A Summary of an Article by Phillip Worts: “Marxism & Community Oriented Policing”
by Edward Ulrich, updated September 20, 2022

“Community Policing” is a strategy to put Marxist Antifa / “Black Lives Matter”-type thugs in charge of overseeing police activity.
In the year 2000, Phillip Worts, a detective for the San Diego Police Department, wrote an essay that details the ongoing agenda of the political Establishment to implement “Community Oriented Policing,” which is actually a plan to turn police officers into Soviet-style Marxist “change agents.”
In the article, Worts first explains a basic history of Marxism and the agenda of implementing it in the U.S., and he then details the writings of the “father of community policing” Robert Trojanowicz which shows that he strategized to intentionally cause “crime, disorder, and fear of crime” in communities in order to create an excuse to implement “community policing.” Worts then explains how such “community police” are actually playing the role of Marxist facilitators that remove an important previously existing barrier between the increasingly tyrannical government and public citizens.
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Article Notes
September 20, 2022 - Moved this article to New of Interest.TV from Open Minded Realism.
Following are key points from Worts’ article:
Introductory Information
— The idea of Communism being “dead” and the cold war being over is a myth, and in fact nothing could be farther from the truth.
— The philosophy of a “Hegelian dialectic” claims that “everything is relative,” as well as “there is no absolutely truth,” and it claims “the truth is a ‘compromise.’” The “God is Dead” philosopher Nietzsche claimed, “‘There is absolutely no absolute.’ Now 2+2 can equal 5, or 17, or whatever you feel is right.” Nietzsche’s philosophy causes people to irrationally challenge any authority or position, where they reason: “‘My truth’ is just as good as ‘your truth,’ so don’t tell me what to think or how to behave.”
— Karl Marx drew heavily from the philosophy of the Hegelian dialectic because of its usefulness as a tool for exploiting naive and irrationally-thinking people to use them as weapons. Marx reasoned that social change could only happen through conflict that is caused by people who have been indoctrinated in such a way.
— The term “New World Order” has been a popular euphemism for “World Communism” for years, but once it started to take on negative connotations, the phrase was changed to the label “global governance.”
The Marxist Trojan Horse: “Total Quality Management” (TQM)
— Groups of Communists have been in the process of indoctrinating the U.S. for many decades, under such terms as “Fabian Socialists.”
— People who were in the Communist German “Institute for Social Research” came to the U.S. during World War II to continue their work in American universities. Kurt Lewin was such a Communist who taught at M.I.T. and specialized in developing “behavior modification techniques” for pro-Communist indoctrination, and variations of such techniques were later used to brainwash American POWs into becoming Communists. Kurt Lewin’s technique of “behavior modification” made use of exploiting people’s fears in a “group dynamic” to cause social catastrophe to bring about a “predetermined outcome” of a change to Communism.
— The strategy of “Total Quality Management” implements Kurt Lewin’s research to cause people to shift a society toward Communism. The term is actually double-speak, where “Total” means “Global,” “Quality” means “people,” and “Management” means “agents of change.” “TQM” agents have been changing the role of policing in the U.S. by restructuring police departments with programs called “COPs,” or “Community Oriented Policing.”
— A U.S. Department of Justice brochure identifies “Community Policing” as a “Shift in philosophy about police duties vs. community responsibilities to a team concept of TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT of the community. Reidentifying the police role as a FACILITATOR in the community. (emphasis added)”
— A most accurate translation of the DOJ brochure would be: “Transformation from a constitutionally empowered local police force performing their duty to keep the peace to that of a change agent working within the community to affect a Marxist paradigm shift.”
— The influential German Marxist Georg Lukacs said the following about who the facilitators are in the community: “The institutions in socialist society which act as the facilitators between the public and private realms are the Soviets. They (facilitators) are the congresses (diverse groups), which facilitate the debate (dialoguing to consensus) of universal problems (social issues) in the context of the everyday.”
— “POP,” or “Problem Oriented Policing” is described in a positive and benevolent-sounding manner, such as: “Leaders of the community (law enforcement, government, business, education, health, civic, non-profit, medical, religious, etc.) collaborating to identify problems in the community, what the significant impact on people will be, and suggesting solutions to those problems.”
— COPs is also described in a benevolent-sounding manner: “Identifying common ground, where all factions of a community can work together for the COMMON GOOD of the community in a broader problem-solving approach. Forming a partnership between police and the rest of the community where each is accountable to each other and the community as whole.” Note that the “common good” is an ever-present “ideal” in a Communist state, where individual rights become subordinated to the so-called “greater good.” In other words, police officers are being unwittingly implemented as “partners” with community groups and social service programs that are unaccountable to the public voters due to the blurring lines of responsibility.
About the mentalities of Dr. Robert Trojanowicz, the “Father of Community Oriented Policing”
— The late socio-psychologist Dr. Robert Trojanowicz was the director of the National Center for Community Policing at the University of Michigan, and he is considered to be “the father of Community Oriented Policing.”
— Trojanowicz’s writings show that he actually did understand the most significant dynamics of crime prevention and social disorder. For example, he wrote: “Social control is most effective at the individual level. THE PERSONAL CONSCIENCE IS THE KEY ELEMENT in ensuring self-control, refraining from deviant behavior even when it can be easily perpetrated,” and he also wrote: “The family, the next most important unit affecting social control, is obviously instrumental in the initial formation of the conscience and in the continued reinforcement of the values that encourage law abiding behavior.”
— ... However, Trojanowicz then reasoned that since not enough people possess enough self-control or come from stable enough families, then it means “the State” must step in to force control onto them (through the imposition of Communism,) where he said, “Unfortunately, because of the reduction of influence exerted neighbors, the extended family and even the family, social control is now often more dependent on external control, than on internal self-control.” Trojanowicz advocated simply “cracking down” on the populace by tricking them into becoming Communists rather than advocating that people develop more healthy attitudes of personal responsibility.
— Trojanowicz also wrote in a bigoted manner that the traditional Judeo-Christian values of working hard to succeed is challenged by the “growing numbers of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists among us,” which he additionally used as a rationale for his agenda of implementing Communist controls.
— Trojanowicz then wrote, “The community of interest generated by crime, disorder and fear of crime becomes the GOAL to allow the community policing officer an entire into the geographic community (emphasis added).” Therefore, the “father of community policing” is actually advocating that “crime, disorder, and fear of crime” are EXTERNALLY CREATED in order to create a justification for the implementation of “community police officers.”
— Trojanowicz’s writings demonstrate how social planners have no intention of actually “improving societies” by creating crime-free communities, but rather they are acting as agents of chaos to create an excuse for subverting the populace with Communism.
— The Socio-psychologist James Coleman wrote, “If ‘Equality of Opportunity’ is to be become a part of the American Dream, the traditional family must be weakened.”
— The Socio-psychologist Warren Bennis wrote in his book “The Temporary Society” the following: “In order to effect rapid change, one must mount a vigorous attack on the family lest the traditions of present generations be preserved.” Another book by Bennis called “Leaders” was recommended reading for people being promoted to Sergeant on the San Diego Police Department, where Bennis identifies the leaders in any organization as “agents of change”!
— Trojanowicz additionally admitted in no uncertain terms what his research is about: “It should also be noted that the continuing interest in finding a viable definition for the term COMMUNITY has not merely been an intellectual exercise. The theme underlying much of the research is that once you can identify a community, you have discovered the primary unit of society ABOVE the level of the individual and family that can be mobilized to take concerted action to bring about POSITIVE SOCIAL CHANGE (emphasis added).”
— Trojanowicz also quoted Saul Alinsky, the extreme Marxist change agent of the 60’s who authored the book “Rules for Radicals.” Alinsky proposed “we begin viewing community through the prism of issues (Issues=problems=crisis=conflict) which, in essence, constitutes the most urgent kind of community of interest.”
— Trojanowicz said, “What community policing does is put an officer in daily face-to-face contact with the community, so that he or she can have the input of the community in setting priorities. Unlike police programs of the past where police administrators or so-called community leaders set the police agenda, the community policing movement encourages average citizens to become involved.”
— Police administrators were previously accountable to elected officials who were accountable to the voters, but Trojanowicz’s new paradigm is exactly what the Marxist George Lukacs termed “participatory democracy” and it is nothing more than a Soviet-style council.
— The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land and it was designed to RESTRAIN government intrusion into the rights of the individual. The framers intended to insulate the private realm (the individual) from the public realm (government.)
— Lukacs said, “The institutions in socialist society which act as the facilitators between the public and private realms are the Soviets.” By implementing that we are removing the only barrier between a tyrannical government and the public citizens! Your neighborhood cop is that Soviet facilitator.
— Finally, Lukacs said, “In the role of the community ombudsman/liaison (i.e. facilitator), the community policing officer also acts as the community’s link to other public agencies. The police are the only governmental agency open 24 hours a day, which makes them the ideal public agent to begin regenerating community spirit.”
“Conclusion: Useful idiots?”
— When Lenin was consolidating the Bolshevik revolution, he implemented the Communist bureaucracy without the help of hardcore Marxist believers. He did so by exploiting the vanity and ambition of people to forward his agendas without their knowing what he was really doing, where he made people eager to gain his favor to enhance their political careers to the point that they would fall all over themselves trying to promote his agenda. He called these types of people “useful idiots.” [Note it is disputed if Lenin actually used that term, however it has been widely used for quite some time, such as by the Austrian-American economist Ludwig von Mises who labeled Communists and Liberals as that in his 1947 book “Planned Chaos.”]
— Not every police officer should be branded as an “undercover Marxist,” since most are not actually aware of what they are participating it. Most officers intuitively sense that something is wrong, but they go along with it rather than risk damaging their careers.
— The concepts of “promoting mutual trust,” “cooperation between the people and the police,” and “empowering neighborhoods” sound healthy, however they are doublespeak for implementing community policing which is actually a vehicle for implementing Marxism.
— Phillip Worts closes his article by stating the following:
Who asked the citizenry if they wanted their communities “transformed” and their government “reinvented?” Who asked parents if they wanted their children to learn with their feelings instead of learning facts? Who asked your local police officers if they wanted their beliefs and attitudes manipulated?
No one asked because if someone did, they would have been run out of town. Instead, using dialectic-reasoning skills, they have schemed to seduce, deceive and manipulate every community in the land into a utopian vision of so-called “unity in diversity.”
These social engineers have no intention of taking America back to individual conscience within the family structure in order to preserve domestic peace and tranquility. That would mean a return to recognizing and submitting to the Higher Authority. This “vision” has failed wherever it has been tried. By participating in the dialectic, we have deified human reason; traded in God and truth for relative values and consensus; and abandoned individual liberty and inalienable rights for the common good and diversity. In the final analysis, we are destined for Totalitaria, and worse, the loss of our souls.
The terms “communism,” “socialism,” “Marxism,” “New World Order” etc., may be worn out and abandoned. The names change, because deception is one of the rules of the game. Many erroneously believe that the cold war is over and that we actually won. But the revolution is still very much alive and America is losing. The culture war is raging in our schools, our workplaces, our media and our churches. Antonio Gramsci would be very pleased if he could see just how effective his strategy has been.
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A Summary of an Article by Phillip Worts: “Marxism & Community Oriented Policing” |