to embrace naturalism, materialism, and Communism.
John XXIII was replaced by Freemason Pope Paul VI in 1963, who was also a Socialist. In a speech to the United Nations he said: “It is your task here to proclaim the basic rights and duties of Man. You are the interpreters of all that is permanent in human wisdom; we could almost say of its sacred character.” (67) “Paul also embraced a sinister symbol used by Satanists in the Sixth Century, which has been revived by Vatican Two. ... This was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ. Black magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages had used it for occult purposes. It represented the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ ... Compton: 'Yet not only Paul VI but also his successors the two John Pauls carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for the anti Christ.' (72)” (II, 42)
Paul VI said in 1969: “We are about to witness a greater freedom in the life of the Church ... fewer obligations and fewer inward prohibitions. Formal disciplines will be reduced ... every form of intolerance will be abolished.” (104) “This attitude is explained by reports that from 1936-1950, the future Paul VI was part of a Communist espionage network, a part owner in a chain of brothels and financed erotic films. (110)” (II, 42)
Pope John Paul II was the first non-Italian Pope since 1522, and he supported the idea of Communism and legalized secret society membership for Catholics in 1983.
Central Bankers are Obsessed with “Divide and Conquer”
One of the key tactics the Illuminati uses is exploiting inappropriate “political correctness” in order to create a shield to advance their corrupt agendas.
“‘Human rights’ laws are Orwellian doublespeak for giving ‘rights’ to some people and taking them away from others.” (II, 115)
“[An example of rights being applied unevenly] was underlined recently here in Winnipeg when two married lesbians filed a human rights complaint against a Muslim MD. The female MD, from Egypt, suggested the Lesbians find another doctor. She didn’t refuse to treat them. She just said that in the future find someone else because her religion proscribed homosexuality and she had no experience treating homosexuals. ... The local medical association said the MD will have to take more ‘orientation’ courses. Why do the [lesbian’s] rights trump the doctor’s religious rights? Because the laws are drafted by Rockefeller-based elitists to undermine heterosexuality and break up the nuclear family. These elitists don’t give a fig about homosexuals.” (II, 115)
“Another example: A few months ago, the Canadian Muslim Congress filed a complaint over a story by a Jewish journalist Mark Steyn on the threat of Muslim world domination. The media blitzed the Canadian Human Rights Commission with indignant complaints about violations of free speech. The CHRC dutifully refused hear the Muslim complaint. Can you imagine this happening if the article were on Jewish world domination?” (II, 115)
“In the UK, a nurse was suspended for offering to pray for an elderly patient’s recovery (The Telegraph, January 31, 2009) while the Home Office has recognized a ‘Pagan Police Association’ and permitted leave on satanic holidays eight times a year, including summer solstice and Halloween. ('Pagan Police Get Solstice Leave' BBC July 16, 2009)” (II, 115)
“Have you noticed that, despite the recession, atheists have money to burn? They can afford to take ads on busses questioning the existence of God. This campaign which began in the UK has come to Canada.” (II, 116)
“‘There’s probably no God’ the ads say. That’s ‘hate’ in my book. Believe what you want but don’t plaster it over busses. Everyone has their own conception of God. For me, God is synonymous with spiritual ideals like truth, beauty, harmony, and love. So don’t tell me there is no God. We are all in touch with God whether or not we believe in Him.” (II, 116)
“This atheist campaign is just a front for the Illuminati cult that funds all ‘popular’ movements. ... Getting people to be agnostics or atheists is a step toward eventually enthroning the Anti Christ or Lucifer.” (II, 116)
“This campaign is an affront to the 72% of Canadians who, according to polls, believe in God. How do they get away with it? The Canadian Jewish Congress hauled me up in front of the human rights commission for writing Pharisaic Judaism made its followers into ‘metaphysical outcasts.’ I didn’t advertise on buses!” (II, 116)
Bill Gates — Satanist in Sheep’s Clothes?
The Bill Gates Foundation is the wealthiest of its type, being five times larger than the next largest Ford Foundation, and it is entirely dedicated to advancing the goals of the New World Order. It is shown that the Gates Foundation is associated with the Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust) which is a component of the Pagan cult that rules the world.
The Lucis Trust was established by Alice Bailey in 1922. It was established to promote the New Age movement, and it is the official publisher for the United Nations and it manages the “Meditation Room” at the UN. Bailey was the leader of the Theosophical Society started in 1875 which is a branch of Freemasonry. Theosophy spawned the occult societies that created Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Ideology. (”The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and the Coming Age of Barbarism” 1983) In 1949, Bailey wrote that the Jewish holocaust was due to the Jews’s bad karma (”Esoteric Healing,” p.236), and she teaches that Jews are from a different solar system and that Orientals and Blacks are from a different root race. Occidental races must control the world, as they are our most evolved root race. (Cumbey, 115) Makow writes: “This must be of concern since a major focus of the Gates Foundation is providing billions of dollars worth of vaccines to the poor in Third World countries.” (II, 46)
“Bill Gates is also mentioned on the Lucis Trust web site: 'Through the philanthropic and humanitarian work of such people as George Soros, Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and Bono, to name just a few, people are beginning to recognize the needs of the world’s destitute people and acting to do something about them. There is talk by Soros and another thinker, James Tobin, about the creation of some type of tax upon financial transactions that would be used to support domestic programs in the developing world. Humanity surely has the ability to institute these and similar changes; it just needs the will to do so.'” (II, 47)
The Tobin Tax is a part of the Lucis Trust “Plan,” which begins with a proclamation of the “Maitreya” who is the New Age Messiah who they have been grooming for more than three decades. “The ‘Plan’ also involves a new world government and religion under Maitreya; a universal credit card system; an authority that would control the food supply; a universal tax; and a universal draft. ... 'The plan to outlaw all present religious practices and symbols of orthodox Jews and Christians,' Cumbey writes. 'New Agers have threatened violence and even extermination of Jews, Christians and Moslems who fail to co-operate with Maitreya and this new religion.' (20)” (II, 47)
It is explained how Bailey describes the Theosophical society as worshiping “Lucifer” who they identify with the Sun which they call the “Centrifugal Energy of the Universe,” believing he is a “messenger” who conferred on us spiritual rather than physical immortality. They believe he and his adherents live in the Sun being a “sea of fire” which is “the fount of life in our system, where they are petrified .. and churned up to re-arrange them for another life; that Sun which, as the origin of the active principal of our Earth, is at once the Home and the Source of the Mudane Satan.”
“‘New Agers generally do not openly repudiate Christianity,’ Cumbley writes. ‘They redefine Christ to give pagan Gods equal time, and expand the definition of Christ to be the integral essence of themselves.’ (146)” (II, 47)
“While New Agers ‘would rightfully picket to prevent a Nazi demonstration, they fail to see that point-for-point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler.’ (56, Cumbey does the point-by-point comparison on pp.114-120)” (II, 47)
Environmental and world hunger causes all have a hidden globalist agenda, with anti-hunger programs used to back measures for abortion, artificial insemination, forced limitations on family size, genetic control and even death control.
Sex Politically Neutralizes the Masses
The Illuminati engage in sexual rituals including group sex, bondage, incest, and pedophilia, and they have been implementing a program of acclimating society to increasingly loosen their sexual mores to shift away from a traditional family structure to one where individuals are more beholden to the State.
Makow laments about a trend in the mainstream entertainment media of joking about having sex with the mothers of friends, such as in a Saturday Night Live skit called “F--k Mom for Mother’s day” and in an episode of the NBC show “My Name is Earl.” “The Illuminati goal is to totally control and dominate every human being. After war and debt, sex is the primary weapon for the degradation and enslavement of mankind. There is a direct link between the ‘Mother Love’ skit on SNL and the U.S.’s sexual torture and rape of prisoners in Abu Graib. Both are designed to degrade, dehumanize and enslave. ... Sex neutralizes the masses politically. When people are obsessed with their genitals, they are not going to examine who holds power. Leaders can be controlled by their peccadilloes. 'As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends to increase,' Aldous Huxley wrote.” (II, 100)
The Cabalist bankers have been following a plan of using education and media to undermine the institution of marriage and family. “In 1970, 69 percent of 25-year-old and 85 percent of 30-year-old white men were married; in 2000 only 33 percent and 58 percent were, respectively. ... Meanwhile women have postponed marriage and usurped the male role as protector and provider. ‘In 1960, 70% of American 25-year-old women were married with children; in 2000, only 25% of them were. ... In today’s Hungary, 30% of women in their early thirties are single, compared with 6% of their mothers’ generation at the same age.’ (Hymowitz, 'The New Girl Power')”
“Until the ‘sexual revolution’ (1960’s) most men and women were quite able to restrict sex to marriage. This ensured that women weren’t exploited sexually and children were brought up in an emotionally and financially stable environment. Young children are vulnerable and need the undivided attention of at least one loving parent. Mothers need husbands to support them while raising children. Men and Women are less likely to stay together if sex is freely available.” (II, 100)
“In the last 50-200 years, the Illuminati has brainwashed us to see marriage and family in a negative light. It is very hard to find positive images in the mainstream media. This is not an accident.” (II, 101)
“Today in the United States, 40% of all births are out of wedlock. That means close to half of the population will not have a stable, secure upbringing and the love and guidance of a father. The Illuminati is advancing its goal of replacing the nuclear family with the State, which will train people to serve it.” (II, 111)
The CIA was Behind the Drug Culture
In the 1950’s, the CIA experimented with LSD for use in interrogation and as a weapon, and in the 1960’s “they used this weapon to divert idealistic Americans from the path of social responsibility to one of introspection and self-gratification.”
“The mantra of the age was ‘Tune in, Turn on and Drop Out.’ The prophet was psychologist Dr. Timothy Leary (1920-1996). .. Was Leary working for the CIA? Writer Mark Reibling put this question to the aged guru in 1994. .. ‘They never gave me a dime,’ Leary replied with a pained expression, and then avoided his questioner.” (II, 88)
“In fact, Leary did get money from them but not very much. When I visited him about 1990, he was strained for money. While not a CIA agent, Leary was their dupe. The CIA promotes self motivated people who are unaware how they are advancing the New World Order Agenda.” (II, 88)
Leary received his drugs and funds from the CIA. In his biography “Flashback” Leary credits the CIA executive Cord Meyer, who funded him with “helping me to understand my political cultural role more clearly.” Elsewhere Leary said the “Liberal CIA” is the “best Mafia you can deal with in the Twentieth Century.” “Leary clearly was working for the CIA but was doing what he wanted— turning on. Like Leary, we were all dupes.” (II, 88)
“[The] LSD fueled vision of utopia was put into practice at the highest levels of the US government. In 1963, Cord Meyer’s estranged wife, Mary Pinchot Meyers, introduced LSD to President John F. Kennedy. Mary approached Leary for supplies and advice. ... In Dec. 1963, Meyer called Leary and said they killed JFK because ‘they couldn’t control him anymore. He was changing too fast. They’ve covered everything up. I’m afraid. Be careful.’ In Oct. 1964, she was murdered.” (II, 88)
Watching Trafficked Woman Being Abused is Now the Norm
Shelly Lubben is a porn star who decided to change her life and expose social problems created by porn and abuses inherent in the industry by starting the organization “Pink Cross.”
“Porn stars rarely start out from a love of sexual exhibitionism. Along with poverty and broken families, childhood abuse is very common.” (II, 93)
“Shelly said: 'Many actresses experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and neglect by parents. Some were raped by relatives and molested by neighbors. When we were little girls, we wanted to play with dollies and be mummies, not have big scary men get on top of us. So we were taught at a young age that sex made us valuable.'” (II, 93)
“Often they are teenage runaways picked up by pimps. They only escape one circle of abuse by entering another; they can’t run from the pain so they go toward it. Fast forward a few years and they find themselves in a zombified state, drunk and drugged on a porn set as they re-live the same abuse they experienced growing up.” (II, 94)
“Shelly continues: 'The same horrible violations we experienced then, we relive through as we perform our tricks for you in front of the camera. And we hate every minute of it.'” (II, 94)
“It is incredible to realize that it has become the norm for young men to grow up watching videos of trafficked women being abused for their amusement. It is legitimized by the silence of the media, education systems and religious groups, who rarely denounce it.” (II, 95)
They Sold their Soul for Rock and Roll
Makow talks about a recent NBC Dateline story about two seemingly average American teenagers who murdered and cut up a friend, and put the body parts in a garbage bag in a drain sewer. He explains that such behavior is promoted by occultic entertainment media teaching children to “murder, rape, and hate society in general, and especially Christians and Christianity,” and he recommends viewing a 4-DVD presentation entitled They Sold their Soul for Rock and Roll which examines Satanism’s role in the history of Western popular music.
Illuminati Connected Celebrities Flock to “Raelism”
A contributor to Makow’s website Steve Thomas describes a network of several thousand Illuminati-connected celebrities and politicians who are connected to the leader of a cult called “Raelism,” Rael Maitreya or his alter ego “Igor N. Grata.” The network includes names ranging from “Rothschild to Rockefeller, Madonna to McCartney, Olmert to Onassis, Guilderberg-connected Madames ... to Cardinals and Monarchs.” (II, 123)
“Daniel Vandinja, a former high level Raelian, describes the Raelian belief system, where: 'God is a fantasy and the human soul is a joke. Eternal life is to reached through CLONING and the true Gods are E.T.s, who will come to earth to save us from destruction.'” (II, 124)
In Vandinja’s book “RAEL, The Masonic Messiah,” he explains that Raelism reverses truth, “God is replaced by aliens,” and Satan and God are reversed. People are encouraged to welcome aliens who require subservience from humankind, and Jesus is blasphemously defined as “a half-breed alien.”
“We discover Raelian contributions to wider plans for: human cloning; ... depopulation and reforestation; weather control; Tesla and HAARP technology (engineered earthquakes); global cashless currency with personal id chips; 24/7 remote satellite surveillance; world federation government; global universal education; discrediting Christianity and Islam; ... and as world citizens soldiers as ‘peace-keepers.’” (II, 124)
“In 1994, Serge Monast, a Canadian journalist revealed the existence of a NASA ‘Project Blue Beam,’ a global light show that will pretend to manifest the return of the Messiah from outer space. In fact, he will be the anti-Christ. Is the Illuminati building up to yet another monstrous hoax with the support of the Raelians and the movie ‘Avatar?’” (II, 124)